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 Sep 2016 Phoenix
Jeffrey Robin

The solitary body

Upon the Earth


( who is your god , really ? )


Christians !
Muslims !
Jews !

FOR MATERIAL ******* !


We are such hypocrites

As the orphan child keeps crying


I know

I am the bad guy

Interrupting your fornicating

With calls for human decency !

Don't worry !

All your blood lust love
Shall be fulfilled

We watch the little orphan girl go down

We approach

( body cams on ! )

Knowing we will be

For the ****


The tired days die


Only the ******* of our souls


In the monstrous movements

Of our crippled beings

In our godless State

 Sep 2016 Phoenix
"hey, how're you doing?
****, nevermind."

"god, i miss you so much.
i miss your voice,
your touch,
everything about you.
but i guess you don't miss me."

"hey, how've you been? it
started snowing today.
reminded me of you. please
call me back."

"i know you don't want to
talk, but please, please
just let me tell you how much
i miss you."

"do you listen to all my voicemails?
you never pick up the
phone anymore. i guess
you just don't want to
talk to me."

"i must have sent you twenty
voicemails by now. i'm sorry,
but i'm trying to come to terms
with the fact that you're gone."

"this is the last one.
i'm sorry for bothering you,
i just wanted to tell you, to

remember me."

of heartbreak and missed calls
You are only a babe,
But there is so much I could tell you.
There are things that are gonna happen.
Bad things.
Things that are so ****** up,
You are going to want to give it all up for the sound of a glock.
But child,
There is a way.
You might get lucky,
If you are blessed enough to have a good mommy and daddy,
But for me,
I wasn’t so fortunate.
Through abuse, I cursed the world,
But I also learned to grow up without a helping hand.
If this is you,
Its really simple to crack a fake smile,
Say you’re okay,
And have nothing else to say,
But you will find hope somewhere.
These voices in your head are demons that want you to stop giving a ****.
But remember, everyone is born with a little bit of luck.
So make it count tonight,
Tear off these band-aids that were sowed to your skin to hide the bruises.
I want you to live,
Live a better life than I could ever look.
Find hope in the moon,
It is always watching.
Do not carry this burden if your life ends up being good.
But do not forget the souls trapped in their own hell.
Things can always get worse, yes.
But you are a beacon of hope,
You are worth so much more than what they will tell you,
There are real people that will be unforgiving,
But you must find it in your heart
To forgive.
Its hard child.
But believe me,
You will find hope in the good things you do.
And this is because you were able to do what many others could not.
And as you cry tonight,
Waiting for care,
Remember this.
You are not alone.
But people will leave you.
People will abandon you.
They will stab your heart,
Just to see it bleed.
But hope is what you need.
Stand up child.
Stand up tall.
Raise a fist
And send the haters to hell.
happiness is
to happening
changes from good to bad
it is joy be found in sorrows days
   true salvation came
by Jesus blood did take my blame
   subdued my shame
     in Jesus name I pray with love
Rejoice! make known!
everywhere His name is there
    the voice in side to bring us near
in His Word I see loud and clear
in struggle and strength
society gone away
happy and sad
It is Jesus Christ we need
for true life
to stay
 Sep 2016 Phoenix
 Sep 2016 Phoenix
why is it that Jesus is my savior
my hope, the king, the ruler of the world
creator of the universe, Immanuel,
the Lamb, the Incarnation, the light,
the way, the truth, the life
alpha, omega, beginning and end
but from all these titles
the one that means most to me
is that He is my friend.
 Sep 2016 Phoenix
Julie Grenness
I heard a joke along the way,
Honk if you love Jesus this way,
Text if you want to meet Him today!
Made me smile, slow down,
No need to rush and frown,
Let's pace ourselves this way,
Slow down on the roads, okay?
Honk if you love Jesus this way,
Text if you want to meet him today!
Let's have a Peace and Happiness Day!
Feedback welcome.
 Sep 2016 Phoenix
I'm done pretending to care.
I'm done being toyed with.
I was just a piece,
in the game of life.
one that was moved around,
Never realizing that I actually never mattered.
Things were decided for me,
I was twisted and turned to be someone,
someone that I didn't recognize.
Someone who was hopeless, who was afraid.
But now,
Things are going to change,
because I'm changing them.
I was moved before,
Now it's time for me to pick up my own piece,
and move on.  
*I'm done
Ignore the drama, and the angst.
Its all good, for now.
 Sep 2016 Phoenix
Michael Murphy
Trust me
Please take my hand

I'll take you to another land

Where birds still sing
And flowers grow

Mountains spring
And rivers flow

With so much love
To fill the sea

Please accept
This gift from me

Trust me
Please take my hand

I'll take you to a better land
 Sep 2016 Phoenix
Erin Suurkoivu
Night lowers its curtain of silence,
my only time to steal away, and
**** the flavour out of every
lovely rind.

It is its lime
mine to enjoy.
If only I could taste it.
Featured along with other fine poems in my poetry collection, "Witch", available on Amazon or through Lulu.
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