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Justin S Wampler Jun 2015
filth filth filth burn trash garbage burn disgust filth burn filth burn burn burn
Justin S Wampler Dec 2020
Giving up ****
Feels pretty good to me.

Think I'll stay awhile.

It's worth
The wait.

I'm hungry,
In a primal
Kind of way.

Justin S Wampler May 2015
Drowning in the sands
from the hourglass of
her body.

Dangling limp
on her every
last words.
Justin S Wampler Jul 2015
water please

take this drunk
away from me

and leave the
room steady

just stop
the spinning

grant me
the sleep
Justin S Wampler Jun 2022
Bought floss
three years ago.

Maybe longer.

Still have plenty.
Justin S Wampler Feb 2016
Don't leave please.
We all love you so much.

We're all so thankful
for the love you've given us.
I love you mom.
Justin S Wampler Feb 2022
rather be honest
and alone
than live
under false pretenses.
Justin S Wampler Apr 2016
Bounce and rebound around in my head,
are these voices real?
Whispers of lovers now long gone and dead,
tell me what to feel.
Justin S Wampler May 2021
Tap into a new state of mind,
there you may find
something worth your time.

You've said that you just don't know
what it means to see growth.
It's rather slow.

I missed
the good and the bad,
the happy and the sad.
They passed me by.

But these walls still
whisper your name,
it's becoming a game;
staying ignorant.

Honestly not much has changed.

Just little things like
rodents uncaged.

It's tough deciding
whether I miss you or not.

It's a lonesome matter,
and I'm just a selfish ****.

I don't miss the mania,

I don't miss the mania.
Justin S Wampler Aug 2015
My tongue thought it was love,
but my heart knew better.

And my mind was suffocating
due to lack of blood.
Justin S Wampler Aug 2014
The Nothing doesn't care for
riddles or wits
The Darkness isn't picky who's
embraced in it's grips
The Infinite won't mind if you
doubt it exists
The Endless wants nothing with
the scars on your wrists
The Untold collective ignorance
ends in an abyss
The Questions without answers
wither on my lips
'Nothing' exists.
Justin S Wampler Apr 2016
I stepped down into the creekbed
from atop the gravel path leading off into the woods.
and found myself at peace.

It was brief,
but for a moment I couldn't feel her presence
even though she was right behind me.

The shallow water slapped my ankles
and I stood fixing my pants as I scanned my new horizons,
noticing her clear reflection on the water.

Alas, as I turned to offer her a smile
I saw her look down and drop her hands,
putting her phone back into her pocket.

At the time I thought she was disinterested.
Just checking facebook.
Or texting her real friends.

Yet I was glorified whence I discovered she was just taking a picture.

Taking a picture of me.

Me standing in the water,
me scanning my horizons,
and me forgetting all about her.
Justin S Wampler May 2015
He played that guitar
like cupid on a broken heart
or a harmony upon a harp.

The sad instrument wept
his tears unto the dry crowd
and they sighed in saturation.

And once he was drained
of everything he kept contained
they lit their lighters, begging for more.

Alas, he was alive no longer,
and had nothing but great nothings
left to give them.

So they took the silence,
and gave it back to him.
Justin S Wampler Aug 2016
I'm going to touch you
so ******* hard.
Justin S Wampler Feb 2019
I don't want to do

Is secretly
That I do want to do
Justin S Wampler Mar 2022
The simple joy
of taking a massive dump.

Rushing home, feeling the pressure.

Fumbling with my keys in the door.

Dropping my coat to the floor.


sweet release.
Justin S Wampler Feb 2021
I threw a bunch of old photos out,
and it's really bothering me.
Not like, constantly, but...
I think about it every so often.

I'm astounded at how awful it feels.
I don't think there's anything else,
at least as much as I can remember,
that makes me feel this way.

I think it's because it's not... Hmm.
It's not just something bad that happened to me.
I think it feels so awful because,
it was just a hastily made decision on my part.

It'd be one thing if they got burned up in a house fire,
or even if they got ruined or lost in a big move.
I could tolerate that kind of loss, that kind of fate.
But the fact that it was me, that I intentionally
went and discarded them, especially after having
them for such a long time...

That's the part that really digs into my psyche.
Justin S Wampler Aug 2015
"I'm like, torn...

...between wanting to know who you really are,
and being terrified of it."
like, uhhh likeeee like totally like um yeah like uhhhmmm
like like like, totally Mel
Justin S Wampler May 2014
-Says Windows at night
while movies are downloading.

PirateBay trojans, malware, or viruses
all because Demonoid went and died on us!

Though never once have I thought:
"Oh, what shall I do?"

...'Cause it was I
who stole
the operating system
from you.

#computer #nerd #windows
Justin S Wampler Feb 2021
I may drive truck for a living
but don't let that fool you,
my full-time job is really
fighting off the voice in my head
constantly telling me to
not give a **** about anything.
Justin S Wampler Jan 2016
A statue of a man
gazing down upon his empty hands
is all that's left of me.
Justin S Wampler May 2024
We all ignite,
the only difference
is the fuel.
Justin S Wampler Nov 2020
A grip, a squeeze,
A pressing matter.
Skinned knees,
haughty laughter,
Begging "please,"
A lustful spatter.
My name,
Your name,
Before and after.
Out of breath,
An artful disaster,
Making a mess
Is what really matters.
Up in the rafters.

