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I love the how intricate the details of everything you produce are
it's perplexing to see how you're capable of so much
and how aesthetically beautiful you can be at everything you do, all your mouth speaks and how your body moves

Though it kills me to see your hands dovetail with another man,
but the intimacy you & me have behind the curtains
is the one thing that I want to get to
every other day

but sadly you're attached
and not to me.
"Be happy." They say.
I can't.
"At least pretend to be."
"Because no one likes a sad person."
 Nov 2014 Ever Punk Goddess

“Snowflakes gather in crystalline drfitings”

Lifting your hair, kissing the nape of your neck
Warm flesh waits on tippy toe desires
Lips brush skin, lower beyond silver chain clasp
Sighs slip past moon shadow echoes

“Frost bitten warnings fuel whistling winds”

Candlelight flickers in illumined frenzy
Strong hands caress velvet curves, moving
Satin ******* excite at the touch, firming
Mouths meet across milky shoulders

“Chilly coatings mingle, drafty windows squeal”

Reaching behind delicate fingers guide, slowly
Passion emanates from quivered partings
Honey drippings moisten, sticky, sweet
Whispered moans tantalize, moments ignite

“Wind chimes sing frantically behind icicle curtains”

Down pillow yearnings, grasped, held
Eyes look back, smiles meet motions
Held closer, breathless exhales on dreams exposed
Deeper finds the pristine moment

“Algid gusts wail through frigid echoed alleyways”

My name, loudly called, enchanted nirvana
Faster still, bodies in charged friction
Two become one, senses explode, flooding oasis
Eruptions quake bodies in perspired heap

“Arctic blast pierces sweltering pleasures”

Ecstasy sings in midnight harmonies
Melodic as the polar pulsations beyond
Numbed in devotion’s destinations
Wondrous snowy white blankets chill the world

*“As our love provides winter’s perfect heat”
Hey, it is cold...just trying to stay warm.  :)
In shadows they live
On the other side of sunshine
In the corner of the eye
Just this side of vision
Insanity on the cusp of reality
Truth in duality of time

In echoes they speak
Mumbles behind everything
Calling out a name
Underneath the traffic noise
Whispering in words a thought can hear
Irradicating silence

In the very air they hang
A change in scent in the air
The stink of someone else's memory
A grating plea for a void of exsistnce
To the keeper of dreams and nightmares
As the coin flips, before the call
For He Who Knows
Rough night. :/

This poem needs a name.  Any and all suggestions are welcome and will be considered.  thanks for your consideration :)

Thank you for all your suggestions both in comments and messages.  I chose to merge two.  Thank you R and J.  Thanks to all who participated and helped name my piece. :) Love to you all. :)☺☺☺
It's easy to get obsessed with something
that isn't good for the self.

For me, it was you.

You were that ****** song,
I couldn't get out of my head.
That type of chocolate,
I could never get enough of.
Those hours I overslept.
That escape I found,
every time I wept.

Those day dreams.
Those feelings.
That smile.

None were good for me,
yet that is what I'm craving.
 Nov 2014 Ever Punk Goddess
as fragile
as a songbird -

her hands

knotted and spotted
from many winters

november came one last time -
i held her hands in mine - gently

- gently, she flew away
to where songbirds go
when it's cold in the mountains.

r ~ 11/18/14
For my mother, Betty Taylor Richardson (8/9/1935 - 11/18/2013).
You are exquisite and lovely
when You laugh
You are wrathful and firey
when You're mad

You are kind and thoughtful
when You touch my heart
You seem small and distant
when we are apart

My eyes stay quite stationery
lest I'm moving through Worlds
My perception's are momentary
as I'm moving through Worlds

The angle of light that strikes my eyes
is neither acute or obtuse
how I choose to see my Worlds
depends on my Point of Views
Everyone sees and feels things differently
This is a good thing for the most part :)
My* brain is rotting
in circular thoughts
of misfired signals
in a world of phantom emotions
and real *pain
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