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 Dec 2017 empty seas
 Dec 2017 empty seas
 Dec 2017 empty seas
 Dec 2017 empty seas

this looks sorta cool soo.... yeahh....enjoy?
 Dec 2017 empty seas
 Dec 2017 empty seas
You look into my eyes
And see how I have died

You ask if I’m okay
I quickly throw on a face
In an attempt to look great

And say ‘I’m fine’
‘Just got something on my mind ‘

You walk away
Not realizing
How badly I’m lying
This has happened so much at school. On bad days, it feels like everyone asks but gets fooled by those words. It’s weird how easy it is to trick people.
 Dec 2017 empty seas
They say
That Icarus flew too high
That he fell from the sky
But don’t they know
What would’ve happened
If he flew too low?
His wings would rust
Next to the ocean below
That is cause
If you fly too low
You may break your soul
For those that don’t know, Icarus and his dad were trapped in a locked room in a maze. His father made them both a pair of wings made of metal and wax. His father warned Icarus not to fly too high or his wings would melt. He also warned Icarus not to fly too low or his wings would rust from the spray of the ocean below. Icarus flew too high and the wax melted. The only times I hear people use it is when they are trying to say they should fly under the radar. I say if you fly too low under the radar, you can’t flap your wings and will crash.
 Dec 2017 empty seas
I am ___
 Dec 2017 empty seas
The pain and fear
The constant knowing
I'm not who I want to be

People view me differently
They see the old me
The dead me

It hurts
I feel it
I feel all of it

I just want it to stop
I want to be ready
Ready to tell everybody

I'm not who you thought I am
I'm not who you have always known
I'm so, so very different

I can't bring myself to sat it
The very words I want to say the most
The three words that could most definitely change everything

I've always been so confident in myself
My decisions have never been for nothing
They have never been something of regret

But this time is hard
My friends will understand
But will everyone else?

I have to say it
I have to say
I have to
I have

 Dec 2017 empty seas
Chelsea Rae
I want music to shake my brain and reshape my emotions.
I blast it with the loudest volume I can convene and I want to feel the earthquake tremors
from my mind down through my chest and heart.
A disaster to my ears I'm sure
but God it feels good to have my soul quaver.
It just can't get loud enough.
 Dec 2017 empty seas
Sun Rays
 Dec 2017 empty seas
You may not feel like reaching out,
   Or talking much these days,
So I’ll reach out from the other side,
   Like clouds letting through sun rays.
     Each beam of light is aimed at you,
        To warm your heart and face,
     Your shadow shows the proof of this,
        Like a silhouette that you could trace.
          Just absorb the energy,
             No reflection is required,
          Just     absorb     the     energy,
             And in yourself, become inspired.
               Lift up your head with eyes wide open,
                  See the people who look your way,
               Each one has been uplifted, simply,
                  With your sun rays in their day.
 Dec 2017 empty seas
Ignorant, spiteful, closed-minded and afraid-
The text on which you built your life, the same that you betrayed.
Holy, self-righteous, yet wholly hypocritical.
Sanctimonious bullies- bigoted and parasitical.

A veteran in the land, which to protect, he went to fight,
but for him it seems equality is not a given right.
Ridiculed, scorned- filthy sinner, heathen-
But who created him this way if not the lord that you believe in?

Your eyes are darkened. They're tinted with hate.
Your ears? Too filled to listen to debate.
But in this surge of civil rights that before has been denied,
you will be the prejudiced fool that history leaves behind.
 Dec 2017 empty seas
Isha Kumar
I met her once
a little, blind girl
who had let me
inside her wonderful world.

Yes, she couldn't see,
the girl with eyes bright.
Yet, she loved her world
like she never lost her sight.

She heard the music
of the breeze that blew.
The love for her world,
it only grew.

She acquainted me with
that music she heard,
from the buzz of the bees
to the chirping of the birds.

Yes, she couldn't see
the wonders of life.
Yet, she smiled
without a sign of strife.

She had beautiful eyes
filled with wonder.
I stood speechless and thought
how could God make such a blunder?

She danced and sang
with a graceful twirl.
How she loved her life
the little, blind girl.

She smiled and laughed,
her face filled with joy.
With wonder in her eyes,
she was serene, yet coy.

She felt her world
beneath her tiny fingers
and on me left a mark
that would forever linger.

Yes, she couldn't see
the life that she felt.
Yet, she never showed
the sorrow that she dealt.

Her world was dark.
Yet,  she saw
the Earth's true form
pure and raw.

Yes, she let me in.
But I couldn't overstay.
So, I excused myself politely
and quietly walked away.

I had met her once
a little girl who couldn't see.
Yes, she was a child
but the happiest there could ever be
Probably one of my best works. I'm pretty proud of it. ^_^
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