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Sep 2024 · 139
The modern Utopia
Nathan Lippmann Sep 2024
The inventionts moves on
To created the technological utopia
It is the time of modern creation
No Time for the technical phobia

The modern machinery
In rapid change
Replaces the old engineery
The old technology is not more engage

We will be the slaves of technology
Giving up our freedom
The old times a mythology
No need for old engineery custom

The future will be soulless machinery
The Future of emptiness
The Technology of slavery
The technology of hoplesness
Sep 2024 · 325
Battle of nights
Nathan Lippmann Sep 2024
I'll paint my pain on the wall
The battles of my nights
Making me fall
And inner paranoid fights

Every night I want to start again
Won't break the habit
A normal life I won't regain
the drugs are my gadget

I locked the door
I can hear you running down the hall
Your screams I ignore
My dark memories made me pay for all

And in silency I regret
The steps that I took
My addiction made you upset
But you never saw, that demons wrote my book
Sep 2024 · 294
The Place
Nathan Lippmann Sep 2024
I'm traped in a place
A place full of confusion
Observed by a demonic face
Conflics with an illusion

Traped at this place with many scars
Living without conviction
This space, with dull stars
This place full of suspicion

Traped at this place and it's hate me
Can't break out of those dark memories
And never will be free
Pictures in my head of those black stories

Traped at this place without hope
A place where I'm alone
This is a place I can't cope
A place, where I breake under the weight of a stone

Traped at this place where I'm lost
It's a place of gloomy fog
A place never endless darkness crossed
This place with an invisible lock

Still traped at this place that I know
This place is me
This place is my foe
This place of broken dignity
Sep 2024 · 1.2k
Las Vegas
Nathan Lippmann Sep 2024
She wanders the lost streets of her city
She was looking for the shining lights of Las Vegas
But this streets here a gritty
The City that is for its casinos famous

She went through hell
Just to visit Las Vegas and its lights
She loved the city's spell
The sound of the slot machines in the nights

And at next morning she tells with a fragile voice
I was in Las Vegas, the city of lights, yes I was there
I was at the place of my choice
She said she loved the flair

But actually she wanders through her lost youth
She wanders through a fake reality
But she didn't wanted to know the truth
She lived her live in duality

But the day came, where she didn't came back from her trip
She had never luck at the slot machines in Las Vegas
In her hand her last chip
To everyone she was nobody, to us she was famous
Sep 2024 · 189
Toxic Love
Nathan Lippmann Sep 2024
This love is hot and cold
Am I with an angel or devil
Is this black or gold
Is it good or evil

Will we stay together
Or does anything still matter
Will it be a for ever
Or would I find something better

Love has to grow like a plant
It needs good and fertile soil
And not burned land
And sometimes very much toil

But in the end I say I love you
And we forgive
Our love is hate, but it's also true
And somehow also manipulative
Aug 2024 · 118
The Slooth
Nathan Lippmann Aug 2024
There was a sloth that was a little different than his fellow sloths
He was bouncing like a wild kangaroo
The others said: he goes strange paths
So he felt himselfe disvalue

Just a little time ago, he had an argue
In this moment he was impulsive and aggressive
He tried to jump the queue
He wasn't compransive

He was very hypersensitive and empathic
But still he hasn't many friends
He was for the most too much, too hyperactive
In a social Isolation it ends

To his appointments he often came late
he had a dysfunctional time management
He always Said: sorry that I let you wait
he was accused of showing little commitment

At school he wasn't good at reading long texts or mathematics
he had difficulty with concentration
he couldn't understand some systematics
He liked drawing illustration
Aug 2024 · 1.4k
Nathan Lippmann Aug 2024
Silently I cry
But no one sees my tears
Want to screem, but I'm to shy
I'm stuck in my fears

My eyes full of sorrow
My mind full of worries
In me the invisible pain of horror
My past drained with dark stories

I lost my trust in all
'cause no one understands my thoughts
The system and friends let me fall
at the police, a pile of my useless reports

Into alcohol and drugs I fled
Trying to escape the reality
and with indifference I was fed
This all formed my deadly personality

In the end, no one cares about me
I wander through my dark fantasies
For what was done to me, I've to pay the fee
my death is caused of your all  ignorencies
This for all who suffer, who feel left alone.
Aug 2024 · 551
The Message
Nathan Lippmann Aug 2024
There was this message someone send
Saying that I'm loved, it's not the end
I'm fine, that was I pretend
But I took all my strength and send a mail, through darkness I went

I trust this good old friend all time long
And luckely, he didn't proofed me wrong
I felt, the there was no where I belong
But with this friend, I feel now strong

