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J B Moore Nov 2015
Letting his pome to Siri
Hopefully will make us 2.[period]
I got it matters what I say
Should probably change it anyway
Still out the 10 at home to Siri

I don't think contacts it should be
Around so cool be made out of me 
Still grumbling to choke 
So I don't waste too much rope
If anyone doesn't turn out too funny

After the person's coming
Bowman mentioned you running
Three more specific
It's more bulimic
Did everything go a plenty

Wonderwall things are
Fly high above All-Stars
Do you think that it's June,
That there Brazelton blue,
If they held and the press really hard?

So this is the phone from Siri
Not feeling quite weary
To Shay' pasta please process he,
Or just a foster for you' [apostrophe]? 
I guess we'll just have to see...

I'm writing this poem through Siri,
Hopefully it won't make us to teary,
I doubt it matters what I say,
she'll probably change it anyway,
Still I'll dictate my poem through Siri.

I don't think complex it should be,
Or else a fool will be made out of me
Still I'll grumble and I'll choke
So I don't raise too much hope
If in the end it doesn't turn out too funny.

After this verse it is coming
A poem that might send you running
Though to be more specific 
It's more of a limerick 
Than anything full of cunning.

I wonder where wild things are,
That fly high above all the stars?
Do you think that it's true,
That their face will turn blue,
If they held in their breath really hard?

So this is the poem from Siri
And now I'm feeling quite weary
For did I say 'pasta please',
Or just 'apostrophe'?
I guess we'll just have to ask Siri.

J B Moore Nov 2015
I fight this battle hard and true
To find a way to make me new
But for all the pain that does ensue
I have me to thank and not you.

I'm tired out and torn apart
Ever since we broke each other's heart.
Such a feat came at a great cost
For that's when I found I was lost.

It seems that I am finding out
That evermore I'm finding doubt, 
For every right I do feels wrong
And I'm left wandering, wandering on.

What I should do I do not know,
Perhaps it's time to let this go.
I thought it was love, the day we met
But I guess it's time I just forget.

I long for things that have once been
To find joy in life, once again
But even at night this can never be
For not even my dreams have me smiling.

It seems that I am finding out
That evermore I'm finding doubt.
For after midnight comes the dawn
And I'm left wandering, wandering on.

I stumble around looking to find me
Trying to search for something to remind me
Have I ever been in this place before?
Or is this the first time I've opened that door?

I think I've lost myself to the night
Losing hope when I lost my sight
I'm blinded, broken, battered, and bruised,
If I find me will I be any less confused?

It seems that I am finding out
That evermore I'm finding doubt.
For out of sight my hope has gone,
And I'm left wandering, wandering on

J B Moore Nov 2015
This is the Fisherman's tale
With a rod in hand and live bait in a pale,
Of a day spent out on the beach
And fish just a cast out of reach.

The day started as any fisherman would
Before the sun was up, when the fishing was good.
He hopped on his bike and road the old trail
Till he could smell the tides from the ocean gale.

Today was the day, he could feel it in his bones
He would bring food to his loved ones at home
This was his day, he was so sure,
With a brand new rod and a homemade lure.

Cast after cast, hour by hour
Time moved by until he started to sour
All that time and not a single bite;
Now clouds rolled in, black as night.

The wind started whipping the sand all around
Still the old fisherman stood his ground
The storm was coming, in just a matter of time
"I can't leave" he thought, "until that fish is mine."

As the thunder boomed and lightning crashed,
He decided to give just one more cast
As the rain came down, soaking him through
This was the one, he swore it was true.

Waiting there patiently, slowly he'd reel
Even if his legs he could no longer feel.
When all of a sudden with a great flash
he was able to tell that this was the cast.

The line went tight as he threw back the rod 
He was hooking this fish, he thought with a nod.
The battle that followed was one terrible fight
Fish verses man all through the night.

And as the sunlight rose, marking the dawn,
The fisherman still fought as the battle raged on.
He wouldn't give up, he wouldn't let it go
The fish was his, and he would soon let it know.

The fish neared the shore jumping clear through the sky
Only to get robbed off the hook by a seal passing by.
The fisherman stood there, staring in awe
"The seal stole my fish!" He thought dropping his jaw.

"The fish it was huge, six feet at least," he would say
"I fought it all day and night till that beast took it away"
Yet no one believed him, they just called him a goof
And scoffed, "how convenient it is, that you don't have any proof."

