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J B Moore Nov 2015
Is it indubitably unsuitable
to be suitably incommunicable
on the undeducible deduction
dubitably deduced
to be immovably unmovable
or doably undoable?

Or can a crazy conundrum communicate
the incommunicable indubitabilty
of the undeducibly suitable deduction?

Simply said,
such is doably suitable,
or indubitably deducible
if the doably communicable deduction

deduces down
to the suitably suitable,
Movably reducible reduction
that's indubitably doable.
J B Moore Nov 2015
A broken heart and shattered dreams
Left this man wandering,

Trudging through the ice, left out in the cold,
Having just lost the only one he loved to hold.

Tears fell from his face like pouring rain
But he knew he was the one to blame.

He held on to the one thing he still had
An old music box he opened when sad.

In it were peices of his heart and shattered dreams,
Mixed with broken memories of beautiful things.

In the midst of a storm, while his fire still burned,
He kept the box close and would to it often return.

Opening it up when he'd begin to forget
He'd use the old dreams to keep the fire lit.

He looked at a picture from the very beginning,
In which they were both from ear to ear grinning.

With an oversized shirt and his arm around her shoulder,
Compared to then, he felt so much older.

Pictures like these reminded him of being home
At a time when he never had to think of being alone.

With so many to look at, his fire would burn a while,
The smoke made him cry, though his face showed a smile.

With no pictures left he moved on to the songs,
When everything was right before it went wrong.

Their first dance seemed to last a thousand years,
What he would have given for a hundred more with her near.

By the everglow from the candlelight,
He couldn't help but think he must've done something right.

He always thought that this was the best thing,
Until that night he found himself awakening.

On the brink of disaster, falling asleep at the wheel
Having paid too much mind on how she made him feel.

When a twist in his story came out of nowhere
And he was forced to live out his own worst nightmare.

And overnight he was expected to suddenly move on
For it took just one fight before she was gone. 

He did his best to find peace,
But he could only do so in his sleep.

'Don't wake me,' he thought, 'From my favorite dream,
It seems I'm forever and always awakening.'

'Suppose I reached out, and with my thumb wiped your tears
And suppose this fight just magically disappeared

'Could it help bring you home, would it be worth the try,
Or is it all just one foolishly stupid lie.'

So caught up in not wanting to become a stranger,
He put his friendship in very real danger.

He didn't want to love somebody else
But there was nothing left to remind himself.

As the last song played it danced away
Their memories fading, not able to stay.

Looking into the box there was left one thing,
And it would have the most memories to bring.

Last, was their story, from when they first became friends,
Which they spoke of a lot but only wrote now and then.

It had helped them to grow into what they'd become,
Built on friendship, laughter, and a whole lot of fun.

It still wasn't finished when they had got in that fight
But even now, once in a while, he still liked to write.

With so many memories, the fired Would burn on,
Unitl finally light reached him from the coming new dawn.

He sat in the cold, with no more tears left to cry,
No longer afraid that alone he would die.

And with no more memories left to remember 
He set down the box and put out the embers.

He had nothing left now, it was time to move on
A new day was here, it was already dawn.

By the strength from the sun, he left behind his sorrows,
Sick of searching for hope in a better tomorrow.

For tomorrow is always coming, and there it will stay
So instead, choose to find hope in the here and now of today.

That's what he did and that's what he does
Until today becomes the day he truly falls in love.

Never will he see that music box again
But the memories will return, now and then.

They will be sweet ones of things long past
While he sits in the arms of a love that will last.

J B Moore Nov 2015
I promised to never leave yet I left
A promise I meant to keep but haven't kept.
So I sit here so many tears having wept.
For all my promises not kept.

I can no longer hold you, 
I was not there forever.
Unlike I had once told you, 
I doubt we'll be together.

I promised to make you my wife
To be there for you for all your life
Now I sit here and I weep
Over the promises I cannot keep.

1:45 a.m. 12/11/13
Sometimes, life just doesn't let us keep the promises we so desperately wish we could.
J B Moore Nov 2015
As I lay here trying to sleep,
Breathing in, I'm breathing deep
A gentle nod, a heavy eye,
A simple prayer for a quite night 

Rain drops patter on the window pane
Moonlight so soft as it starts to wane
A heavy eye, a gentle nod
A simple prayer to an awesome God

“Dear Lord, bring me comfort, give me peace;
With all that's going on, set my mind at ease
Fill my dreams with precious joys, I'm asking please

This is just a simple prayer, help me tonight,
Lift away the fog, drain me of all fright.
Let me gently nod, as my heavy eyes close tight.


J B Moore Nov 2015
Listen to the slow steady gong of the death knell
From down the street at the old clock tower
The tell tale tolling of the old tower bell.

In the square, no one dares approach that well,
Where sick beat the quick, and sweet turns sour,
Listen to the slow steady gong of the death knell.

Sinking into the hearts a fear no one can quell,
Making the strong weak, causing brave men to cower,
The tell tale tolling of the old tower bell.

The streets are abandoned as dark spirits swell,
Beseting the village, all light they've devoured,
Listen to the slow steady gong of the death knell.

The people were running, scared as they fell
Yet, amidst all the chaos, marking the hour
Was the tell tale tolling of the old tower bell.

Dark and deserted, there the demons will dwell
Betwixt the spirits and shadows with chaotic power.
Listen to the slow steady gong of the death knell,
The tell tale tolling of the old tower bell.

10.21.15 11:16pm
My first attempt at a villanelle
J B Moore Nov 2015
None of it feels real but rather surreal 
as my memories fade into dreams.
The future becomes the present and the present past,
As my memories fade into dreams

I feel lost in a fog, dazed and confused
Confused how I woke up feeling so bruised
I've lost all feeling in my past it would seem
As my past becomes a memory that fades to a dream.

Now that I'm awake it's hard to recall
Standing with caution, afraid I might fall.
Dreams fade into memories that can't be kept,
Memories of dreams, dreams that long to resurrect.

Resurrect from within, a life full of gladness.
Putting to death my sorrows and sadness.
I start to recover from the battle lost
My memories fading like dreams, is the cost.

For shortly after waking, dreams fade away.
In the same manner my memories won't stay. 
I fight to remember, I struggle to hold on
But lo, quick approaching is a burning new dawn.

And with every new coming dawn
Are my thoughts left wandering on,
Warm sun light so brightly gleaming,
My memories quickly fading as I awake from dreaming.
J B Moore Nov 2015
Lying awake, I stare at the ceiling,
Wondering if I'll ever regain any feeling.
Trying to lay still, I still feel like I'm falling,
Listening to the cries of my memories calling,
Flooding my thoughts, causing me pain,
Binding my mind with these freezing cold chains.
Now I must wait till those thoughts are all gone,
But by the time that does happen, it's already dawn.
Written 11/22/13 1:29 am
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