Traveling here
Traveling there
I will travel anywhere
To be with you
To be by your side
I’m way over here
And you’re way over there
But together to be
Could be anywhere
Where do you want to go
Hawaii, Cuba, the Caribbean or Fiji
Or perhaps elsewhere
Alaska, Rome, Mexico or Tahiti
Still there are others
Different places to travel
With you by my side
The adventures will unravel
You by my side
I can hardly wait
What trouble we’ll cause
Oh the times will be great
Patience is a virtue
They all say eagerly
If only they knew
How I’ll hold you so dearly
The time will come
Though none soon enough
The guitars we will strum
Distance no longer tough
The songs we will sing
Filling the air with joy
On your finger a ring
Mine forever to annoy
Good morning to my Angel