Still this is The Fisherman's story
After fishing all day and night on the beach
One filled with unseen glories
How he was one cast away from the catch of the week.
J B Moore Nov 2015
Forever have I promised
To from you never sunder
And though this promise I will keep
I have begun to wonder.

I wonder just what it'd be like
If for all my life I hold your hand, 
For all my life could be a long time
I wonder if that you could even stand.

If I hold your hand past "down to the wire"
Through the sniffles and the cough
Would my hand begin to tire,
Could it possibly fall off?

Even if my hand could get dismembered
I'd hold you nice and snug
For this you should remember
If I lose my hand I'll give you an eternal hug.

But then I begin to wonder
If I hold you close for eternity
Would our heart beats sound like thunder
Would we manage to keep on standing.

Yet even if our legs turn to jelly
And like pudding become our thighs
Nothing will stop me from saying "Hello Beautiful,"
Nor from looking into your eyes.

And this I know about my eyes,
They could never become weary
If all they saw was beautiful you,
Yet I know they may get teary.

But there's one thing I'll always wonder,
How could I be so blessed to have you,
And even though I often blunder
I know your love will always stay true.

J B Moore Nov 2015
What is wrong with a world
Where the sky is green and the grass is blue?
Where up becomes down and left turns right
And the sun starts to rise first thing in the night?
Why can't people fly, and chickens dance,
And all the little critters wear pants?

What's wrong with a place 
Made with a creative imagination?
Or an imaginative creation
That makes everything new? 
You could have superpowers for even an hour
Heck, why not the whole day?
And those who lied, would be justified 
By the power of the truth we say.

See, I'd like to create a creature
That could change its physical features
To look like watches, gems, or diamond rings,
Or any other shiny thing.
What's wrong with a world like that?

What is so dangerous about the imagination?
Why do we frown upon its sight?
Am I crazy or is it true
Does the world reject the new
When upside down becomes upright?

I suppose the question now arises,
After all of these surprises,
As to the point I'm trying to make.
When this world is full of gloom
And we see ourselves as doomed
And our happiness is fake.
This is when we should look
Away from a screen and to a book
To find real happiness a piece of cake.

Let's explore the worlds within our minds
And perhaps we just might find 
a reason to live on.
For when the grass is too green and the sky is too blue
And you think your dreams will never come true, 
and your hope is gone,
Fly away to a secret place, 
look in the mirror and make a face,
So you can greet with a smile each new dawn.

This is the power of a creative imagination,
Building a world, an imaginative creation.

J B Moore Nov 2015
People plan to partake in 
pondering this painful piece
of the Ponderer's ponderings.

These pathetic pain filled people
presume that
pondering the Ponderer's ponderings
is perfectly practical in practically every peaceful way.

But presently,
the Ponderer's particularly pondering ponderings
are perniciously precarious in every perilous way.

Thus, to ponder the Ponderer's pondering ponderings
is not particularly practical,
but instead pertain
to perniciously painful parts of precarious nature
J B Moore Nov 2015
I once was a man, so full of pride
Behind my timidity would I hide
I thought my deeds were like shimmering gold 
When in truth, no value did they really hold.

So good was I at being good
I began to believe that no one could,
Even if they really did try,
Yes no one would catch me in this lie.

I got so good, I thought I believed
When really I merely myself deceived 
I was in so deep I never even knew
That all was a lie, I thought to be true.

I joined the ranks, under His command,
On the side of the King I took my stand.
But never did I fool the Sovereign King
Who knows all, sees all, everything.

Even still being the traitor that I was,
I faught for the King because, because.
Because I thought I could make my place
Within his Castle, if I stayed an ace. 

Had I only known that enter did no one
Unless the King had specifically chose them.
For no matter the battles that I could "win"
Only those called, would ever get in.

But then one night, lo that awful night,
Was a battle in which alone I did fight.
It was upon me so quick, off my guard being caught.
She went for my sword, from my hands was it wrought.

I tried crying out but quickly went silent
The sin conlvulsing within, becoming so violent.
I begged and I cheated my way out of death
Giving in to Temptation, who stole my breath.

She never would let me on my own breathe
Having taken my breath, I never could leave.
But she'd give it back so I could live normal days
Yet every night once again would she take it away.

Though not my own, I found a well,
Reaching deep within for a drink, I fell.
Having been so thirsty, I was quickly consumed
If I only knew, those who drank were forever doomed.

If I had only known the poison Temptation gave me, 
I would have gladly died if it meant I'd be free.
The sin grew within making me lose control
Still, I gladly drank the poison that was killing my soul.

