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564 · Oct 2020
JcF Oct 2020
Do we heal with time or does time fluctuate the essence of our healing - A window into a world explored opens and yet, before reaching our first step, well silence the anticipation of falling - Time - Was it too long or not enough - Missed opportunities are gathered - What might be open space to some is crowded by others. Forged from the beginning first breaths associated in rhythm - Pathologically divided in silence negotiations provided
Life's mystery
537 · Nov 2020
JcF Nov 2020
The magic
Everyone else -
looks like
524 · Sep 2020
Guilty Painting
JcF Sep 2020
Im due
My Guilt
This - My own sea of sin I shelter my emotions
Step blind to lines drawn  this ****** up painting I created
We call ourselves artist - I drop burning - Darkness covers this empty space - How did I get here - My creation - My weakness diluted strength
Forbidden by secrecy
Movement forward steps back to a beginning
Whispers fear needless truth - What is truth if forbidden - Carried heavy on shoulders innocent bystanders wander no direction satisfied by nothing preserved by guilt - Our guilt - Their guilt no gauge reckless
Time moves forward seconds raptured never return - Right a wrong - Decisions helpless - mourn a moment past
Salty our taste lies built with sudden haste concluded affection destruction brings new direction
Look back acknowledge a past to accept a new future - No one thing comes painless to process to pleasure - Birth to grave time swiftly travels - As clouds pass overhead time shelters memories gone.

As quick a letter read our life abides this destiny - Love the one who betters your existence and in all persistence forget not the past and the road that was traveled
Guilt is merely a message from above God's hand in grace
Look back the blessing - Once a ****** up painting now those lines created this masterpiece our masterpiece this painting 143.
312 · Sep 2020
JcF Sep 2020
Perplexed with intoxication
Visualize not mentalization
Saturated overcame this destination
276 · Sep 2020
Love Lies
JcF Sep 2020
She asked
Tell me where your love lies.
Hearts reply
My love does not doesn't tell a single lie, confused in chasing distant time flies underneath bitter sky
Love mimics truth acceptance
No descreptance
Falling dear nothing swears to shed your tear, look
deep into our past year consider fear
Faith comes by seeing not pleading
change bitter sweet my dear
My heart does not lie it only lay calm in the palm of your hands
Hands torn between truth and reality
What is our fatality
132 · Jan 2020
JcF Jan 2020
She stood sat delicate in presence - my eyes gathered confidence perplexed heart torn between curtains - her tone - words passionate confident in nature - eyes locked my soul torn moments passed - truth mapped deep within lines yet to be written - worlds of confusion secured in visual sight - our truth - conversations complex beneath casual nature - disturbed by paths already taken - wrong turns led hearts disengaged lies - new truth believed felt deep penetrated skin - hands tied gripped behind backs - compress let go - feel warmth between bodies passion deep moans engaged - a new truth portrayed - souls set on fire delicate lies lived in a past broken - dictated guilt crossroads yet to travel - roads grey following unmapped “terms”- our story threaded our stains tell stories - memories charted time spent gathered thoughts - vocalized between hearts unhappy - bitterness past discretion - manipulated - others look in judgment felt hell’s destination - we walk roads already traveled past memories haunt decisions unmade - live to settle daily life pass blink - it’s gone - sleepless nights a future already mapped - laminate dust covers persuade to step blind - hands clinched steep roads untraveled - eyes water **** manipulation unsettled judgment - this is “our map” let’s travel - Our hands locked - my queen above all - baggage neither can tell - carried between truth - yours is mine I’ll love you forever - unleash heavens gates - my heart's yours - these are my terms - forged in hell’s fire - my promise my desire, our fire.
Heart Lost Map Soul Love Stains Truth She Hand Torn Fire Desire

— The End —