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Oct 2016 · 464
A morning at daddy's
Sannie Oct 2016
The moment I walk out of my bedroom, I smell the unmistakable odor of alcohol. I could pick this smell out of a hundred other smells, this one would always stick out. It’s not only alcohol though.  It’s the mix of a thousand cigarettes that have been put out in an empty beer bottle, and the vague savor of last night’s junk food. Probably pizza, but it could have been fries and I wouldn’t have known.

I’m trying to find a place on the kitchen counter where I can put my glass on. It takes some shoving dishes, but there it is, 4 inches of a dusted counter where I can pour myself a drink. I open the fridge, and try to find some juice in between the bottles of beer and cheap wine. Just as I’ve found the last bottle of apple juice, half empty and almost gone bad,  daddy comes out of his bedroom. His hair stood up as if he was Johnny Bravo, and if only the resemblance stopped there… Daddy stumbles his way to the couch and lets himself fall onto it with a loud ‘thud’. ‘Good morning princess.’ he says. ‘Good morning daddy,’ I reply. ‘Did you sleep well? And how is your head, does it still hurt?’. But it was like talking to a wall, daddy was already snoring on the couch, radiating so much alcohol that I could have gotten drunk just from standing there.

I always thought it was a wonder that our couch hadn’t collapsed yet. It was old, and had so much creaks in the leather you’d think it was a pattern. In the middle there was a dent, right in the place where daddy falls asleep. He’s actually way too tall to be lying on a couch that small, but it’s all that fit in his little mobile home. Right across it was an old big tv, which was only used to check the 8 pm weather, and put on his favorite music dvd. There was also a kind of fancy chair, but most times my brother already claimed it. When you lean back, there appears this little thing where you can lay your feet on.

I knew this chair must has come with the mobile home itself, it’s a pretty expensive chair. But with this chair taken too, all I can do is get a chair from our little square dining table to enjoy my apple juice as a 2pm breakfast.
I'm sorry this is more of a story than a poem, but I thought I'd share it anyways.
Jun 2016 · 372
Off beat
Sannie Jun 2016
Is it possible, that maybe I am just off beat?
Somehow, I always seem to fall behind.
I always miss out on the good things, get stuck in the bad things.

People always say; '' You know, a while ago I actually liked you. Not anymore tho. "
They tell me ; " At first I really wanted to friends with you, but things happened and I decided not to."

Without even knowing, people consider me.  And shove me away right at the moment I am aware of it.

How am I supposed to feel confident, when people only tell me how they feel after the real feelings are already gone?
Jun 2016 · 450
YOU and I
Sannie Jun 2016
YOU are what my mind is craving.
YOU are not what my body wants.
YOU are what makes my heart flutter.
YOU are making my feelings go WOOSH


I am not what you need right now.
I am not even close to crossing your mind.
I am not the one to save you.
I am not what'll make your heart go WOOSH

So as long as YOU and I are no WE.
What is the point of us then?
Jun 2016 · 306
Sannie Jun 2016
how did it become that she was sad,
for his ache.
how did her legs move for his,
and her feet tremble.
just like her lightweighted heart,
whom felt heavy in her chest.
but like a feather stroking his.

how did she become his,
and just him too.
not even a person anymore,
just a vessel.
his vessel.
his mind.
over 2 bodies.
Jun 2016 · 330
did not
Sannie Jun 2016
many years ago, we met two of them.
they were very much alike, but not enough.
you said they'd change along.

but they did not, and you did.
got me stuck between them.
until we were very much alike, but not enough.
you said we'd change along.

but we did not.
Jun 2016 · 337
Sannie Jun 2016
my heart can't handle it.

my mind can't carry it.

my body can't survive it.


his promises won't make it.

his words won't do it.

his feelings won't BE it.
May 2016 · 298
Sannie May 2016
I wanna go home, but home walked away on 2 legs and blue Nikes.
I wanna go sleep, but now that I'm alone I don't know how
I wanna be warm, but warmth flew away, leaving me frozen
I wanna be safe, but the only one who gave me that, came right back at me making me feel hurt all over again.

I wanna go home I say, while laying in my bed. When even home doesn't feel like home anymore, where do I go to sleep? Where do I go to feel warm and safe?
May 2016 · 219
Sannie May 2016
Honestly, I am so sick of asking.
So tired of beginning.

Just for once, it'd be nice if things came to me instead of me having to run after them.

These people whom I only talk to if I try real hard.
Those friends that only want me if I do things for them.
Those grades that drop no matter my effort.
May 2016 · 358
that's okay
Sannie May 2016
Well that's okay! Don't bother anwsering me.

