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8.2k · Dec 2014
The Enemy
Rex Forté Dec 2014
He fought, he raged through that dark, dark, night.
They fled before his fiury, his crimsom rage,
He searched ad searched, to find who made him feel, like he was in a cage.
He walked back amd forth, yet found not him,
Then he finaly realized, on that cold, bitter night, that the Enemy was not outside, but inside.
3.4k · Dec 2014
We fought
Rex Forté Dec 2014
We plyed our oars as we sweeped across the surf,
our ships skimming the water with ease,
we seized towns, plundered fishing ports, sacked cities,
we worshipped the great Odin, in his hall in Asgard,
All for what?
We did this, so we might go to Valhalla, the last revelry.
I'm  npt Norwegian, but I'm interested in their mythology and history.
1.7k · Dec 2014
Fuck off her.
Rex Forté Dec 2014
Dude get a life stop abusing helpless girls,
just because your love-deprived mind likes it,
I want to see you hurt, see you writhing on the ground,
I want to whip you, hang you, BY YOUR FEET.
I would crucify you if I could,
Wait...You don't deserve to die like the God-Man,
Giving his life for others while you just **** around.
You better watch out, you mother-******* son of a ****,
'Cause a not-so-helpless guy's COMING FOR YOU
im sorry if he swearing offends anyone but i had to let it out. i kind of rapped it in my head..i would have used the n word bc he is one but im not racist. this is in response to me learning about that **** sexually abusing/harassing my friend. give me some criticism and encouragemnt pls
Rex Forté Jan 2015
Am I the only 14-year old being trained as a spy?
Not a  joke…I can explain if yuu really really wanted me to
1.0k · Jan 2015
You know who's awesome?
Rex Forté Jan 2015
WickedHope and elsa angelica amd Hanna Ventura
Seriously. And, like, a bunch of other people who I'm too lazy to name. xD…Like Ember and Mandy amd thunderstorm
1.0k · Dec 2014
Love and Hate
Rex Forté Dec 2014
Love makes me happy makes me sad,
Makes me tired makes me glad,
Why does Love affect me in so many different ways?
There is Love for a brother, for a sister, for a mother,
For a father, for an uncle, for a girlfrend, or friends.
Why can I only manage the last two?

Hate is the rage that fills my bones,
At the separation of me and her, two hearts forever joined,
At the way my parents mock my friends,
At Cancer. That the filthy beast should dare go near Andy!
Hate starts wars, causes death, destruction, decay.
Yet where is Love in war?
In the smile of te nrse at the valor of her patients,
In the flowers laid on the graves of even the enemy,
In the defense of Liberty, Family and the Homeland.
i think this is a better atttempt…but it still *****
904 · Dec 2014
b ware of roseline
Rex Forté Dec 2014
she is a robt scammer...she asked for my email bc she said she was Interested in me bc of my bio. dont send anything to an email "she" gives u
Just protecting your wallets and emails,
898 · Dec 2014
I'll take it all.
Rex Forté Dec 2014
I'll take your suffering, your heartbreak, your sorrow,
I'll hold it within me, much past tomorrow,
I don't care how much it burns, that angry beast inside,
Because I know I can bear it, with you by my side.
I'll fly through a blowing hurricane, I'll run through the night,
As long as it helps you, in your fight.
Rex Forté Dec 2014
You said you loved me, as lovers do,
But why do I feel like I'm in a zoo?
On display, for all to see, of a love gone wrong,
And feeling like I'm bound up, in a thong.
Why don't talk to me anymore?
I guess I'll go drink, a Pinot Noír. just rhymed.
833 · Dec 2014
Take me.
Rex Forté Dec 2014
Take me death, I don't have a life to live.
He is only 15 but I feel the weight of ages upon my shoulders.
HE still has a life to live, to love, to laugh, to cry.
Take me death, I cannot bear too much, take me, death, I've had enough.
821 · Dec 2014
Rex Forté Dec 2014
I know the miles that seperate us may feel uncrossable,
I know the distance makes us sad, that I cannot hold your hand,
Carry you, or even talk to you.
I know the love between us is greater than the miles,
Greater than just holding your hand,
Or opening the door for you.
I only wish, we could be together forever, my dear.
For anyone with love far far away.
711 · Jan 2015
You know who's awesome?
Rex Forté Jan 2015
That Emo Kiddo. Emo's poems are straight and to the point. I don't know Emo personally, but Emo seems pretty cool.
Sorry for not knowing your gender. And pardon my pun.
700 · Dec 2014
im annoyed
Rex Forté Dec 2014
that an ok poem of miee is less pop. than my im feeling lonely talk to me...oh wel ik im not a good poet
664 · Dec 2014
I wish I could
Rex Forté Dec 2014
I wish I could be like...
A tiger blazing through the jungle
or a wolf in a pack howling at the moon
or a duck hawk diving for the ****
Instead I am like...
The orphaned elephant soon to be killed by a lion
or a wildebeest crushed in a stampede
or a sheep, baaing pathetically, before being sheared.
my first poem is crap I know. Constructive criticism please
643 · Jan 2015
Im a troll
Rex Forté Jan 2015
according to the expert Lovecraft
did i mention it also called me beryl Dov
*i think it just got banned
641 · Dec 2014
Rex Forté Dec 2014
You can look at the world this way :(((((( or this way ((((((: they're two sides of the same coin, to smile or to frown?
sorry…justa thought/optical illusion
597 · Dec 2014
Is it wrong?
Rex Forté Dec 2014
I want to know her, really know her.
IS IT SO WRONG to want to know her with every fiber of my being?
IS IT WRONG to want to know in my heart and soul that she is mine and I am hers?
IS IT WRONG to want to hug her, cuddle her, take her out?
I DON'T THINK SO. if it is i give up hope in the ******* world (n that i already havnt) that last line *****
Rex Forté Dec 2014
no this is not made by a perv it is revenge for a defenseless friend whos a girl