Coming down.

Holding on.

Letting go.
Justin S Wampler Apr 2015
...centipedes underneath big rocks in the dirt.
...worms on the pavement in the rain.
...rotting roadkill you drove over today.
...maggots writhing inside of dead brains.
...rainbows in great puddles of oil.
...fakest person you'll ever ******* meet.
...weeds and crabgrass polluting the soil.
...reason I hate humanity.
...nightmares preventing your sleep.
...dreams making your knees weak.
...scab you can't stop picking.
...ulcer you can't stop licking.
...spider in the bathroom sink.
...shakes you get if you don't drink.
...doubt whispering inside your mind.
...lies you've been fed all your life.
Justin S Wampler Feb 2022
She stole my heart.

I found it
listed on eBay.
Justin S Wampler Aug 2016
****, man.
She's got me good,
completely entranced
like I knew she would.

Who's in control?
I know she's all mine,
yet I can't help but fear
that I'm all hers.
We belong here
one way or another,
chuckling listlessly
at the idea of fate.
Fighting through
the tidal waves
of the weekly wait,
and drowning
together slowly
in the shallow
weekend riptides,
our bodies
lost somewhere
in the undertow
of this vicious love,
plummeting deeper
below the unbroken
surface above.

Falling forever,
she and I,
each and every night.
Justin S Wampler May 2014
Listen close, you'll hear the screaming behind my laughter.
Like if you look hard enough, imperfections become amplified by our attempts trying to hide them.
And if you stop to smell how the world really is, you're left with tasting what you had for lunch.
Or maybe if you spend enough time pondering the things you think about, being sentient loses meaning.
This poem hates me.
Justin S Wampler Dec 2024
Poetry is a ******* ******* and half-assed
way to express yourself.
People that write thousand of poems
on some throwaway website
might as well be screaming into a pillow.
They're useless people,
washed up, lazy,
and generally possess zero actual talent.

It's a medium designed
for pseudo-intellectuals to eternally
pat themselves on the back
for doing the bare minimum
of creativity.

Oh we're all so in touch with meaning,
oh we're all so ******* wasted on our
own sick sense of self-aggrandizing glory.

Poetry is for ******* ******* *******,
ineptitude on display
for other clapping, barking seals
to parrot and repeat
for eternity.
You all make me sick,
I ******* hate you.

I really ******* hate you all.
Justin S Wampler May 2014
Beautiful things that you'll never have,
clashing lights dance to an orchestrated symphony
and I sip quietly in the corner.

Protons sent at light speed blind you,
tidal waves curl and bind you
while I peel the sticker off of my lighter.

You've set your heart before me now,
crucified and defiled,
begging for the slightest glance.

I set forth my gaze becoming a statue
to never give you what you need.
Because I like to watch you bleed,
and I'm certain of the doubt
that lies within me.
Justin S Wampler Jul 2022
Held true an honest sword, never.

Yet still a firm grip persists
from a grudge long clenched.

Gleaming and bitterly cold,
this sharpened-heartstring blade.
Forged from flesh betrayed,
handed down through ages of old.
Justin S Wampler Jun 2015
With lips like a loaded gun
and scissors for a tongue,
her kiss is a cold ring of steel
pressed to my mouth
and her whisper slits my throat
with a simple "I do."
Justin S Wampler Oct 2021
Fear whispers in the night.

the voice of a fallen angel.

A voice like wind chimes
being dragged down a gravel road.
Like a harp
tumbling down a staircase.

Fear slithers from under a tinct veil of doubt,
that dark curtain hung behind my eyes.

Fear is there,
disguised as apathy.
Sopping with facades.
Laden with guilt.

Fear is here and I see it clearly.

I wonder if everyone else does too.
Justin S Wampler Jul 2016
It's not the doubt that does it.
It's not the second thoughts
nor is it the insecurities.
It's not about the lack of trust
or the saturated lust,
it's not the natural attraction
or the ****** satisfaction.

It's just the sickening familiarity of it all.
The painful realization that I've been here before, again and again,
yet each time expecting something...

Justin S Wampler Apr 2015
A fat throbbing maggot getting ****** dry by a leech.
Justin S Wampler Nov 2020
The leaves that blowing in the wind
All whisper out a name
And as I peek up at the sky
I see clouds spelling out the same
**** thing I been thinking bout all night
Tryna keep it outta mind
Tryna keep it outta sight
Cause I'm drowning in my head
Can't keep afloat atop this dread
From thinking bout the past
Back when I used to fantasize
About commiting suicide
To help me fall sleep at night
Because it didn't feel like death
It felt like an escape
From the various mistakes
And potential bad decisions I've yet made
But since I seen it first hand
My uncle swinging in the wind
I realized it's just cheap
So I value the position that I'm in
And I've come to respect it
And come to respect my kin
And wouldn't want the weight
Of that decision to be on them

But sometimes late at night
When I'm tryna fall asleep
And I listen to my mind
It says that she should be alive
And that it should be me
That's buried underneath
Justin S Wampler Jun 2016
My mouth is dry as I sit up,
not knowing where I am.
The fleeting dreams leave me
and I'm left with this throbbing
in my head, nauseated and foggy
in the pale morning light.
Fully dressed in ripped and stained
clothing that reeks of puke and smoke,
gravity presses inwards on my temples
and I want to die like this.