I'm just one of them all right?

Just don't you dare come to me, all seriously and full of 'regret', and then the hour after do the same things all over again.

You've lost me, and you better like the feeling of living without me. Otherwise you'd be forced to actually care.

How awful would that be right?
May 2016 · 507
I'll save you the effort
Sannie May 2016
I have been patient with you. I have been kind and forgiving with you. But do you care? No! All you do is whine about having nobody that cares.

And I will guarantee you if you keep going down this road, you will soon turn around and find nobody behind.
Especially not me. Because **** boy, you are good at pulling people in, and pushing them away as soon as they care.

But don't bother pushing me away, I'll save you the effort and leave all by myself.
May 2016 · 241
this is on you,
Sannie May 2016
Oh darling, why do you spend so much time making sure they'll know how "different" you are?

Do you think that makes them love you? Really baby we both know better than that.

Cuz all those time you feel left out, made fun of or just a stanger in your own life...
You blame them for the statement you've created yourself.

Nobody could have ever forced you to be like this, this is on you ***.
May 2016 · 213
Sannie May 2016
What the hell am I doing?

I run after you, but as soon as I catch up I'm not even sure I want you next to me.
I text you, but as soon as you respond I don't actually want to talk to you.

Maybe it's the rush of chasing, and maybe the feeling just settles down as soon as the hunt is over.

But ****,

what the hell am I doing?
May 2016 · 256
Sannie May 2016
***** glasses but a steady mind.
 No, really baby I don't mind.
We can take it slow, I can play it kind.
 I'm not what you crave for, but I sure am all you'll find.

Gentle kisses where you ache, I'll love you where you're bruised. Please don't worry about me, this aint the first time I've been used.

Look at me through your ***** glasses, so when you take em off I'm way up high. Let me hold you as the moment passes, Let me whisper this isn't good bye.

I'll be loving you, and you'll be loving her. But when it's feeling that we're counting, you'll see it as unfair, oh baby I'm sure.
May 2016 · 275
Sannie May 2016
His hair has always been my weak point.
The way it flowed between my fingers.
The way I could bury my face in his neck and feel his soft curls tingle my cheeckbone.

He's once asked me; should I cut my hair?
And I responded; Ohh hell no! If you do that I'm gonna break up with you!

Well now he's broken up with me and I guess nothing was holding him back anymore.
It's gone now, the beautiful hair that pulled me in at first. The hair that made me go crazy all those times. It's gone just as much as he's gone.

And I know I'll never get it back.
I just started wondering whether I'd want it to.
May 2016 · 233
Sannie May 2016
All I ever asked was time, and even that you couldn't give me.

They say time is money,
maybe you took that a bit too seriously,
and I a little too casually.
May 2016 · 256
Sannie May 2016
They say you photograph whatever you fear of losing.

I guess that's why I had to empty 80% of my Cameraroll as soon as you left.

And why you probably won't even have to delete anything at all.
Apr 2016 · 233
The unknown
Sannie Apr 2016
All those words that our fingers have created.
Questions and answers, wonders and confessions.
But still? No name or face.
No gender nor race.
Somehow I'm not even curious.
The unknown kinda turns me on.
Apr 2016 · 594
I trust you
Sannie Apr 2016
If I were to lose my sight, I would want you to be my eyes for me.

Because I now, you'd be the only one who would find the right words to say.

I trust you to tell me how the water sparkled as I step into the sea.

I trust you to stand behind me and whisper in my ear, to describe your favorite moments to me.
Apr 2016 · 208
Sannie Apr 2016
During a relationship, you always notice that things are losing it's magical shine.

After all we've been through, to you I have seemed to lost mine. I felt it when you looked at me, and all those times you didn't want me.

It's just that when your shine was fading I've always managed to polish some back on. It's sad that you couldn't do the same for me.
Apr 2016 · 221
Sannie Apr 2016
Right now, while I am standing in this train full of people, all I can think about is nothing, and everything at the same time.

I can hear my heart beating, my breath that goes unsteady. My eyelashes as I blink, my throat as I swallow. But what I cannot hear is your voice, for  you're not mine anymore.

The sad thing is, I still am yours.
Apr 2016 · 336
As the river flows
Sannie Apr 2016
It seems as everything goes on, I stand still. The river keeps flowing, but I'm that dead fish that's stuck behind a rock. Believe me when I say, I am trying my hardest to swim again.

