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Justin S Wampler Mar 2015
Daydreams take me to the abandoned bridge
deep in the forgotten forests of Limerick.
I park up on the gravel and without bothering to lock
my doors I walk off along the path.
I know you'll be here soon so I pick up the pace and
ignore the dancing tree branches.
The great arches before me now, overgrown and full of
repose, my feet follow familiar slopes.
Fighting through the underbrush and overhanging
tangles of vines and foliage I glance behind.
There you are now strolling, just rounding the bend,
with eyes cast upwards towards the memories.
I ascend the final few feet and stride along the forgotten rails
atop the forever remembered bridge of bridges.
I close my eyes and breathe, then I look down in my hands and
I see I've brought jumper cables with me.
I hear you behind me now pushing through the thorny fingers
of brush ripping apart the dress you're wearing.
The dress I bought for you.
Our eyes meet and without saying a word or looking away
I rip the cables down the middle, one for each of us.
Silence ensues as we tie them around each other's necks,
making sure it's tight enough to make it hard to swallow.
I run my fingers through your hair.
You smile a sempiternal sadness.
We approach the railing along the edge of the disintegrated concrete
and tie the opposite ends of our jumper cables to the rusted steel.
I sit down on the edge and feel your thighs brush against me as you
join me at my side, and I feel your fingers find mine and entwine.
Thoughtless we lean forward into gravity,
and let it take us.
Justin S Wampler Feb 2022
God let out a sigh in the morning frost,
burying the valley in billows of thick fog
and as I drove, white knuckled, through
his great exasperation with utmost care.
I saw the evil within myself painted so
meticulously in the rear view mirror.
A toothy demon looked back at me as
I smiled, after smearing cold, gray asphalt
with the blood of some crossing rodent.
I was pleased with the double thwump
sound, indicating that I had ran it down
with both the front and the rear wheels.
Killing **** felt good that dank morning,
I relished in the thought, in the blind fury.
I quivered in delight at the idea of burning
gasoline, chuffing choking clouds and fumes
into the air to mix with this blinding fog.
I gnashed my teeth hungrily at the notion
of polluting the beauty that surrounds us all
while bouncing the needle off the rev limiter.
I wanted to watch it all perish, I wanted to
find every last happy person on earth and
drown them in a river of my filthy anguish.
I felt my anger swelling, and I swam into its
rippling currents. I dove into that sea of rage
and drank greedily of it's salted undertow.
My mind was a plane of fire, a flat rift of pain
where everything I've ever loved would never
be allowed to love anyone or anything again.
Jaw clenched so hard I felt a molar crack and
a rivulet of auburn blood trickled down my chin.
I saw my destiny flash before me in a sudden
blaze of pulsing red warning lights popping
through the dewy fog, and before I had time to
even consider an apology to whatever it was
that I called God, the inside of my windshield
became plastered with the contents of my skull
as I crashed full speed into the back of a stopped
school bus.

Finally happy,
yet still a poor soul.
Justin S Wampler Mar 2022
I want to taste the black ink bled
by my ever lonesome and worrying pen.

I want to paint the floors with
my innumerous words for
how I've been doing here.

In this **** hole apartment.

I love my apartment, wait, don't listen to me.
I'm grateful for all these golden opportunities.
Life shone brightly upon my needs.

I want to coat the back of the toilet in ****,
the bathtub in mold and mildew.

I want to rip the curtains to shreds
and ignite them into a funeral pyre.

I'll exhale smoke and smile through the carcinogens.
I'll bleed from my knuckles.
I'll snap every last pen I can find.

I'll snap every last pen.

Life has been good to me,
I'm genuinely happy.

I'm happy

and I'll **** you.
I'll **** me.
Justin S Wampler Mar 2016
The bane of intelligence
curses those born with it.
I've become committed
to refining my ignorance.
Honing my bliss to a keen
edge that I press to my forearm.
The genocide of my brain cells
has been ongoing for years,
and I've embraced my fears,
becoming too frightened
of change to ever try.
The ***** cleanses my mind,
wiping it smooth.
I just stay inside.
I just stay inside,
figuring out
how to smile.
Justin S Wampler Oct 2024
Perpetual intoxication is a peninsula
on which your psyche stands and
mindlessly gazes out at the water to watch
your body slowly drown in the sea.

