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MeanAileen Mar 2017
Love me not for what you see, my dear,
or for that which you can touch & hold.
For I'm not immune to the wrath of time,
one day I too will be old...  
My mahogany locks will turn to gray
and my youthful glow will have faded.
My vibrant smile, like a flower, will wilt,
and once sparkling eyes will seem jaded.
My skin may look like an ill-fitting suit,
and gravity will cease to be a friend.
Wrinkles will devour my pretty face,
good looks just a memory, in the end....
So love me not for what you see, my dear
let what is unseen be why.
Love beyond what you can touch & hold,
for one day my beauty will die.
Getting old *****!!
MeanAileen Mar 2017
Forgotten flower
silently wilts -
May you have sweet dreams.
I'm quietly fading away....
MeanAileen Mar 2017
Sometimes I forget
how innocent you still are.
With the soul of an angel,
you're my shining star.
As sweet as pure sugar
with a heart made of gold.
A miniature miracle
for my arms to hold.
Your purity and hope,
your limitless dreams...
Sometimes I forget
what being a child really means.
So live wild and carefree
and sing your heart out!
Laugh till your tummy hurts,
feel happiness throughout!
Dance like no ones watching,
let nothing dim your view...
Sometimes I forget
to let you, just be you.
So, on those bad days
when I'm grumpy or mad,
if I say, "knock that off!!"
and it makes you sad...
Just remember, I love you,
more then words can ever say!
For you are the sunshine
that brightens my every day-

Sometimes I forget...
I couldn't have asked for a better daughter! Love that girl
MeanAileen Mar 2017
I don't think this is my life
it seems more like a nightmere!
But when I rub my blurry eyes
I just can't make it disappear...
I used to feel the warm sunshine
now I am blinded by its light.
I used to lay my head to sleep
now days just bleed into night.
There was a time I always laughed
now it hurts my face just to smile.
I know I used to be someone,
but no one's seen her in awhile.
I remember I was once in love
and the soothing, comfort I felt.
Now I'm just mad....mad at the world
for the ****** up hand I was dealt.
I think I remember carefree days,
that was back when I had friends.
Living life just for tomorrow,
now I can't wait till my life ends.
I know I used to be truly happy
now I hide behind a mask of cheer...
I guess this really is my life
I'm just living a nightmere.
Life is rough
MeanAileen Mar 2017
40 years on earth
Still can't seem to find my place...
When can I go home?
I like haikus...
MeanAileen Mar 2017
Sunlight gleaming...
golden glimmer-
dragonflies flutter...
iridescent shimmer.

Winter fading...
new life showing-
winds of change...
gently blowing.

Wrapped in warmth...
springs embrace-
rays of happiness...
dance on my face!

Blue skies, butterflies...
distant laughter-
dandelions & dreams...
chasing after.

Sleepy sidewalks...
sprinkled in pink-
yesterdays blossoms...
gone in a blink.

Amethyst, fuchsia...
apricot, blush-
masterpiece sky...
mother natures brush.

Willows weeping...
growing shade-
crickets singing...
twilight serenade.

Black & blue...
glitter star-shine-
thieves of day...
criminals benign.

Cheshire moon...
grinning hello-
darkness falls...
sunlight must go.
Just some words from the brighter side of my mind....
Also, the yin to the yang of another one of my poems called 'Darkness Falls'
MeanAileen Mar 2017
Whispering winds...
beyond breezing-
snow falls down...
blowing, freezing.

Loneliness aids...
tedious crying-
living, hating...
loving, dying.

Pale skies...
winter showing-
devours sunlight...
shadows growing.

Fate it lurks...
quietly calling-
screaming, running...
whispering, falling.

Leaves chasing...
nature stealing-
bitter flurry....
whipping, reeling.

Rain dropping...
falling, streaming-
whims, wishes...
foolishly dreaming.

Nights so cold...
never warming-
nightmares, you...
ever swarming.

Dwindling light...
dying within-
darkness falls...
on a heart of sin.
Just some dark words from my weird brain....
It's also the yang to the yin of another one of my poems called 'Dandelions & Dreams'
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