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we were just like
two numerical numbers
from the opposing sign
added together
and the result is zero*

every letter in my poems
has been carved from the contents inside my heart
with every dancing lines and singing words
exposed sorrows
every lyrics portrayed loneliness
akin to the approaching rain
rain that has been hiding from the sky
that will come out when the sky cannot hold the weight anymore
this is just a piece of paper that i use
to be written with my bleeding pen and make the blood as an ink
blood that came from my heart
i wish you will know that you are the reason
why i write these ****** letters
you are the reason why these poems has been crying
you are the reason why there are teardrops on my poems
teardrops that i use to erase this loneliness
but i didn't expect that these papers will be broken
to the point that you cannot see the line anymore
the line that says
"i love you"

but what would be the reason that you will see
there is already an owner of your heart
i'm hoping that this loneliness will fade through time
and i will make a new poem
and you are not the reason anymore
why my poems was crying
not with loneliness
but my poem will cry
because of
 Aug 2015 Sannie
Kelley A Vinal
I'm being pummeled
By thousands of ghosts
That sciencey-guy over there
Said they were called neutrinos

I don't trust it though
It's mumbo-jumbo
But don't worry about me
I learned how to fight ghosts

Where's my garlic?

Wait, that might be for use against vampires.

Oh no.
 Aug 2015 Sannie
Kelley A Vinal
I admit that
I dream of peace
A purple sky
With a bottle of wine
A hazy window
Covered in a maroon cloth
On one side
Raindrops audible
But out of sight
Wooden walls and calm fires
A walk down a creaky hall
To read
I retire

The galaxy is awake
Through the sounds of the thunder

And I'm alive
 Aug 2015 Sannie
10w on love
 Aug 2015 Sannie
You are allowed to touch my heart, not my body.
That's for someone.
 Aug 2015 Sannie
 Aug 2015 Sannie
Everything is so versatile,
I wait for hours for you,
To just talk for a while.

You have a half minute conversation,
And am left with eyes of tears and face with smile.
What if I could let you know of, without hesitation?

But you are someone's, not mine...
And one day with this schedule,
My darling, I'd be fine.

Though it hurts a lot, that everything you forgot.
But now, I love the symbol of my love, these tears brine...
They take away all the anger for you every moment.

And I am made to love you even more,
Even though, for you am a parallel line..
I bolt the door and spill my emotions on the floor...

Have you ever seen my condition through that peep hole?
Let me name him, gladiator for this site.. Am just too afraid to ever let him know about my feelings... Just mine, after all...
I fell in love with a boy I knew, could never be mine.
At some point, I thought it was fine.
I didn't want my heart on the line.
For I knew that it was a sign.
What chance did he have of coming inside these walls of mine?

After everything that he has done because of his last "mistake",
how can I allow him to come back into my life?
Her words were enough to finally make him break,
it made him realize that he stabbed my back with a knife.
I gave him my trust, my life...

He wanted to make things right, so.. just this once, I let him try.
As expected, he found me cold and distant.
I wanted to ask him...why?
My feelings at this point, were non-existent.
To what extent, is he willing to go?

As time passed by, he began to tear at my walls.
Was I ready to let him inside...
Inside these stonewalls,
the deeper he went, the more I wanted him outside.
He was close to reaching the wall I no longer allowed anyone inside.

But no matter how hard I tried to make him stop,
he allowed himself inside without any problem.
My world came tumbling into a flop.
The feeling of being numb,
it's gone... Replaced with an actual heart.

My walls were tore down,
I thought my castle would be safe and he would protect me himself.
He did the opposite and let me drown,
a dragon, a problem...manifested itself.
I knew I was on my own.

He was too scared to face it head on,
face these feelings he had going on in his heart.
He was so far gone.
It tore him apart,
and caused him to recreate his own walls.

Disappointed, the girl began to cry.
How was it fair to him to do such a thing?
Leave her to die,
that was probably the best thing for his heart contained no meaning...
No meaning to the relationship they began to grow.

So now she's the one fighting for him,
fighting to tear down the walls he built up.
This was grim,
she was upon the last wall.
A wall similar to hers, the one she did not allow anyone in.

The best way to get rid of this wall was to wait,
because within time, the rock hard wall would sound erode.
This was her sealed fate,
it was too late to go down another road.
She knew where her heart was and she was willing to wait for her chance.

But yet...
There is another part...
No matter how much I tried to deny these feelings,
they're there.
He refuses to have any feelings now because it stings...
There's a pain in my chest that I find hard to bear.
The walls for me are becoming higher and harder than before.
This is dedicated to the boy I liked but, I could not have...not right now at least. I said I was willing to wait for him, but how long would waiting be, and how long would I be able to... I have my doubts but, I really like this guy, I refuse to let him go.

Background info; So, this boy..he was rather interesting. He's pretty cute, like..really really cute, and his personality is what attracted me to him the most. He was dating someone during the time I was talking to him so I knew to keep him at a distance. One day, he wanted to hangout and his overly protective girlfriend messaged me, accusing me of stealing him away from her. From then on, we had problems and he eventually ended up choosing her over me. It hurt, but hey, I moved on from it. A month or two later, he unblocks me and I asked him, "What makes you think you can stroll into my life like the way you did before?" He kept saying he wanted to fix things.. My walls were already so high and I didn't expect anyone to get through. I was dating someone at the time too, but I started questioning the relationship because, I started to gain new feelings for the guy. I ended up going for him instead because, well, with my ex.. I rarely ever saw or talked to him, the lack of communication was real...I know, it's bad but, it's the truth. So as time progressed throughout the summer, he started showing signs of interest which confused me. He told me he was still getting over his last ex, I respected his space. He then found out that his ex was dating someone he finally broke down, I lost him. The chance I could've had with him, lost. His feelings, gone. My feelings, hurt. Everything's back to square one... I told him I'd be willing to wait so that's what I'm going to do. Of course it's going to hurt, but, it would be worth it.
 Aug 2015 Sannie
C J Baxter
Let this be the verse that lives forever.
When mountains have crumbled, and dry lies the river
in it's once plentiful and loving banks.  
Look to this verse, and keep your thanks,
but give your love and time, and undying fervour
of spirit that lets the mind find many splendour
in the dullest of things.

Beauty is bottomless, boldness is boring,
subtlety is king, and patience is adoring.
The mind is an ally, a fearful old rival.
Let this be the verse of the young minds revival.
Last night, I got kisses.
They weren't sweet kisses,
They weren't soft kisses.

They were sharp kisses,
They were swift kisses.
They were the kind of kisses that leave marks.

They were the kind of kisses that sting.
They were peppering kisses,
They were lightning kisses.

They were biting kisses,
They were a blade's kisses.
They were the kinds of kisses I regret.

They were the kinds of kisses that sting for days.
They were silver kisses,
They turned into red kisses.

They weren't my first kisses,
They weren't my last kisses.
Last night, I got kisses.
to tell the truth, i'm actually really fricking proud of this.
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