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27.8k · Mar 2015
Code of the Wolf
Rafhael Vieira Mar 2015
Protect your pack;
Show no fear;
Respect the elder;
Teach the young;
Lead your companions;
Survive each day;
Hunt your enemies;
Howl to a new tomorrow;
Explore the unknown;
Adapt to the environment;
Demonstrate no weakness;
Nerver back down;
And leave you mark
10.9k · Mar 2015
The Knight
Rafhael Vieira Mar 2015
Oh dear brave knight,
Who ventures into the wilds
Please draw your sword
And fight away the horde.

She's a hero into my heart
With the strenght to tear us apart
Come here and fight away
The monsters that are wide awake
And then eat this piece of cake.

She's always into a fight
Because she is my brave knight
Come here and claim your prize
Because this is the tale of the knight.
2.7k · Oct 2016
Rafhael Vieira Oct 2016
My beautiful Sunflower,
Don't be sad,
I'm here to make you laugh.

My beautiful Sunflower,
Don't be angry,
I'm here to make you smile.

I'm your sun,
I'm your water,
I'm all that matters.
2.1k · Oct 2016
King and Queen
Rafhael Vieira Oct 2016
I'm your King,
You're my Queen,
Together we are a powerful couple,

We are the man and woman loved by people,
Hated by the few,
And worshipped by the many.

Together we rule,
Both a vast and powerful kingdom,
And each other's heart.

For you are mine,
And I am yours.
1.4k · Jul 2015
Rafhael Vieira Jul 2015
Time is so precious
So hard to find some
Yet so easy to waste
How much we got left ?
Deep thoughts
1.4k · Mar 2015
The Night
Rafhael Vieira Mar 2015
The calm and quiet.
The refreshing breeze.
The end of a continuously cycle.

When I look at the stary sky,
With the moon reflecting on my window,
I wonder to myself,
''What mysteries lies within the night?''
''What makes such a terrible day transforms into a peaceful night?''

At the end of the day,
When you lie down to sleep,
Away from the rush an the problems,
The magic of the night begins,
Involving your body and mind,
Compelling everything around you stops,
Putting an end to an agitated day
And finally,making you sleep.
1.3k · Aug 2015
Rafhael Vieira Aug 2015
I had two beautiful stars once.
I used to admire them all night.
But as the nights went by,
The clouds hid their brightness,
And I lost them forever.
1.2k · Mar 2016
Rafhael Vieira Mar 2016
Slowly losing sanity
Black has become white
White has become black.

The days goes by
But I can't feel them anymore
I'm stuck in my own world

The lights faded out
The darkness is taking over.
1.0k · Mar 2015
My Angel
Rafhael Vieira Mar 2015
To my eyes,she's a stranger
To my heart,she's the love of my life
The day I met her,my life changed
My rotted garden became a forest
My petrified heart start beating once again
Where once I was a ghost,I became an angel.

Even though I never met her personally,
I feel her by my side
Without seeing her face,
I know she's smiling at me everyday
Just by talking to her,I feel my day completed
My heart with life
My life with a meaning.

I solemn swear,
That even at my bad days,
Even at my worst,
I will do everything
To make her happy.
965 · Jan 2018
Rafhael Vieira Jan 2018
People don't change,
You just get to know their other side.
944 · Jul 2015
Rafhael Vieira Jul 2015
Do your hear that?
A place where life should start and flourish
Now it's an empty hollow.
Because of you.
767 · Jul 2015
Rafhael Vieira Jul 2015
I remember,
Back in the old days
When life was simple,
Playing around,
Having fun,

The park near my house
Filled with life,
Looked like a painting
All happily together.

The old memories
Share from grandfather to father,
From father to son,
Never being forgotten

From generation to generation.
Poem dedicated for my grandfather
754 · Oct 2016
First and true love
Rafhael Vieira Oct 2016
You were my first;
You are my last.

You caught my eyes;
You caught my heart.

You give me strenght;
You give me hope.

You are mine;
I am yours.
754 · Apr 2015
Rafhael Vieira Apr 2015
Once I was lost
Wandering in my own limbo
Craving for my own life

My dreams would haunt me
My nightmares would disturb me
I felt trapped by the darkness
With no end to the suffering

I was useless,hopeless
Afraid to sleep through another helpless night
Thinking that death
Might have been the only way out

However,even in dark times
Help comes in different ways
The moon turns into the sun
The night turns into day
The darkness turns into light
And once again,
You feel the cold breeze in your face
The warmth of the sun in your heart
The ones you love around you.
716 · Jul 2015
Rafhael Vieira Jul 2015
I marched
Weapon ready
Hands sweating
Arms shaking.

The battlefield shaping itself around me
Friends gone,lives lost
Families destroyed.

Blood on my hands
Silence on the field
Victory claimed at last
But it was really worth?
The war may be won
But my soul may not.
687 · Jul 2015
Rafhael Vieira Jul 2015
The shackles are broken!
The path is clear
Free yourself!
Escape from this prison
And unfold your future.
Deep thoughts
685 · Mar 2016
Rafhael Vieira Mar 2016
They come and they go
Like imperceptible shadows
At one point they're part of your life
And at others, faded memories.

They compose every feeling of your heart
And fear.

Should I give in to these feelings ?
Or should I be left alone ?
Isolated, forsaken.
665 · Jul 2015
Random Thought #3
Rafhael Vieira Jul 2015
Look into my eyes
And lie to me.
585 · Jul 2015
My muse
Rafhael Vieira Jul 2015
Her gorgeous body taunts me
When she talks,I fall in love
Her lips drives me crazy
And her serene voice makes me happy.

Everytime I think of her
I just want to run;
Run into her arms;
Hug her;
Take her clothes off;
And **** her all night.

I feel changed
Is it a good change
Or a bad change?
Only her to tell me
How my future will be.
Random poem to a special girl
574 · Jul 2015
Random Thought #2
Rafhael Vieira Jul 2015
No matter what type of person you are
You are always alone in the end.
541 · Jul 2015
Hello Poetry
Rafhael Vieira Jul 2015
A special encounter
An unique place
Filled with art
Full of brilliant minds
Ready to be discovered.
Reference for this great site
538 · Jul 2015
Random Thought
Rafhael Vieira Jul 2015
Rain me with depression
And I'll cleanse myself with happiness.
507 · Jul 2015
Way to live
Rafhael Vieira Jul 2015
People always tells you how to live
But after all,
What is the best way to 'live'?
Be 'free' and do what pleases?
Or 'responsible' and  work by the day?

Is there really a ''way'' to live ?
315 · May 2020
Rafhael Vieira May 2020
I'm falling
From very high
But I can't see the floor
Where am I going to ?

I try to reach out
To grab anything
But there's nothing around me
No one to help me
Nowhere to land.

It's a constant descend
Where I see things,
See people
But I can't do anything.
Can't talk
Can't act
Can't feel.

I'm falling.

— The End —