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Love is an art.

And I can barely
draw you a stick figure.
Funny story. True story.
I never know till I try
We have great love but no more than friends
One feels more that the other
Not able to express these emotions
It might ruin what is but is this risk worth the outcome
This can be a great gain or a tragic loss
Both determined parallels not determined to intersect
These thoughts of neglect hard to forget
Something more but settling for less not trying to obsess
Consumed by work one another kept apart
 Jul 2014 Payton Summer
I found an old sweatshirt of yours under my bed yesterday,
and I spent the day crying over a box of your memories
that I don't have the courage to throw away.
The days pass by at the speed of light,
but nights are spent endlessly heaving out old promises
of children we will never have,
of places we will never go,
or lives we will never share.

You left without a goodbye
and I convince myself that closure is what I need.
But somewhere behind my cobweb covered heart and dusty bones,
I know I really just need you again.

I built my flimsy paper home within your ribcage
and I saw you had a lit match balanced between your fingertips,
but I stayed.
Because I knew going in that this game was dangerous,
and I was willing to risk it all for the idea of you.

When the walls came down,
I frantically reached for some solitude to hold onto.
My hands clawed at the inferno looking for your familiar relief,
but all I found was ash.
Because that's all you really left in your wake:
black ash that thickly coated my insides,
suffocating me until the last molecule of air
exited my exhausted body.

Despite all this,
I still hold onto
the tragic memories,
the series of dismantled almosts.
The silence is crippling,
and the idea of what could've been,
plays painfully across my fragmented memories.

"You're simply extraordinarily ordinary."

This is my final goodbye.
I titled this poem
with a song from the album, "Scotland, I Wish You Had Stayed".

It was something I listened to a lot when you left.
The first time you walk on the beach
And the first time you notice what's so close, yet out of reach.
The first time you dance with him at night
And the color of his voice when he says "It's alright."
Then it's the bump of every sound wave,
Making you hold on to every word

The color of his veins, matching yours at dawn.
Being so happy, until everything is gone.
Then, it's the color of seeing him leave.
It's when you grieve.
It is when you cry yourself to sleep,
Tears running down your face
But somehow it is still your saving grace.
When you wake up, and you have nothing to say

But no matter what, you still see that day
When the pain finally leaves, and you meet them
Their colored hair so contrast to yours
It's when it becomes the warmest color.
It's the color of your dim-lighted eyes
Finally, coming back to life.
 Jul 2014 Payton Summer
I'm tired** of being used
I'm tired of not being good enough
I'm tired of constantly harming myself to feel something
I'm tired of crying all the time
I'm tired of waiting for something to happen that isn't going to happen
I'm tired of waiting to be happy
I'm tired of not being okay
I'm tired of being hopeless
I'm tired of being in emotional pain
I'm tired of everything
I'm tired of being tired
I could go on forever
M & S

In a small box sides a girl
Her friend can hear her scream
She has pain in his mind
But she can not let her friend in.
the box holding her fast
But her friend can see through it as if it were made ​​of glass
She has large open wounds
At her friend's cheek a tear pages
They were each other's homes
However, in the box is no trapdoor
Imagine a scene
Tiny me, at the age of nine
Understanding I don't wish to live.
I tried to commit suicide
For the next 4 years time.
Picture a girl
Near genius; she's bright.
For some reason staying up
Crying all night.
Not doing well in school
Nobody thinks she's cool
And my dad just says
"Quit acting like a baby, you fool."
In my high school years
I just accepted sadness
As a part of my life.
Grew too tired of the
"why aren't you all right?"
and the occasional
"you're too smart to be acting that way"
Create in your head
Me, who is passionate
About poetry. Only because
It became my method of venting.
For some reason i thought
I was a burden, to all of my friends.
Better sad than disturb them
With my troubles.
It's the mess my room is
And the disintrest to everything
The self hate, sleeping late, and fatigue
That makes up the depression in me.
It's nobody understanding why I cry
Or why I don't take the time
To talk about my problems.
It's the not knowing myself
And looking at my reflection in the mirror
Only to say to her
"You're so ******* pathetic."
 Jul 2014 Payton Summer
hold on (to me)
my breath is shaking

lay down (beside me)
i need to feel you here

tell me (you'll be happy without me)
you love me,
because i love you

let go (of your feelings)
but hold on tight enough to feel my lungs exhale

i love (you)
your dry sense of humour
your mellow snore at 4am
your crooked smile
your raspy voice in the mornings

do you (love me still?)
still wear your shirt unbuttoned at the top
still gaze at stars wishing you were one
still sit in the garden reading stephen king and glare at flowers that are too easily swayed by the wind

i'm (sad; stupid; alone)

you're (enchanting; wonderful; divine)
not mine (not anymore)

— The End —