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 Aug 2017 Pretty girl
When inspiration strikes!
And cravings of satisfaction bites!

I know you through and through,
Its to the end with you!

I growl out of my fingers!
Onto keyboards!

Its strange I know,
But your just so **** inspirational
Inspiring  me in good ways or bad, I get a lot of art from you
 Aug 2017 Pretty girl
Spring faded too soon, yet again.
There's no reason to worry about that.
I would take the forlorn smile of autumn,
Any day, any way.
A soft gentle goodbye is all i hope for now, these days.

Promises have been broken,
I never thought they would last anyway.
After all, every thing i have
came with an expiry date,
and a but Clause
You lose some, some you gain,
But nothing, you own.
And that's okay.

Solitude has opened my eyes,
Destroyed the home company created.
Illusions of belonging,
When all you ever do is run.
Running out of time, bidding goodbyes to life unknowingly,
And that's okay.
It's peaceful here in the oblivion,
You'll know what i mean one day, anyway.

My halo has been crushed,
The weight of these wings were too heavy to bear, anyway.
I miss my home sometimes, but i know I'm never going back.
I see strangers looking out the open doors, their surroundings aged with longing and wait
I hear strangers knocking, on the closed doors,
Their hearts held in their fist, but no one is coming to receive them.
Sometime home is nowhere to be found
So you make one, out of yourself.

You'll build yourself one, if you're lucky.
But it's a fate i would not wish too strongly on anyone.
The President will start a
nuclear war over twitter
  if he has to.

  White Nationalist is a way
of saying Neo-****. It's re-labeled
  to desensitize us.

  The President sympathizes with
the White Nationalists because
  he can't afford to lose their vote.
My president does not have my
  best interest in mind.
He is a power hungry tyrant--
  and half are too dumb to notice.

You don't worship God. You don't.
  You worship politics infused
with spirituality.
  You dehumanize those who
are different from you because
  you are a scared little *****.

All Nazis must die.
Them dying is the
greater good.
Nazis are inferior.
Die ****. Die.
I confused agave
for Amber
when you spoke
Drank a glass full

Choked on all the flys
In elementary school
Muesem of sepia boxes

Sluggish down my throat
Petrified My heart
Pathetic, and filthy
frozen in carbonite nectar
Like a classroom fly

blush my cheeks
make my cold hands touchable
Harvest my Amber heart

I never was
A mourning person.
But I have always been
An exhibition.
 Jul 2017 Pretty girl
LS Martin
Why does my life feel like a test I didn't study for?

The poet holds her pen
Overwhelmed by the backlog
She writes of other things

(C) 7/7/2017
I've been ******* with taking care of mom and my father's illness. I'm sorry. Frankly, I've been depressed, too. I have trouble reading. And now my backlog is overwhelming. i know I've lost readership. It's ok. I understand.

I love you all.
fell from her home
Skies of ohio
stumbled from a cloud
Grew her wings on the way down

hellboy in the back pew
cigarettes, blue dress shoes
closed her bible, "I refuse"
She said, "To be a mans property"

honeybee spread your wings
neither bird nor angel,
she flys free.

"I'll take the skills to cook and clean
our sneezes will still sound the same
I'll vist on holidays
but don't you ******* bless me"

"I'll be Domestic for myself
clean home and the best of health
Foster bees
a book to read.
But the bible ain't for me."

Somewhere in the inbetween
apartment on deering st

she met me
at a speakeasy
"if you want me you better find me
Through the bookshelves I'll be waiting"

I turn the pages
Find her wedding ring
kept under the mattress,
not even god as a witness.

Doctor in ireland, she told me

escape in comic books
while he's away.

"Before we start, you have to know
One day I'll leave forever
Let's live a life we won't forget
In the meantime, together."

"I live with no one to respond to.
I live without boundary.
My ride or die resides in ireland
I'd like to love you while he waits for me."

I've never tasted honey so sweet
Honeybee, Come lay with me

A few kisses later
cross legged in an office chair
sipping warm tea
I wake
green eyes watching me sleep
It's these moments
in between

were those mornings just a dream?
Honey bee
Honey bee
you leave

Remember me
in the old and green
you were always free
guiness jogs my memory
The little things
My painter friend looked at me and laughed,
"I can't draw, I've told you that," I said.
"What a sad life to not be able to place your emotions on a canvas,"
he grinned.
"I don't paint but I write," I replied, "Want to know the difference?"
Intrigued he awaited for my answer,
"Your art is for the eye, but mine's for the heart."
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