When the only options are
a sober swim back to the shore
or merely persisting in your mindless gaze,
it's easy to forget that there's a choice at all.
Justin S Wampler Feb 2015
There is no enjoyment in having to lie,
just sometimes it's for my own good.
Justin S Wampler Nov 2021
my tastes are shallow.
Although still deep enough
to drown myself in.

Been looking for
a specific type of gal:
a delicate flower
that can take
a hard *******.

Pretty, yet sturdy.
but not brittle.
but willing
to hate-**** me
when I forget
to take the trash out.
Or when she catches me
eyeing another woman's ***.

Bring me your finest spite,
pour it over me
in a liquid display
of primal ecstasy.
Justin S Wampler Apr 2015
I hate hate
I hate love
I love hate
you hate
hate you hate
I hate you
hate love hate
hate your love
love your hate
love hate
love your love
hate my hate
hat red
Justin S Wampler Nov 2015
The hate is killing me.

These cigarettes hate you.
This beer hates you.
These shots of brandy hate you.
The blunt hates you.

But I swear I still love you.
Justin S Wampler Aug 2024
Dude sometimes I rub my eyes
and it feels so ******* good
that I just can't stop.
Both eyes at once,
knuckles just twisting away.

I can drive with my knees,
can you do that?
It's difficult with my stick-shift
but I've gotten pretty good.

Anyway, I've been getting into
a lot of car accidents lately.
Justin S Wampler Mar 2015
Cover my ears with ignorance,
pummel my head with bliss.
Justin S Wampler Jan 2021
There's an addict
living in the attic,
and he's eating my insulation.
Justin S Wampler Dec 2023
Even in Heaven
I keep my door locked.
The view is good,
not great.
Don't like the looks
of my neighbor.
Never trusted a smile,
why start now?
Even in Heaven
I draw the blinds.
Morning sun
comes pouring through,
liquid yellow lines
painting afterimages
on the back of my eyes.

Knocking and knocking and
I'm not home,
I'm not home here in Heaven.
I keep my door locked.
Try later.

No phone in heaven,
nothing to call.
No one to call me anymore,
not here in heaven.
Never rings,
not home here in heaven
swathed in my own silence.

I keep my door locked.
Justin S Wampler Nov 2015
It calls and sighs,
whispers my name,
and I am drawn to it
over and over again.

Like a fly
to incandescent lights.

Or a pile of
rotting garbage.
Justin S Wampler May 2015
The weight of these words
rolling around in my head
are breaking my neck
one thought at a time.
Justin S Wampler Sep 2020
Tic tic tick tick
Tac toe toc tock
Silly ***** nilly frills
Yesterday is another mistake
I'm ****** to repeat
And ******* ever
Unless something gives
Give gives given
Give me
Give that to me
And tell me it's mine
Mines miner minor mine
You're all ******* mine
For for forever for
Mine forever never whether
You want to be to be between
Between you and me
I'm ******.
Justin S Wampler Jun 2015
Justin S Wampler Jun 2020
I started on a high enough rung
To be able to see everything
Caught in the momentum
Focused solely on climbing

One day a loved one fell
Above, her rungs ran dry
And I finally looked down
To meet a million other's eyes

That's when I realized
It wasn't just a climb
It is infinite skies
Of other people lives

So instead of reaching
For the next step above my head
Maybe I should be lending
Those below me a hand instead

Because at the end of the day
None of us make it to the top
What are you
supposed to do
when your best friend
won't play vidya with you?
Justin S Wampler Apr 2015
I've grown
so tired
Justin S Wampler Feb 2021
Dude this website ******* ***** these days,
does anyone know of any alternatives?
Justin S Wampler Dec 2021
God, I wish
I was a demonic
Cthulhu-like being.
Bearing appendages
that are reminiscent
of a squids tentacles,
with the exception
of having pulsing
**** heads
on the
Justin S Wampler Aug 2016
She's beautiful weather
on my vacation weekend.
She's the cloudless skies
when I go stargazing at night.
She's one last cigarette
in my pack first thing in the morning.
She's the twenty dollar bill
I found in my old jeans today.
She's the free coffee
when I dont have cash on me.
She's an ocean in the sun
when I'm hot and sore.

