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1.0k · Nov 2017
Blink and you'll miss it
Let's make one thing absolutely clear...
We are all turning into those strange old people who like to wax sweet wisdom.
846 · Oct 2017
Note: Dedicated to all that struggle with impossible thoughts

And I decay, decay, decay, decay…

It’s wasteful for me to sit, I think.
So long, so frequent, so young, so sick.
As language fails,
Time prevails,
And I decay, decay, decay, decay…

The birds don’t care, that’s for sure.
Carry on good birds! Spare no thought for...
My life! My soul! My mood! My needs!
Your life's all mapped out. Mother Nature’s decree.

It’s wasteful for me to dream, I think.
So light, so free, so sparse, so quick,
As thoughts go unsaid,
I choose sleep, choose bed,
And I decay, decay, decay, decay…

Hello Autumn, what do you bring with you today?
Another years ending? Leaves that won’t stay?
Goodbye’s are hard, well that’s universally true,
But hello’s are beautiful! You bring those too.

It’s wasteful for me to think, I think.
So much, so hard, so bleak, so deep.
My days…
they come, they blend, they pass
And I decay, decay, decay, decay...

Oh old stars, give me a sign.
You exist, but how?! From where do you shine ?
You’re impossible, wonderful, present and true,
I’m here! I can see you! Do you see me too?
435 · Oct 2018
You are of cosmic importance.
Without you,
this would all go unnoticed.
405 · Aug 2019
O’ world curious traveller,
Atop the Millenium bridge,
I know St Paul’s is so beautiful,
But try and keep an eye on your kids.

O’ delicious corona,
You look so divine, I’ll admit.
But why are you a whole ******* tenner?!
Are these guys all *******?!

O’ lost Northern bumbler,
Trying ‘down saaaaaath’ for a bit,
Stop standing to the left of the escalator,
You're destroying the system you *****.

O’ impatient young cycler,
Dressed in tight lycra and ****,
You’re going to try and squeeze through those buses?
You’re a ******* for thinking you’ll fit.

O’ excited tube takers,
Your theatrical energy is lit,
But please stop singing in unison,
All should be silent this trip.

To live in this concrete jungle,
You’ll pay extortionate rent for a pit,
But at least you’ll be living the high-life,
Oh wait? I’m poor. And depressed.

— The End —