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You were gifted
with intelligence -
to be ever growing.

You were born
to seek knowledge -
to be in the knowing.

Don't fall victim
to the infectious
  "brain draining" epidemic -
implemented to cut you short.

Listen to your conscience -
not to all of the crap
that you've been
"subconsciously" taught!

By Lady R.F ©2017
there are those times
that i read what you've read
watch what you've watched
play games you've played
listen to songs you've listened
just to find you
find pieces of you
in the books
in the movies and tv shows
in the games

there are those times
that i try to find pieces of you

but there are also times
that i found pieces of me, instead

*thank you for those times
thank you, jeden

January 5,2017
 Jan 2017 Illya Oz
When my finger met the paper, in a brief love affair, it took my blood as a trophy.
Then the red droplets created a beautiful mess as it sank into the dead white wood.
It stung badly, and it continued to hurt as I went on a mission to find a bandage that
could keep the crimson art inside of me, instead of spilling it everywhere.
When I wiped the excess blood away I saw nothing, yet I was still in pain.
But what hurts the most right now is my heart, because just like I couldn’t
see the papercut, you can’t see my broken heart either, and it is bleeding heavily.
Because of you.
And I can’t seem to find a bandage big enough to heal the
hole you left in my dying heart.
I am so happy that my poem was selected as a daily. That is so unbelievable on so many levels. Thank you so very much to all of your comments, likes and reposts. It means the world to me! :)
 Jan 2017 Illya Oz
Sanjukta Nag
Looking at the birds
Little girl thinks,
"How sweet it would have been
If I had wings."

Looking at the girl
Caged birds sing,
**"No birds would be flying in the sky
If humans got wings."
Pause ...
And acknowledge your triumphs,
A little bit more,

That you are stronger,
Than you once were before.

Take timeout
To free your chaotic mind,

Rearrange your priorities,
Things of importance
You will find.

Do things
That make you feel
Real joy and happiness,
A little bit more,

The things
You used to make time for,
Once upon a long time ago--before.

Praise yourself
For the effort you put-in,
In all that you partake,

And forgive yourself,
Along the way, for any misjudgements,
That you may happen to make.

Walk with nature,
Or walk through shallow waters
Of a beautiful sandy beach,

Walk through an evergreen forest,
Or a local park, within reach.

Read a book,
Watch a movie,
Or take a swim,

Do something you love,
Do anything!

Just do it
A little bit more!

Your soul will thank you -  
Of this, I'm absolutely,
Positively sure!

By Lady R.F ©2017
 Jan 2017 Illya Oz
Ramin Ara
At night
I open the window
and ask the moon
To come
And press it's face
Against mine
Breathe into me
 Jan 2017 Illya Oz
Ramin Ara
All know
That the drop merges into the ocean
Few know that the ocean merges into the drop
 Jan 2017 Illya Oz

If I run from the other side of the earth
And you run from the other half of it
And then we meet somewhere in between or in the end,
Does we prove that the world is round?

Love, i'd rather believe this,
So that you can't run away from me
My love will be just right inside the circle
No escape,  just a cycle, round and round


Imagine if the earth is flat,
If I walk away to the south
And you walk away to the north
How can we see each other again?
 Jan 2017 Illya Oz
My mind is wandering
Going to places I've never been
Trying to acquire wisdom
But all I've got is boredom

Procrastination is my enemy
And laziness is envy
I am chasing a dream
Should I wake up now or stay asleep??
 Jan 2017 Illya Oz
Cupid must have shot me twice
For you have fooled me twice
**** that arrow
Brings tears and sorrow
Oh stupid cupid
Please take back that **** arrow
And don't shoot my heart again, ever.
Yay. Oh Cupid!
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