imr he touched her **** and hugged ger and shes scared of him and im scared for her...any ideas?
556 · Dec 2014
For Andy
Rex Forté Dec 2014
Andy, you may think that its your time now, and I can understand that.
But, while you may think I've helped you more, than you helped me, that's wrong.

You helped me so much…by  being stronger than me, by remembering me well enough to even tell your friends about me. We've always…odd friendship because of the peculiar and surprising way we met. I frankly don't care.

You're my friend, one of my best friends I might add, and we're going to stick together in this. The only reason I got an account on HP was because Echo wouldn't give me your email, and I had to talk to you.
Love you forever.
Rex Forté Dec 2014
There is nothing left in me worth saving,
Not there ever was, just take me here, take me now,
I really don't have life to live, so take me now,
My friends are depressed, but I'm the same...I can't help them myself,
So in memory of me, help them, support them, while I'm being buried in the ground.
Now don't get too worried, folks, I've tried and tried, but I'm not man enough,
but no one really cares so bye, my loves.
dont get worried these r reflections on my future and past
545 · Dec 2014
For Andy and Jack
Rex Forté Dec 2014
You must all know Andys situation by now…I have another challenge also.My best friend, Jack, has cancer and needs his leg amputated. Could you guyss please make a poem or two for him and hashtag it thisisforjack ?
EDIT: hes dead
523 · Dec 2014
Is my life so bad
Rex Forté Dec 2014
that I have to escape to nightmares?
hell yeah it is
479 · Jan 2015
Bow to me
Rex Forté Jan 2015
'Cause after all, according to LoveCraft, I'm Beryl Dov.

And we all know that Dov is the f!cking Emperor of HP
Sorry i just find me being Dov as impossible and ridiculous
460 · Dec 2014
Bastille: Flaws
Rex Forté Dec 2014
You have always worn your flaws upon your sleeve,
and I have always buried them deep beneath the ground.
Dig them up, dig them up

"Wonderful part of the mess that we made"
"We see that we need them to be who we are."
451 · Jan 2015
Rex Forté Jan 2015
Wanting to be a Winner doesn't make you one. Refusing to fail does.
443 · Dec 2014
Should I?:
Rex Forté Dec 2014
My friends are hurting, and I've been worsening,
Should I? It's not like they would care, after all,
"I only met them, through a screen."
I can't be there for them, when they need me most,
So why not, just put the knife to my throat?
379 · Dec 2014
Where is the light?
Rex Forté Dec 2014
I lie awake at night,
And wonder, where is the light?
And strive and run, in the fight,
That I'm not sure is right?
367 · Mar 2015
Rex Forté Mar 2015
My life is crumbling, burning to ashes.
My parents abuse me, more inside and out, so they can't see the lashes.
I just lay here and wonder, when will this end, this earthly hell?
And I stumble on, as troubles and trials come at me pell-mell.
Me and my friends, we're dying, it's true, being attacked by monsters both old and new.

But we haven't lost our happiness, that one spark of youth, even though it may be a little uncouth.

Rex Forté
362 · Jan 2015
I'm so lonely
Rex Forté Jan 2015
My friends are cool,
But I don't really see them much outside of the pool, or school.
I've never actually went to the movies with a friend on a Friday night,
I just sit at home and sleep, and get into fights.
My girlfriend now officially ignores me,
And I don't relly now what to do, excuse me.
I haven't talked to her for more than a week,
So it seems there's some kind of leak.
Now I don't really know where all this leads,
'Cause I guess this really ain't my speed.

— The End —