In the grey and hazy aftermath
of a night long forgotten.
Justin S Wampler Dec 2016
Seven years since first
I lit you up
but it still feels like yesterday,
every time I try
to give you up.
Cigarettes and cigarettes
Justin S Wampler Mar 2021
Even poetry
ain't about poetry no more,
it's all just for likes and reposts.
Justin S Wampler Aug 2016
The grass crunches beneath my feet
as I step through the fog of my breath
and into the crisp late-summer air
of this idle Tuesday morning.

Signs tell me when to stop
and lights tell me when to go,
these pedals beneath my feet
have me longing for unfamiliarity.

Don't the people know not to show
their faces around here anymore,
when life comes knocking at your door
how can you be expected to say no?

I see them in their little cars and trucks,
I see them driving through their lives
but do they see me watching them
safely from the inside of my mind?

Don't let this life pass you by,
try not to fall too far behind
because there are beautiful lies
that want to keep you locked inside.

I, for one, have grown ever tired of them
telling me to hide, and lulling me away
from the things I dream of experiencing
almost each and every single day.

Come with me
and we can see
space between
our little lives.
Justin S Wampler Mar 2023
The easiest way to quit smoking
is to keep looking forward to
the nicotine headrush you'll get
when you start smoking again.

Every day, every hour and minute
that you manage to hold off
will make that euphoric feeling
hit you that much stronger.

Lips pinched tight around
a cylinder of paper and fiberglass,
the sound of a Bic striking,
dipping the tip into the flame.

An inhale, a deep sigh through smiling teeth.
Slight spinning and just going limp,
letting your head hit the back of the chair.

Eyes closed.

Quitting feels...


Justin S Wampler Apr 2015
When I meet her gaze,
it rips the soul from my body
and ***** it through time and space
into her hollow and vacuous eyes.
Into the vacuum of her being.

I find myself in her mind
and step tentatively over the creases
and folds of her grey brain,
avoiding the beehives hanging like grapevines
from the ceiling of her skull.

But my eyes adjust to the light
and I see that my fears are misplaced,
it's not hives hanging inside her mind
but a series of dark rainclouds
behind black and blue skies.

It's too dim in here, thinks I,
where's all the sunshine?

If it's true, and her sun has died
I would douse myself and burn alive
just to provide her a little reading light,
just to dry out her rainy skies and
maybe brighten up her nine lives.

If it's true that her moon is hollow and dim
then I would be proud to fill it up again,
I would be happy to reinflate it's craters
with my final dying breath,
with all the essence of my being.

And I would hang it there in the night,
surrounded by the hole-punched skies.
So maybe when it reflects my self-immolation,
light would shine down through her beautiful eyes
and into that long-neglected mind.
Justin S Wampler Jun 2015
Always **Empty Inside, Often Unstable
& sometimes Yellow.
Justin S Wampler Jul 2016
ruin ourselves
each other.

savor the

we look back
we could have
Justin S Wampler Jul 2022
I keep biding my time
and biting my tongue.

When is it enough?
How long do I wait to say it?
Justin S Wampler Sep 2015
Through this acting
day in and out
like organic rust
without doubt
we grow smaller
and invasive
covering those
that we love
with covet for
those we hate.
Justin S Wampler Jan 2015
A loose wool-knit sweater had holes in the pattern,
through which her skin was visible both above and below
the dark sports-bra wore stretched across her *******.
I could see the thin straps draped over her collarbones,
and thought about the lines they leave in her skin.

Yoga pants squeezed her legs underneath of thigh-high socks,
and both were layered below tall leather boots with low heels.
An olive green fatigue jacket hung open around her and
was adorned with a colorful scarf that lay claim to her neck,
its tassels curled and bounced with each step she took
mirroring precisely the loose curls in her fair hair.

Finger-less gloves left her free to feel the texture of the
pages she turned one by one in a book pulled from the shelf.
She had sat down right in the aisle, planting herself in front of
the poetry section inside of a crowded Barnes and Nobles.
Sitting there with such an elegance, I lack the words for it,
completely unnoticed and free from the numerous
holiday shoppers that were carefully stepping over her,
books in their own arms, and heading for the cash registers.
Justin S Wampler Jul 2021
Everyone spins,
you spin too.

Everyone sits and stands and frets.

Everyone sees and listens
to the cooing of morning doves.

Everyone is so God ****** beautiful,
and life dithers between
reality and imagination.
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