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 May 2017 Muse by Melissa
Through lost long miles
Of mist & moonglow
In madness
& the lonely depths of faith
I offer you the ancient words
Of a song
Now rarely sung
May they dance lightly
on your satin skin
As they fall softly
From my tongue

13th may 2017
Inspired  by twitter feeds at
#madverse  and #SableSwanV
 May 2017 Muse by Melissa
Revealing nothing
of the details
of the darkness
of my mind
I take your hand
And walk your life away.
From a twitter prompt #madverse.
 May 2017 Muse by Melissa
Let the shadow of my passing
cast no darkness on the day
For we live each moment
Only once
And then move blithely
on our way.
 May 2017 Muse by Melissa
Madness rages
Out-of cages
Looking round for you

Voices screaming
No one’s dreaming
Coming after you

Axes chopping
limbs flopping
I'm catching up with you.

1st May 2017
For at least two people on twitter! Stalking isn't actually a hobby of mine!
It took sixteen years to become acquainted with my old self.

The self that:

Could not write on crumpled papers,
Or sleep in untucked sheets,
Played her scales robotically,
Left no word incomplete.
Labelled all the cupboards,
Books were organized by name,
This was the life I led.
I never knew that it would change.

it took 4 weeks to fall in love with my new self


writes on ollld receipts,
   kicks the covers        off the bed
     ~lets my fingers play freely~
         not every sentence has an en-
            stores shoes with coffee mugs!!
               writes in mArGiNs to save time
                  not all rules need to be   f o l l o w e d
                    not all poems need to

                        sound the same

who knew that little pill
would teach me how to live
not erase the 'me' that showed
but bring out the 'me' that hid
16 years of worry
of obsessive, anxious thoughts
who knew that little pill
would change me
for one,
did not

- p. winter
 May 2017 Muse by Melissa
sometimes it is hard
to be convinced of the truths
that you feel are lies
and when you are proven right
it becomes even harder
to accept that people
cannot ever be trusted

sometimes it is hard
to be convinced that life is not so bad
that you have it good
and when you are proven wrong
it becomes even harder
to accept that you
should be thankful for the pain

sometimes it is hard
to be convinced that you are good enough
that you are not lacking
and when you finally see it
it becomes harder
to accept that you should love
the people that took you for granted
I'm a work of art, your protege.
You're my sculpture, my teacher.

I'm your troublemaker, your rebel.
You're my lover, my peacemaker.

I'm a poet, your songwriter.
You're my inspiration, my muse.

I'm a changer, a modifier of life.
You're my guide, my leader.

I was a hater, a freak.
You made me better,
An individual with a love for life and
A man of creativity.

You're the remover of hate,
And the replacer of love.

You saw me as I am,
As the person I was meant to be.
Piece by piece and step by step
You put back the parts of my broken self.

You didn't abandon me in need,
You didn't leave me when you saw the red flags,
You stayed,
You made me drop the anger and put up the surrender.

You took me in,
You loved me.
You made me see life in a way I never knew existed.

You love me now,
You'll love me always.
Forever till forever meets no end,
You're love knows no limits
And is meant to be eternal.
This is a poem about how much my boyfriend actually loves me and how much he has changed me in the time we were together...
 May 2017 Muse by Melissa
A functioning body
Sealing a hollow soul
Apathy created
Emotions she stole

Time to reveal
That memories gone lost
Bygone passion
Eluded at all cost

Lack of space
Aggrieving the heart
The condition demands
A solution apart
Signs of fading love...
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