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Sudipta Maity Aug 2018
A Million Dreams Ago all alone and then you kissed me A few last word and Good Bye
Sudipta Maity May 2018
At once I was a man of steel
up there in the sky
Like a bird, I used to fly.
Beat me or hammer me
I did not care about anything.
That was my iron age when
first time I  saw Time mechine
and eventualy fell in love with her.
I drived  her like a crazy lover
and trveled time across.
I was in a time machine where no button of reverse.
when then i reached my bronze age,
I proposed her by a  key with copper ring.
She smiled and take me more backward in time.
I was in a time machine where no button of reverse.
When then i crossed my stone age
i left my heart there.
Then finally  i reached in my ice age
where no one is there.
Only me and my liquid smile, frozen in time.
Slowly slowly I am into glaciation
never would be able return.
I am in a time machine where no button of reverse.
In travel of time,
I am in a paradox dnt know
its my future or its my past!
Sudipta Maity Mar 2018
Anklet of your feet or its my  mondegreen?
ringing cham cham cham jingling -
does I have to pay the cost?
Your night bird song, or my belief is unreal?
New in my stomach hemlock root is growing
I love again, the fig flower you were showing.
Sudipta Maity Mar 2018
Turning page after page,
searching web to web.
Reading books and novels,
prose and poems.
For some metaphors -
those were never been used in history
to portray feminine beauty.
No, they haven't left any
not even a single one.
Now, how shall I capture those deer like coal jet black eyes with so deep and calm stare?
Then how shall I portray those earrings hanging like bunches of berry touching her fine jaw line?
Which seems to be drawn by some Renaissance artist.
How will I draw her lipwing of rose petals, flamed like scarlet wine?
And that smile beneath the cheeks just like the before sunrise.
Or her hair, flowing like waterfall down her shoulders same as rocky mountain.
Sudipta Maity Mar 2018
Drop by drop, grain by grain, overnight
the seeds of your love are growing inside my chest.
They spread their roots throughout my veins and capillaries.
But they don't know that,
my poisonous blood enter into their meristem gradually.
One day it will end them up with rotting roots and rusting leaves.
when they fight to survive.
Then please don't grieve yourself
When you did know that-
you planted on the moon's chest.
Sudipta Maity Mar 2018
Once I was stones of the hills
covered with white ice and daffodils.
I had a forests of pines and ferns
lived thousand miles from the ocean.

Then, one day I had broken into pieces
after a strong seismic waves.
Deocmposed and eroded over million years
into quartzs and feldspars.

I travelled by the river and streams
through so many waterfall and barren fields.
I created canyan and meauders
as a rolling stone I was rolling across.

Finaly, one day I meet the beautiful sea
and I fall deep into her eyes.
She bleached me with her iron oxide
turned me black to brown by constant tides.

A few days ago, I found myself
over her curving beaches
as a grain of sand.
Waiting to enter into her seashell heart
and regain into a pearls inside
by layers upon layers calcified.
Sudipta Maity Feb 2018
You are a quantam reality
no matter where from you born.
You are the galaxy, you are the universe,
you made up of sun.
weather you exist or not,
you will be always be the enrgy of cosmos.
Your existance in earth prove,
you came here with divine purpose.
There is no excuse good enough to ever be out of alignment with love. You’re going to get hurt, and you will feel pain. Yet your purpose is to keep loving, anyway. Keep moving forward with an open heart. Love is a Divine gift given to humanity. Wasting it is no longer an option. Love is what brings light to a dark place. Love is what transforms a dying world into a thriving planet.
Every new breath and day is on opportunity to do something,a gift of life to make a difference in the world.
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