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J B Moore Jun 2016
Every time I finally start to overcome 
And from my feelings find the strength to run;
There, around the corner, are my memories waiting,
And I suddenly begin to realize that my strength is quickly fading.

It doesn't seem to ever long enough last.
I never seem to truly overcome my past.
It haunts me in my dreams whether I'm asleep or awake.
It knocks me down and beats me till once again I break.

I try so hard, I really do,
I try my best to look forward to
Every good thing that will come from this pain,
And every little gift I'll in the end gain.

I know that everything has happened for a reason,
I only wonder at what time or in which season?
When will the past at last be behind me?
What must I do to find you to come find me?

How long will it take, I've truly begun to wonder,
When I no long hear this passing thunder;
The clash-clanging reminder of that which has been,
To finally see the sun along with a newly best friend?

Again I say my best is being done,
To this drenching pain at last overcome.
Yes I'm doing my best to weather the storm
Still it's leaving me feeling so battered and worn.

8/21/14 10:46 p
J B Moore Jun 2016
I will always love you until the day I die.
And this so often makes me cry,
That even with this love we can't stay together,
Still, that will never stop me from loving you forever

J B Moore Jun 2016
Here is something to remember,
I will hold you through many cold Decembers.
Giving all I can to keep you warm.
Especially through the coldest storm.

Remember if all I saw was you
My eyes would never tire
And you can never say different
Unless you think I am a liar. 
See, never in my life did I know I'd go to prom
Much less with someone not my mom.
And then to find once you're past the start 
That prom is for the heart.

Remember proven facts aren't always true
Yet one fact I will always prove
Is just how much that I love you.
For that's one thing that will always be true

For when I was lost 
You came running to find me
No matter the cost
You came to unbind me.

If I had been a slave 
You'd have treated me as free
Had I been a beggar
You'd have seen me as a king.

Don't forget how the memory works.
Slightly foggy with all of its quirks
Remember a memory, one of our firsts,
It seemed so special, with its lack of words.

So soft was the sand between our toes
The warm sunlight made our faces glow.
Quietly the waves brushed against the shore
 It seemed after every wave our hearts would beat more.

And there one thing I had to ponder,
While our hearts would beat like thunder.
How the sight of you just left me breathless,
And that to not see you again would leave me so restless.

Yes, how could a girl so beautiful as you
Fall in love with one like me.
You promise you will never leave
And for that I am amazed.

Yes, something to remember
I hold the most precious gem
By far its truly one of a kind,
One of which all men hope to find.

Yet the Father has blessed me
A terribly wretched sinner
To give me the best girl
Who cooks me the best dinners.

Remember, I say again and again
I have fallen in love with my best friend.
Never in my life did I look forward to forever.
Until now, since I know we'll be together.

And that's just a little something to remember.

11/3/12 1:25 am
J B Moore May 2016
It's short
it's sweet
It's the perfect treat

For our last goodbye 
I'm not going to lie
I really hope you don't die

Growing up we had our fair share of fights
With flying slippers 
...and that broken swiffer
But I think we turned out all right

You're not the strongest nor the smartest
Though you're much stronger than me.
And I know you'll fight the hardest
When you're fighting for our right to be free

It is said there is a friend unlike any other
One that sticks closer than a brother

Perhaps some day this will be true
But I think it's almost impossible to do
Cause I have to say, 
to my brother born in May,
I've never had a closer friend than you.

So here's farewell, not goodbye
There is only do, never try
Stay strong, don't die
And of course, semper fi

For my brother, who got a last minute call to go to Paris Island sooner than expected
J B Moore May 2016
One day, my dear, we will fall in love again.
Someday, my love, we will soon be friends.
And I'll wait and I'll wait, until that day
When one day becomes today, that's what I pray.
For when someday becomes today, I'll be ready,
On the day I wrap my arms around you just to keep me steady.
Someday, my dear, just you wait and see.
One day, your love again I'll be.
You will promise with me to stay
And I'll be so much happier, one day.

12/6/13 12:59 a.m.
J B Moore May 2016
Prom is for the parents
Nothing less, nothing more
It seems to me quite apparent 
As they drag me to the store.

Sure, girls all have fun
As they shop in search for the perfect dress
But until that is done
It seems to me they're only filled with stress

Prom is for the parents
I have to say
But when it's time to make a purchase
It is we who are left to pay

The tickets cost an arm and a leg 
And the clothes our hands and feet
Before this is over we'll have to beg
And will wake up the next day on the street.

Prom is for the parents
They just love to take our picture
It would come as no surprise
If they went as far as to get a fixture.

But then comes that time
We've been waiting for all year
The night I call you mine
And get to hold you so near.

And although I don't know how
For you I'll give it a chance
When better to learn than now
Yes, I think I'll like to dance.

So prom is for the parents
If only at the start
But if I get to hold you close
Then Prom is for the Heart

Something silly I wrote before my senior prom to help with the nerves.
  May 2016 J B Moore
For tears that fall
On hollow cheeks
When the weeks feel like years
And the years feel like weeks.

And you sit by a grave
Where the roses grow
But the rose that you seek
Is buried below.

You have my heart
Heavy with sorrow
For the velvet rose
With no tomorrow.
Absolutely over the moon (if a little shocked) to see that this piece made the daily.  Thank you all so much for your comments - I promise to reply to you all individually at some point soon.  It was an extremely emotional, difficult, but ultimately cathartic write. Dedicated to our wee Shane, who we will never forget ***
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