The Message went on, listen to your hart
And never to the dark
He reminded me of that song of a lark
That was lonely in the park

It said, you are not alone
You don't have to do it on your own
And through the Park whispers of angels were blown
Follow our voice, not the dark you known

thanks alot my good old friend
Was the message that I then send
In future I'll listen to my hart and not to the darkness, that made me bent
I'll look for help, 'cause my life isn't for the demons to rent
Aug 2024 · 183
AI robot
Nathan Lippmann Aug 2024
It works, all day long and all night
It's a modernized slave
In it veins full of oil and has never a fight
It's a AI robot, it surfing always on the same wave

It took my place
Now I'm here with out work
I feel like a peace of waste
this AI thing is a lirk

It doesn't need a wage
It dosen't need to pay it rent
It only needs to charge and an oil exchange
It dosen't need  to bent

It just follows his programmed way
It does the job without complaining
It runs all night and day
It dosen't need time for a job training

It takes us all of the jobs
So we human beings get to feel worthless
It works more or less with no stops
It brings us the hoplesness

The day will come, the KI will programmes it self
The day will come, where we are lost
The day will come, that we can't do anything by ourself
The day will come, we pay the cost
Aug 2024 · 586
My Loving enemy
Nathan Lippmann Aug 2024
You're my love, my biggest enemy
The photo of us, shows my misery

You got me with your devils smile
I stayed at yours for a while

You are in my thought
And I'm in your caught

Your love won't let me go
You're my loved foe

You made me suffer
But still you my lover

You let me down, you let me fall
But my love for you is overall

We had last night a fight
It just went to wild

I staggered home
But I wasn't alone

You were inside of me
And I'll never be free

you'll own me all the time
You'll never make me feel fine

You are my love affair and affliction
You are my ******* alcohol addiction
I'm in the moment sober, but it's a daily fight
Aug 2024 · 257
The curse of the night
Nathan Lippmann Aug 2024
The curse of the night
Is the blure in my life
The Things I took, weren't nice
They Show me a spooky sight

Scars like tattoos on my skin
Telling the stories I went in
The game I played, I will not win
It made me live in the city of sin

But this city is tearing me down
This city, full of strange clowns
And the odd beast is wearing the crown
And I'm wearing the queens gown

I tried to find a way
So I can leave the city today
But all the ways lead to stay
Trapped in the city, no way away

I hear a haunted voice
It was to much but not your choice
Now I have to pay the invoice
I hear the creepy drum beat noise

It's the army of death
I have no breath
They're comming, to bring me to the depth
To chamber of the undead

A ringing voice, hey sis come back
I looked at the door, I hear it crack
And then around me, only black
The earth was quaking and I felt a whack

My mind flew through space
I came back to my place
I saw my brothers face
The paramedic said "We have to go, no time to waste"
Aug 2024 · 187
The Trip
Nathan Lippmann Aug 2024
It's time to start a Trip again
Not a Sunny Holiday Trip
A Trip with no destination
And full of tragety

The Road goes down and down
Through winding tunnels
The Lights are dazzling Like stars
And I just follow

I feel like a zombie
This trip is making me tried
But I just follow
Like a marionette to a puppeteer

At Last I arrived at the bottum of the mountain
And No more pills to swallow
The road goes straight ahead
And suddenly up again

The road ended at a haunted house
The doormat read "be my guest"
It was signed with a creepy smile
I opened the squeaky door

The house was sparsely furnished
I fled immediately to bed
Just feel the emptiness
'Cause I'm the haunted house

I woke up the next day
The sun was shining
The mirror in the medicine cabinet says "No more pills"
I shrugged my shoulders and started the next journey
Aug 2024 · 151
Game of life
Nathan Lippmann Aug 2024
Let us play the game of life
Some role one dice other twice
Some have no dice, they're paying the price

Some move on and some are stuck
They were hit by a thunderstruck
And others had luck

We all had this suspicous smile
This game will take a while
We moved forward our pile

Some tried to cheat
Other had to bleed
And some get help in need

Some are friends, some enemies
Some had to pay the fees
And some tried to flee

And so goes the game on and on
But no one ever won
They're all on the run
Aug 2024 · 1.3k
Dark Love
Nathan Lippmann Aug 2024
Here I lie with you
Under a deep Green tree
It feels like butterflies in the tummy
And love is in the air

A river is flowing at the Side
I shut the my eyes
And felt your love
And so I love you

A field of flowers surrounding us
This is the place I'll stay with you
For now and forever
And never forgotten, how we met

It was a nice spring morning
I was sitting here
And you came past
You smiled to me and I did follow

