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 Jun 2016 Peanut
Javier Garza
Has lost its way
Forgotten what it meant to live
Greed rules the lands
Hate divides
And ignorance shackles

Has began to die
Corruption reigns with an iron fist
Can't seem to find the light amongst the fog of evil
To give power to those that would lead to healing

It means we'll all rot
To be herded by the lies of the media
Beauty is the only way
Thin is beauty
Shallow is beauty
Fraud is beauty
To be separated by outdated prejudice
Gays are sinners
White is the true superior race
Money can buy anything,
Even love
To be set on a road of self destruction
Poverty is for the lower class
Intelligence is for the weak
Individuality is for the outcasts

Has forgotten what it means to be human
To find the balance
Love without fear
Fight the injustice for freedom of thought,
Freedom to be unique,
Freedom to live,
To live with a purpose

A purpose
That's what Humanity has lost
Humanity just keeps worsening and soon, it'll cease to even know what it means to be human.
 Jun 2016 Peanut
 Jun 2016 Peanut
This is our first date
I didn't know where to take you
So I took you to see my grandma
She was always the life of the party
Funny how life works sometimes

I have been planting flowers around her grave
Because the gravediggers don't quite understand how much she was worth

The man that went to war and came back without his legs can't come see her because their only child is a good for nothing

Yes I'm talking about my father
He tried his best but something in him just didn't click
The only thing he could think of money and how wet he could get his ****

If this isn't coming right
Let me try again
Your hair reminds me of the flowing of our bodies when we are intertwined
Skeleton bones will be undug to walk amongst us again
Your smile reminds me of hers and oh god do I feel so warm

Being up on this hill with you
Fingers laced in one another
Your blue eyes beaming at how beautiful this meadow is
I hope that I can lay here with you
 May 2016 Peanut
Liam C Calhoun
She dreams,
I demise,

She spies,
I fly.

I fall,
She laughs,

I scowl,
She gaffs.

We’d thorn,
We’d born,

We’d bend,
We’d mend,

And the grass would grow,
And the moon would throw;

When she dreams,
When I dream,

We dream,
We dream,

And dream once more.
Did the best I can; or did I?
 May 2016 Peanut
Akira Chinen
All in the pursuit of love
Footsteps of misery
Walking the lonesome miles
Lost to the sands and fire
Soul sacrificed to the divinity
Of longings aches
And distant dreams
Love needs a flame
Life needs the hurt
Theres no difference
Between heaven and earth
When lost in your gaze
No distance too far
No hope too dim
No wish too frail
For footsteps taken
Towards forevers end
When all in the pursuit
Of love
 May 2016 Peanut
summer reigns here
and for us fifteen degrees is a heat wave
acclimatised as we are so far north.
Its so gently quiet after the long stormy dark months
really a timeless place filled with light
almost twenty four seven
where days are weeks and weeks months
and life strolls hand in hand, a tapestry of love.
 Feb 2016 Peanut
Cat Fiske
I have read so many wonderful poems,
haiku's, 10 words, so many more, and none are alike!
But we tend to forget about spoken word poems,
Hello Poetry, can you make it possible to share our spoken words as well as our massive pile on's of endless poetry. Spoken Words would add to the sight, and only make it better.
I wish I could also Use Hellopoetry on my mobile phone, in an app,
I'm not sure about anyone else, but that would maybe add to HP

Please consider what I've had to say, c:
Please send repost like and share and comment anything else you think the sight needs since it's growing in great ways. Please share and like if you agree c:
 Nov 2015 Peanut
 Nov 2015 Peanut
I'll be your guide home when you're lost in a sea of thoughts.
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