She's everything fortunate
that's ever happened to me.
Justin S Wampler Aug 2014
She took my hand
She left her man
She drove all night
She smiled delight
She rode my wheels
She met new friends
She laughs and squeals
She makes an end
She loses control
She falls in love
She skips the toll
She likes to chug
She commits herself
She ***** well
She finds the light
She sees that I am not alright
She wants me now
She needs me now
She will never leave me now
...At least that's what I believed.
She fades away
She never stays
She wants another
She loves my brother
She takes me back
She doubts
She doubts
She doubts
She leaves.
****** her.
Justin S Wampler Sep 2014
mothballs in the ******
yeah you already know
Justin S Wampler Nov 2015
are you dead too?
Justin S Wampler Mar 2015
Cemetery trees shiver
in the snowy breeze,
and cover the graves
with their dead leaves.

Tombstones and bones
lying in the shallow earth,
remind the living that
it could always be worse.

Justin S Wampler Oct 2021
A bitter broken toe
only adds to the feeling.

The feeling of satisfaction.
Top down,
on Friday night roads.

I'm not one to let a limp
hobble my grave enjoyment
of a summer accomplishment.

I'm not one to let a tiny bone
stop me
from a hard day's work.

I think I'm ready for winter.
The sprawling white blankets
that always blind my eyes.
The gossamer sheen of
a fresh morning frost, and
watching the rising sun
eat it from the windshield.
My breath unfurling about my head,
like I'm exhaling visible wisps of life.
Tough days. Restful nights.
Brandy and nicotine.
I think I'm ready for winter.

There's pleasure in choosing the hard road.
It's hidden sometimes behind a veil of
gratuitous and strenuous labor.
It's hidden behind making ends meet.
It's hidden behind a broken toe,
behind painful work that needs to be done.
It's hidden under a day spent
trudging through a foot of snow.

There's pleasure in choosing the hard road.

It's hidden,
but I promise you it's there.
Justin S Wampler Jul 2016
Oh your daughter is lovely,
lovely as rising sunlight.
She shines with such decadence
and banishes the night.
Oh your daughter is precious,
I'll always treat her right.
So I hope that you like me,
please don't be uptight.
Justin S Wampler Mar 2015
Her hair wasn't short enough
to stop me from knotting my
fingers in it and yanking her
head back.
From behind, with her eyes on
the ceiling I slid my hand under
her favorite t-shirt and sunk
my teeth in her neck.
She arched her back, grinding
that fat *** into my throbbing
madness and moaned my name
into my ear.
So I buried her face in the pillow,
ripped her black leggings
down around her ankles, and
slapped her thighs raw.
She dripped then as I slid my way in,
one slow inch at a time, whilst pressing
down on her lower back and wrapping
my fingers around her throat.

When I finished
I nibbled her earlobe
and fell asleep.
Justin S Wampler May 2021
A paltry show of effort,
a slight scent of something rotten
wafting in through the breezeway.

When you thought it was finally over,
did you close the book shut tight?
Where do you write the rest of your story
if there are no more pages left?

Do you wane
in the face of
such shame?

You were true
to you,
I remember that much.

Now no one knows.
No one can tell just
where the road goes.
Justin S Wampler May 2015
Girl, I love those scars
that branch up and down your arms.
Girl, I see those eyes
that stare daggers and stare knives.

I'll get you to feel again
when you see my fake smile.

I'll get you alive again
at least for a little while.

But at the end of the day
once I've had my way,
I'll leave you just like the last
guy from your horrid past.

Because I don't want to insist,
but I don't care for your happiness.
Because you can't forget once you've learned this,
I only want my name bleeding from your wrist.

I only want to be another tally mark
of scar tissue on your thigh.

I only want to leave you in the dark
and listen to you silently cry.
Justin S Wampler Jun 2022
There's a tear there.
They tore it.
Those *******.

Their tears tare,
and weigh out
to a zero sum.

Don't weep for them,
don't let the sutures heal.
Howl with the gale winds
and paint your scars with
every color of the sunset.
Squeeze tightly upon
any semblance of
hope that lies
within grasp.

Feel your knuckles crack,
and grin a bitter grin.

Breathe fire.

It all has yet to truly begin.
Justin S Wampler Jan 2021
Speak less,
Do more.
Justin S Wampler Apr 2015
Trundling through the loud clouds
that barrage me with thunder.

