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K 4h
You have him take specific pictures
I pleasure her to the max
you turn on candles
wear a bathrobe
become a damsel in front of the mirror
I take drugs
to stop the sea of thoughts I
drown in
you get lost in the salted rim
I lose control on the rocks
you start dreaming in art
I deeply phantasy in poetry
late at night
I saw you fly to Venus
next morning
you watched me sail
at sea
It was real
K Feb 11
The light hits my skin different
the sun would never
leave behind traces of love
I have yet to see the same artistic expression
during the day
This contrast
leaves blisters on my hands
Waking up under a spell
my feet hurt
Photographic memories of you
make love
to my soul  
Full of dreary absence
and dozy
my large tears brim
Let them fall
K Dec 2024
Is there ever
A day without thinking of you?
The sun gaps of light
Aren’t even bright anymore
I used to
stare at them and
visualize your
beautiful, beautiful face
Inspiration gone: CHECK
K Dec 2024
Someone forgot the pearl necklace today
I remember seeing a red and white skirt
the sound of the wind was strong
a floral set of earrings
As the camera rolled
a pause stood in the air
there wasn't a single cloud in the sky
the black blouse was transparent
the red on the mustang
reflected your sunshine face.
this poem
is like watching you
over and over again
K Nov 2024
But alone.
You miss me so much
I can see it in your eyes and look
The make up screams at me
The quotes are indirect
It's beautiful to see and quite frankly
I miss you too
there was nothing but oh there was
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