But it feels like everytime I think I'll be able to move again, another fish rushes by and reminds me of you. And there I am, stuck again behind that ******* rock.

The worst thing is, you've created this rock for me. We build it togheter. And while to the outsiders I pretend to be swimming again, the insiders just hang on with me.
Apr 2016 · 434
The art of letting go
Sannie Apr 2016
The art of letting go, is not to step over te pain.
It's not to ignore your feelings, ignore the ache.

The art of letting go, is being able to let the pain in.
Let it overwhelm you, and afterwards take control.

Because the amazing Brendon Urie once said: "being blue, is better than being over it"
Apr 2016 · 237
Goodbye, my lover
Sannie Apr 2016
Well, hello.
It's been 8 days right? Since you left me.

Do you know how much you've hurt me? Probably not. Because al though we've broken up, I know you'd still care.

Well, goodbye?

Now that I know all the feelings have left us too, I have nothing left to fight for. So I guess this is goodbye.
Mar 2016 · 295
Sannie Mar 2016
When you're reading an amazing book,
you don't escape live,
you dive into it.

( dutch)
Als je een geweldig boek leest,
ontsnap je niet aan het leven,
maar je duikt er juist in.
this is just an amazing quote I found the other day. It really describes how I feel when I am reading a book.
Mar 2016 · 552
Sannie Mar 2016
She's a very special girl.

People burn themselves trying to catch her light.
People drown trying to look in her blue blue eyes.
Mar 2016 · 311
Sannie Mar 2016
I don't know if I'm better off  with or without you.
When I'm not with you, all I do is miss you. All I do is trying to connect with you in any way possible.

But when I'm finally with you, all I do is cry because I finally can.
Because I can finally show my feelings.

But lately you've become mad everytime I told you my feelings. Not when we're face to face, then you just hug me till it's over. But when I'm  texting you or calling you, all you do is get upset because I tell you how I feel.

maybe we're toxic
Mar 2016 · 281
Sannie Mar 2016
Although my body may still be failing, I am trying my hardest to keep my mind on track.
I am better now, at least I am trying.

I just needed you here because of my body not because of my mind, but you don't seem to get that.
And here we go, starting another fight.

This time is different
Feb 2016 · 280
Sannie Feb 2016
Why is it that everytime I try to take care of him, I just scare him off?
I just want you to know I'm here for you that's all!

I'm not declaring my love to you by just holding your hand if you're sad!
I'm not crushing on you, just because I want to run my fingers through your hair everytime you lay your head on your arms

Just let me be like a sister to you.
That's all I really want, a male family member. A guy who will tell my boyfriend he's dead if he ever hurts me.
Feb 2016 · 217
Sannie Feb 2016
Does she give you butterflies?
Has she given you a purpose to get out of bed again?
Did you burn yourself when you pushed it to hard?
When you pushed her to hard.

Maybe she didn't expect it
Maybe you should have given her signs, so she could brace herself
So she could armor herself from your overwhelming grace.
So she wouldn't have hurt you.

Did you really think I wouldn't notice?
The first day of school I knew this was going to happen.
That's the kind of effect she has on people.
So tell me,

Does she give you butterflies?
Feb 2016 · 270
False hope
Sannie Feb 2016
False hope may be the worst kind of betrayal in the world.
Maybe because the person who caused it, most times doesn't even notice that.

The feeling you get when something good seems to happen, when things finally start to make sense. But then the directions turn and you are back at start, trying to solve a puzzle that's got pieces missing.
Feb 2016 · 234
Sannie Feb 2016
It just ***** to be left alone like that.
Because we both know that as soon as she walks into the room, you'll follow her like a lost puppy.

And I'll just be sitting there, saying: No ofcourse, go sit with her! I'm doing fine over here.

Just really really *****
Feb 2016 · 246
Sannie Feb 2016
I never knew it would be so hard, to explain a non-reader what reading a book feels like.

How am I supposed to tell him I'd rather live inside fantasy, than live my real life.

How is he  supposed to understand, that when I read a book I don't just read the story, I become the story.
Feb 2016 · 266
Can I?-Will you?
Sannie Feb 2016
Can I follow your playlist? Listen to the songs that put you to bed?
Sing along to the parts you may have skipped, and ignore the tunes you've got stuck in your head?

Will you sing me lines that inspire you everytime you hear them, and afterwards tell me why?

Can I borrow your books? Read the same words you have, but imagine the total opposite? Experience the same plot twist, but focus on the other characters instead?

Will you teach me the meaning of words I don't know, and give me reasons to use them?

