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  Jul 2020 Matt Hews
And over time,
My pen stopped bleeding
But my heart didn't
  Jul 2020 Matt Hews
you inhale tragedies
and exhale poetry
From where do you get your perseverance?
I have kissed boys


People in between

But lately I have been kissing bottles

Their lips are colder than yours

But slowly I have realized that the pounding headache when I wake is less hurtful than the shattering in my chest

Yet as these toxins rush through my veins

I can't help but miss the tracing of your fingers along my skin

Miss the numbness of the world when you lie with me

But when I wake I remember that a headache is treated with an aspirin

While heartache

Well if you have a cure for Heartache let me know
Matt Hews May 2020
their scars protrude like mountain ranges
each stretch of fibrotic skin
bears their soul for all to see

but how very few notice
and how fewer reach out
  May 2020 Matt Hews
Oginni Damilola
A severe pain
arousing from within
impossible for the
eyes to see;
eating up the soul,
weakening the bones,
poisoning the heart-
slowly, till it beats no more.
A loud scream
out of the lungs
to ease the agony
that dwells within;
but it's no use,
as you can't stop the
dead leaves from falling off
its branches,
or the upper eye lid 
from kissing the lower one; 
thus, you can't fight
nor defeat love when she
comes for you.
One can only pray nd' hope
to find perfect serenity with love
and not to be
broken and shattered
into irreparable pieces
by her painful words and
unpredictable actions
  May 2020 Matt Hews
never trust a poet's words
they sound sweet at first
but you'll notice the emotion in their words
it all sounds too...
"i love you like the sea loves the shore"
becomes too scripted
you hear the small tinge of love actually left in their voice
hoping it could mean something
but it doesn't
it never does
it's just the way they say it
one day, after they have left
you will find their poems, and they will be the exact words that they had said to you
once long ago
please understand this poem is in a way just me talking to myself, reminding me to not trust a man who i once loved, thank you
  May 2020 Matt Hews
i still miss you. i never stopped missing you. but i'll be okay.
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