This continued on for a time too long;
And I still couldn't see that I was in the wrong.
No matter how fatal I knew the poison to be,
I just wouldn't stop, even if it were the death of me.

Then one night, while in Temptation consumed,
There came a light with a crack and a boom.
And there stood a messenger from the King himself,
His garments displaying the King's great wealth.

"Sad tidings for you do I now bring,
A message straight from the King.
A message to you of consequence,
One that will cause your burning ears to ring.

"The King is aware of your heinous crimes
He warns you of the coming times
Where his judgement will rain down on you,
And you will feel you've lost your mind.

"He knows about you and Temptation,
And how you desire her awful sensations.
But you think that you of all are perfect 
Not needing any salvation.

"Oh how you error in your ways
When you should be counting the days,
Until the debt you have incurred 
Is a debt you will soon pay."

I looked at him and openly scoffed
When I knew inside that I had naught,
Nothing at all with which to pay,
To my silence he then had this to say.

"The King is generous which is why I was sent
To make sure his gift wasn't carelessly spent.
You must pay it all back, everything
Down to the very last cent.

"If not, to you a curse shall ensue
In the midst of a battle, the world verses you
On that dark and damning day 
You will have no choice but to pay your due.

"For there will fall your wretched soul,
Into the deepest, darkest hole
The consequences of your crimes
Having finally taken their toll.

"And there you'll fall forevermore 
Never knowing what's in store
And all the wretched deeds you loved
You'll now at last abhor

"For so long you wore a mask of light
And even fought their same fight
Yet all this time underneath your skin
Your heart was darker than blackest night.

"If just one had been able to tell,
Who you were, yet there you fell
Falling closer than you ever knew
Toward the tormenting, firery, flames of Hell."

"Enough, that's it, no more," cried I
"I can take no more or else I'll die
There must be something I can do
Anything that could make me new."

"Have you not listened to what I said?
Or do you have too thick a head
You cannot do a thing at all,
Your soul, forever has been dead."

"Please tell me who," I did reply
"Can save me from my very lies.
Who can bring dead back alive 
And my useless soul, who can revive?"

"There is one man, who completely paid
The price it cost and was not afraid
For on a cross he did die,
For the sinners lost, his life he laid.

In the grave he spent three full days,
Yet in the grave he would not stay 
The King having given him the power
To conquer death in every way.

Only through repentance and belief upon the Son
Can ever your battles against sin be won.
For through Christ and his saving power
Has all the work been done."

Before the messenger made those words his last
Before he was suddenly gone with a flash
He said this to me "Be warned,
When between right and wrong you are torn."

As you sin you twist the jagged knife
That drains away your lover's life
As you stare at them through tear filled eyes 
Think, 'was it really worth this price.'"

With that he was completely gone
Come to find out it was already dawn.
For once, I felt refreshed and renewed 
And the sin that I did began to feel crude.

At last I thought I was truly free
But Temptation still had her chains on me
Only now, she had loosened her grip
Letting me over my own stumbling blocks trip.

I then fell in love with a girl who changed my life
So much so I wanted her to be my wife.
Yet Temptations chains held me back,
It was strength— or was it faith— that I lacked.

Then came the night for which I was doomed,
Whilst in Temptation completely consumed
I plunged my sword into her back
My love had died, my soul stained black

What I wanted to be one, was forever in two,
The Messenger's warning now coming true.
I had loved her dearly, or so I thought,
But in the end it was all for naught.

So there I was more broken then before
Having lost everything to still lose more.
For I had believed I had been made new
Only to find that to be far from true.

And for the very first time
I realized I was quite blind
To still be living a life with Temptation,
Was the very proof of my lack of salvation.

Then I went and bowed before the King
Giving him much thanks for everything
For the loss of a love and for the pain
And the resulting salvation that I gained.

And as the King would so decree
I repented, believed, and became quite free.
The King and his army defeated Temptation 
And I joined His ranks through a watery declaration.

As time went on, I still have found I sometimes would fall
But I wasn't alone, to the King I could call.
And he will always help me up by lending a hand 
And lets me lean on Him when I need help to stand.

For so long as I lean on him in the midst of my trials
And keep repenting of sin which I now find so vile,
He will give me the strength, the strength to carry on,
And show me the way with each new coming dawn.

I once was a man with a wretched soul,
Who was saved by grace and remade whole,
Not by any deed I could do on my own
But by faith in the perfect work of Christ alone.
Warning: this is a long one
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