Will you give me even the slightest hint of what your mind looks like?
Will you let me have a peek?
Can I?
No, this is not about you.
Jan 2016 · 388
Winter paradise
Sannie Jan 2016
I can still see the marks of your skates in the ice,
right now I'm standing  in one of the round ones.
Where you turned faster and faster,
until you had to be catched from falling.

Until your glowing eyes where filled with tears,
tears from pain and tears from joy.
But mostly tears of the icy wind that blew you away
into the snow I go, you said.

I can still see the dapple of coffee on your favorite sofa
right now I'm sitting next to it.
still smelling the savor, still hearing the way you laughed so hard,
until you  had to be safed from choking.

Until your glowing eyes where filled with tears,
tears from pain and tears from joy.
But mostly tears of laughter,
laughter that still echoes through the room.

Into the snow I go, you said.
And so you went, leaving me a true
winter paradise.
Oct 2015 · 542
Sannie Oct 2015
Daddy, why won't you talk to me?
Did I do something wrong?
Am I not worthy of your affection?
Is it because I still love my Mommy?
Or is it because I have said no to you for the first time, while you have said no to me  a thousand times before?
Maybe I am not smart enough...
Or not pretty enough...

Daddy please, why am I not good enough?
What did I say to make you hate me like that?
Can I make it up to you?
Can I see you, can I hug you ?
I haven't seen you in a while
We haven't spoken for a while
You stopped loving me since a while

Daddy I am done now
I won't ask you these things ever again
Because daddy I don't want to feel this anymore.
I will keep crying and hurting.
And I will never stop loving or caring.
But from now on, I will stop asking.
Sep 2015 · 932
Sannie Sep 2015
it may sound weird what I am about to say, but I have met someone who is perfect in every single way.
he plays piano and guitar and likes good music.
he doesn't care about brands and money.
he loves reading and writing.
he's the male version of me.
and yet I don't want him as much as I'd expect
Sep 2015 · 1.5k
Sannie Sep 2015
here I go, off to another journey .
off to one of the many pieces of the world, that I have yet to discover.

here I will make friends and enemies,
and i will wrestle myself trough yet another cocoon.
so that in 3 years,
I leave and my wings will have grown bigger.

I am ready
Aug 2015 · 922
Sannie Aug 2015
I almost kills me to say,
but I feel better now.
I'm not crying myself to sleep anymore,
I can talk about you without tearing up.

It almost feels like I am betraying you,
for being happy without you...
But I deserve to be happy,
and some day maybe you'll think so too.

Maybe some day you'll feel better too.
Aug 2015 · 819
Sannie Aug 2015
it is so sad, how you seemed really suprised when I asked you if you where okay

I mean you looked like you where crying and all I wanted to do is make sure you where ok, just like you did to me

and yet you just looked at me as if I just said something really weird, and since then you look at me differently

I guess I just have to keep asking you how you are so the next time someone else does, you won't seem so suprised.
There is someone I work with and when I was sick and really sad he helped me and hugged me and stuff, and the other day he was crying so asked him if he was ok and he really just looked at me as if I where an alien....

so yeah I kind of like him ( as a good friend) and I am just gonna make sure he knows that he can always talk to me if he needs to...

but idk I don't wanna seem creepy to him....
Aug 2015 · 993
Sannie Aug 2015
Today is the day, I lost my best friend.
Not to death, as you may think, but to america.
She has been my best friend and sister for more than 4 years now, and today is the day she stepped on a plain knowing she won't return within 10 months.
Now ofcourse I can text her I can Skype with her and stuff, but how is that ever the same?
How can I ever be the same without her, without our silly sleepovers and without our songwriting sessions?
How can your expect me to tell her what's wrong over the phone, when I am already having a hard time doing it face 2 face.
I can't, I really really can't.
So yeah today is the day I lost my bestfriend, and although it's 'just for 10 months' as she said.
For me it feels like forever.
And that's also for how long I will love and cherish her.
Ik ga je missen bientje :(
Aug 2015 · 881
Writers block
Sannie Aug 2015
Ugh I hate having a writers block...
It is like capturing a hurricane inside a box,
impossible right?

All these words are piling up and ready to be blown into poetic sentences.
But they are trapped inside this little box that I call my head.
These words are stumbeling and rushing and flying round in my head.

All these emotions are ready to fall down and crush the ground like heavy rain.
But they cannot escape this skull of mine although they really should
Now they just make me go crazy, make me flooded with things I can't seem to lose.

