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 Sep 2014 Bella
Sia Jane
Power play
 Sep 2014 Bella
Sia Jane
You're just like
All those
Who came
Only needing me
Because you like to keep
Me pretty; & you always
Said, a repeated voice
In my head;
"You're pretty when you cry."
Smeared make up
Mascara; black shaped
Tear drops,
You'd wipe
From the pink
Blushed cheeks
You so loved to
Kiss, oh what such
My weaknesses
Broke me down.
Exploiting me
Was the high
A drug, in the past
Kissing your lips,
I bite;
My mark remained
In the groan of pain.
Pleasure arching,
Your back.
A kiss,
A slap,
Power or glory,
You repeated
The same old

© Sia Jane
 Sep 2014 Bella
Gaby Comprés
when it's raining in your heart
i will put my umbrella over it.
when your coffee is bitter,
i will be the sugar.
when your heart is breaking
i'll buy a hundred band-aids.
when you're feeling small,
i'll tell you that you're brave.
when you're feeling tired,
i will let my shoulders be your pillow.
wherever you are,
there i'll be.
whatever you need,
here is me.
Written for my mother.
 Sep 2014 Bella
Kaitlynn Williams
I remember everything you said to me
And how you wanted everything to be
I remember when you said forever
And how you wanted to be with me whenever
I remember the way you used to smile
And how you wanted to see me walk down the aisle
I remember the way we used to be
And how you said you only wanted me
I remember when you said "I love you"
And how ecstatic I was to say "I love you too"
I remember the way those words rambled off your tongue
And how people said we were too young
But I remember how I felt about you
And how I knew it was too good to be true
Because I remember the way you left me
And how you just let me be
You hung up the phone and left me there to cry
But I wasn't ready to say goodbye
I'm still not ready to move on
But all my happiness has been withdrawn
I just wish you would come back
And give me back all the happiness that has been lacked.
 Sep 2014 Bella
 Sep 2014 Bella
Time has turned,
turned to death.
I am lost
without a breath.
The thoughts I had
began to disappear,
when I looked out,
everything was unclear.
When the world started to fade
everything I saw
made me afraid.
I began to ask questions,
in search for confessions.
When nothing came out,
I began to have doubt.
The moment my heart stopped,
my body just dropped.
Now I stare out to the sea,
and know my soul is free.

 Sep 2014 Bella
circus clown
i don't remember
the last time
i tore my wrist open
before this

i almost forgot
why i even did it
in the first place

but now staring
at the swollen, red stripes
covering my arm
*i can now remember
what it feels like
to heal from something
 Sep 2014 Bella
circus clown
i feel so empty
that i cut my own skin.
not to try to let anything out,
but to see if something will crawl in.
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