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 Sep 2014 Bella
never ever
 Sep 2014 Bella
I long to be desired--
    Not just once, but always.

I long to be desired--
    Like the way a child plays, with his favorite toy.

I long to be desired--
     Not by many, but by you.

I long to be desired--
     I love me, do you love me too?
If you can impress without effort,
you're likely doing something right.

If you can't impress with effort,
you're likely doing something wrong.
 Sep 2014 Bella
I refuse to delight in the things that bring me so much pain.
Though it seems to be the only consistency in this constant running scheme.
I go & it come.
I come & it stays.
You haunt my only made up fantasy of ecstasy.
If I can't delight in you, you refuse to delight in anything.
I'm so tired of you.
 Sep 2014 Bella
Tyler Durden
Put on another record
Now let's lay together
You say it doesn't matter
Yet can't you hear the faint shatter?
Count back from ten
Please let's start again
I'm sick of this constricting quarantine,
baby can't you see?
You're my dopamine.
 Sep 2014 Bella
 Sep 2014 Bella
Just decide
who you're gonna be
how you're gonna do it
just decide
people can't do something themselves
they tell you, "you can't do it"
but you gotta Dream
you gotta protect it.
Nurture it
Build upon it
Its not the goal that will matter in the end, friends
what you become while striving for that goal
that's priceless
to be able to sacrifice what you are
to what you will become
that's *priceless
 Sep 2014 Bella
Over it.
 Sep 2014 Bella
Is ******* to straight forward?
Perhaps you would prefer me to stick the rusty
butter knife that you lunged into my back
into yours and call it a day.
 Sep 2014 Bella
Porcelain bodies
Breaking at the carefullest touch
Shatter silently
In a room filled with loud thoughts

We fall
Into each other
Our cracks
Getting wider
My sleep
Is in disorder
My eyes
Are heavier
My sentences
 Sep 2014 Bella
One day
I’m going to love something
and it won’t break
under the weight
I carry
of every monster
who tore me apart.
 Sep 2014 Bella
you're crippilingly insecure

behind a facade of control

you are as sad as you say
i hope you don't die

but you need to know that hate is not more powerful than love.
Words that someone said to me tonight, that might of saved my life.
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