I am too full of words and pretty lies.
Too full of emotions, story's and confessions.
But somehow I am so busy getting rid of them, that they decided to stick to me like blood on a murderers hands.


please oh God, help me get rid of them....
sorry but I really do feel stuck and overflooded please help me
Aug 2015 · 6.3k
Sannie Aug 2015
From the moment I first saw you,
I knew there was something wrong.
The way you walked and the way you talked,
you were like a handwritten song.

You where close to being angelic
with dazy eyes and a curly head.
But what I wasn't prepared for
was that you'd turn out to be satan  instead.
Aug 2015 · 1.0k
Sannie Aug 2015
Ah,  how Lucy's hair waved in the wind,
leaving nothing but copper strings behind.

Ah, how Lucy's voice flew in between the hurricanes raindrops,
leaving nothing but the fague sound of an angelic ballad.

Ah,  how Lucy's hands would stroke the rose's thorns,
leaving nothing but a track of ****** fingerprints.

Ah, how Lucy's lips where always pouty,
leaving nothing but promising kisses behind.

Ah, how Lucy left.
Aug 2015 · 1.2k
Sannie Aug 2015
Everytime you kiss me, my lips ache as if they where bitten on.
as if you would ever hurt me?
would you ever hurt me?
you would wouldn't you ?
you've hurt me before so what stops you now?
Aug 2015 · 1.2k
Sannie Aug 2015
I am lost,

lost in a world where trees are bleeding into rivers
where rivers run dry and turn into crumbeling words
words I cannot tell you because you would run away if I did

I am lost,

lost in a place where the flower petals get blown away by the wind
where the wind takes things it will not give back
things you will miss for the eternety of your life

I am lost,

and yet I wouldn't wanna be found if I could.
Aug 2015 · 919
Sannie Aug 2015
I can not describe how good it feels to fall asleep in your arms.
But I will try to anyways...
Sleeping next to you is what I imagine death will be like.
Now I know that sounds harsh, but think of it this way.
Whenever I lay next to you, my heartbeat slows down bit by bit.
My eyes close and my mind finally stops running.
I feel safe and loved and that's how I would want my death to be.
But sleeping next to you is also very dangerous.
It is like an addiction to me.
Because everytime I sleep next to you, it gets harder to fall asleep on my own.
Aug 2015 · 2.9k
Sannie Aug 2015
You were red,
you liked me
because I was blue.

You touched me and I became
a lilac sky, and you
decided purple just wasn't for you.
Aug 2015 · 2.1k
My Body
Sannie Aug 2015
My body,
is not flawless.
My wrists,
have little lines on it like ****** rivers.
My hair,
is a mess in where you can find my unspoken words when you untangle it.
My eyes,
have an undefined color and have seen things they should not have seen
My lips,
are pouty and will probably stay put on yours.
My body,
is not flawless.
But if you want it,
it will be yours.
Aug 2015 · 923
Love Rules
Sannie Aug 2015
She was the one to tell me about the rules that the game included, about how to not only play but even win the game.

The so called game "Love"

She made me a list of tips and tricks.

1 the person you think about when you stand infront of the ocean,
is your true love.

2 the person you think about when it's 2 am and you are laying in bed,
is your true love.

3 the person you text when your mind is drunk and your eyes are drowned,
is your true love.

She did not go further than these 3, because most people playing were satisfied with only 1.

She told me to be careful and to be pacient, but she also told me to be very strict in handeling these tricks.

She watched me as I played and remained silent when needed, but after many waisted chances she walked up to me.

She asked me 'what's the matter, why aren't you winning?' the poor little thing did not know why her advices could not prevent me from failing.

She yelled and cried and did everything she could, until she finally gave up and left me with the words, 'I think you need to proceed the game without me'

She  left thinking that she would never return.

She must have found it weird to get my texts, but came as i asked her to.
'Why did you text me' she yelled to me.
'Because my mind is drunk and my eyes are drowned' I replied.
'Where are we' she asked me. ' Infront of the ocean' I answered.
'What time is it' she wondered  'Almost 2 am' I whispered.  

She slowly stepped towards me.
'Why didn't you try the game' she cried to me.'
And that's when I told her.
I told her 'Because I have already won it when I met you'
sorry if it is too long, and please tell me if I have misspelled anything !! btw I am not gay but I know someone who is and this is for her
Jul 2015 · 1.3k
the one
Sannie Jul 2015
maybe I am just like a white crayon.

Ignored and found useless to most, waiting for that one person who will use black paper, who will need me.
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