But why are the people wearing black today
And why are they looking at me
And the thousend of tears were falling
And next to me a deep dark hole

They carefully placed me in the hole
And throw roses down to me
and the then the sand
And on the Gravestone stood "In Loving Memory"
Aug 2024 · 95
Social Phobia
Nathan Lippmann Aug 2024
He sat at his phone
Just this call i have to do
He put all his courage together
And dialed the number

He took deep breath
Sweat dripping down from his face
His heart was beating faster and faster
And his mind spinning around

"Hello how can I Help you"
He heard the voice
He wanted to answer
But he couldn't, his mouth remained closed

"Hello, someone there"
The voice asked
He shivered and felt ashemed
He hung up and thought ******* social phobia
Aug 2024 · 121
Nathan Lippmann Aug 2024
Society - Your best friend or your enemy. It lifts you up or lets you down. It holds you together or rejects you. It respects you or discriminates you. Makes jokes with you or about you.

Or isn't the society a joke, let's start over and together Form a new society where everyone is accepted no matter if you are sick, disabled, poor, what skin color, what gender she/he/it belongs to or which ****** orientation you are.

Aug 2024 · 303
Flame of truth
Nathan Lippmann Aug 2024
Theres a flame
It's burning deep inside
It's the flame of truth
It would like to come out, but it hides

When it tries to come up the throat
I just swallow it down
I let it burn inside
And live with the lie

But here and there it escapes
And burns me in shame
No water can extinguish the flame
It burns and burns like hell

But I prefer the flame inside
So that I don't have to live in guilt and shame
Just want to burn the truth
So that I only remember the lie
Aug 2024 · 695
The Willow
Nathan Lippmann Aug 2024
Sunny days are rainy days
Going over to storms
And the thounder roars
Lightning the only light

Standing at the Edge of life
the mourning wind, tries to push me over
but I stay strong as an willow
I'm the tree, that doesn't break

The falling rain Turns into a river
The water current becomes wilder
It tries to pull me down
But I'm the Willow, that won't break

The lightning strucks into the other trees
And the fire Breaks Out
Ash and smoke surrounding me
But fire won't get the tree

The storm it grows
Ripping Out the Forrest trees
It still tries to Break me
But I'm the tree, your worst enemy

But at one day
The sun came Back Out
The storm is away, the water drained
I'm the tree, that will stay 'til the end
Aug 2024 · 782
Nathan Lippmann Aug 2024
There was a garden full of butterflies
They we're buzzing around
From flower to flower
It seemed everything was fine

But one butterfly didn't had a nice parental house
The parents often didn't say nice things to it
"You are Not good enough"
But also didn't do other nice stuff

In the school the Others laught about it
And started calling it names
The teachers only looked away
Also when it Changed her colors to Grey

The butterfly tried to be perfect
And wanted at least controll one thing
It wanted to controll it's body
So it lost a bit to much weight

While the others ate and ate
It sat in front of it's full plate
And in her head it praid
"Sorry for not beeing perfect"

The body started to shiver
'Cause it felt cold
Even when the sun was shining
That put it a nother crises

The butterfly's body started to change
It started to get problems with it's skin
But also with it wings
In it body everything started to sting

The day came where it was having a nap
A storm came up
And took the butterfly with it
And it was never seen again
Aug 2024 · 448
The Ocean shore
Nathan Lippmann Aug 2024
When I stand at the ocean shore
I can look far in the endless horizon
It's the mirror of the emptiness inside

Storms come up and Followed by sunshine
That reflects my mood swings inside
It changes faster than day turns to night

The Ocean shore marks my emotional borderline
If I step over, I could drown
But if I stay, the path will be dark

The waves mark my friendships
Try to hold on to them, but in the end they break
But some are not like waves, they are who will stay

I take a photo of this view in black and white
Do I like the endlessness or the ocean shore
I can't like both, so I have to decide

I build a few lines with Stones
The Wind and time tries to destroy the lines
But they will stay, like my scars
Aug 2024 · 66
The Wolf
Nathan Lippmann Aug 2024
I wonder throught the Forrest
I'm a big mighty wolf
But I don't feel so mighty
I don't want to be like the pack of wolfes

They taught me how to hunt
I don't like it
But have to do it
Have to show, that I'm the mighty wolf

If I don't hunt
Then I'm the hunted
They tell me "You have to provide for the family"
But thats not me

I would like to be the one, who raises the children
But that is not my task
The others would laught at me and chase me away
So I play the mighty wolf

But inside I'm the lonly wolf
The wolf, that doesn't fit to the pack
So I left the pack
Looking for a Pack where I can be myself

— The End —