Pausing to smile at the lightning
shuttering from the red-carpet-crowds.

Tripping on the crimson rug
as they capture my blunder.

And smiling fake feelings,
whilst thinking of you.

You, with your unrequited
commitment to critters.
You, with your dedication
to the unknown.

******* and only you.
That's all I really wanna do.

Justin S Wampler Apr 2024
My body heat
in a bottle.
Camera on the floor,
balance empty Mr. Beam
atop its lense.
Did I hit record?
**** it,
I gotta let go.
Bubbling up, man,
protein in my ****.
Yeah yeah yeah.
I'm dying
but so are you
and you
and you.
Outta room.
Pinch off
and save it for later.
Stop recording.
Another thing
that I'll never
show to
Good job Justin.
Justin S Wampler Jun 2015
Is it still a lie
if deep in my heart I believe what I'm saying?

Is it still a lie
if I'm ******* insane?
Justin S Wampler Nov 2021
30 M 5'8" 160lbs

Don't really have my **** together.
Live in a small apartment with drop ceilings.
Still **** the bed occasionally.
Borderline alcoholic.

Rolled the dice on a **** the other day
and I **** my pants.

Balding prematurely.
Emotionally unavailable.
Intimacy issues.
Afraid of commitment.
Vape constantly.
Currently ******* my Fleshlight twice a day.

I don't fold my laundry,
just dump it in a pile on the couch.

Can't cook,
clean occasionally.
Brush my teeth once a day.
Pretend to be a writer to garner attention.

Outwardly come off as brooding and intellectual,
actually just endlessly introspective.
Have no valuable skill set,
will not be able to provide.

I have curtains,
but they're really just leftovers from my ex
and now I use them as fancy hanging napkins.

Bad case of foot fungus.

Terrible with money,
impulsive and predictable.

Generally lethargic but still skinny
due to malnutrition.

Looking for a woman to love me then leave me,
fulfilling my endless cycle of self-pity.
All in all a total man-child with little to offer.
Hit me up, prolly not doing anything.
You'd think honesty wouldn't be so revolting.
Justin S Wampler Nov 2016
See, I think it's key
but she sees it differently
because hypothetically
it could be a liability,
that is, this honesty,
because maybe truth can be
painful it seems
and that will only lead
the pain to breed
and somewhere in-between
that golden honesty
can become a sheath
to house a blade honed keen
we use to cut each other deep.
Justin S Wampler Apr 2015
And god sent forth his most beautiful angel
in order to help me clear my head.
But I ripped her halo off and ***** her instead.

And the devil sent forth his most cunning succubus
in order to make me drop dead.
But I held her horns like handlebars when I took her to bed.
Justin S Wampler Mar 2021
Don't ******* stop,
the finish line nears.
Justin S Wampler Mar 2015
A newlywed man was talking to me, saying that
he and his wife had just become homeowners yesterday.

"Last night was our first time in our new house,
but I didn't close the wood stove right... It burned to the ground
in the middle of the night"

He was clearly intoxicated, downtrodden and red-eyed.
It was 10:17 am in an airport bar, and I was four beers deep waiting
for my 12:26 pm flight as he was telling me this.
I looked away from the clock and into his eyes and said:

"Well it must have been a great housewarming."

I killed the rest of my beer and went for a cigarette,
and never saw him again.
Justin S Wampler Mar 2015
forget the things worth remembering
remember the things worth forgetting
Justin S Wampler Mar 2015
Turn around and walk away
from everyone that loves you.
Justin S Wampler May 2015
Dear god I miss her so much
dear god I hate her so much
dear god I miss her so much
dear god i love her so much
dear god i miss
dear god i hate
dear god i love
dear god
dear god
dear god
DEAR ******* GOD
dear santa, what i want for christmas is..
Justin S Wampler Nov 2018
Push against uncreation itself.

Do this long enough
and maybe someday, something
might push back against you.
Justin S Wampler Apr 2017
This is all so different,
yet also seems familiar.

I guess the words are the same,
it's just the way they're presented
that has changed.
Justin S Wampler Apr 2017
This is all so different,
yet also seems familiar.

I guess the words are the same,
it's just the way they're presented
that has changed.
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