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In shadows deep, where silence reigns, A journey marked by unseen chains.
Through corridors of night we tread, Seeking solace in the dread.
The echoes linger, cold and stark, In every heart, a lasting mark. To depths unknown, we cast our gaze, In twilight's grip, we lose our ways.
Enticed by voids, we break the ties, In newfound space, where darkness lies.
With every step, a story traced, In haste we move, yet time erased.
Take a breath, let stillness be your guide, even in labor, peace resides. Moments of rest heal and impart, A balm of quietude for the weary heart.
In this respite, you find a sacred space, a pause unconfined, Where heart and mind, in tranquil bind, Recover strength, become realigned.
In the dance of body and mind, intertwined, Distort the body, the mind’s path unwinds. Disrupt the mind, the body’s rhythm breaks, A cycle of chaos, each part it takes.
Western medicine, with its potent pills, Prescribes for the body, yet the mind it fills. Natural processes, disrupted and torn, A dependence on pharmaceuticals is born.
The body’s whispers, now muffled and weak, The mind’s clarity, a distant peak. In this cycle, we seek to find, A balance of body, a harmony of mind.
Holistic paths, a gentle embrace, To heal the body, the mind’s grace.
Breathe in, breathe out, a gentle flow,
Shifts in posture, let the tension go.
Adjust the level, find your place,
Acceptance blooms in this sacred space.
Pain may linger, but here we stand,
With open hearts and open hands.
Acceptance goes a long, long way,
In this place, we find our stay.
“Mercy,” He said, is the higher call, a gift of grace offered to all.
For justice measures and gives each part, But mercy heals the broken heart.
It sees the sinner not just the sin, And invites repentance to begin.
“Blessed are the merciful,” He proclaimed, For they shall receive the same. Not an eye for an eye, nor a tooth for a tooth, But love that seeks the deeper truth.
For in each act of forgiveness shown, the seeds of a greater love are sown. And in this love, we find release, from bonds of bitterness to peace.
So let us walk the merciful mile, With open hearts and a gentle smile. For in mercy’s embrace, we truly find, The justice that’s compassionate and kind.
The words, the words, they’re everywhere,
Run away from them, but to where?
I see and hear them, night and day,
Every awakened moment, here to stay.
Make sense of them I must,
To gain my own undying trust.
In lands where ancient echoes call,
'Neath olive trees that stand so tall,
The question lingers, heavy, cast,
Israel God's chosen or self chosen—vast.

A land that's waged a war, it seems,
Against both civilians and Hamas streams,
No line drawn 'twixt  darkness or light,
A struggle that endures through night.

The Palestinian people bear the toll,
Of a conflict that consumes the whole,
Paying the price of an unfocused hate,
In a history's shadow, they contemplate.

As though blinded by the night so deep,
Where tears of mothers silently weep,
For peace, for solace, for wounds to mend,
For a dawn where all hearts can blend.
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