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 Dec 2016 HIding
Ready to Dance
 Dec 2016 HIding
Here, hold my open palms.
I think I am finally ready.

To put my past on mute.
To be played on a new song.
To surrender my heartbeat to your tapping feet.
To sway.
To dance to an unknown tune.

Take my empty hands.
Take my free soul.
Take my dying crazy.
Take my loneliness as I grow old.
Take me forever
until my heart is dead and cold.
am I too busy to be sad?
it's hard to be melancholy
when you're in a hurry
or am I just too numb to cry
all the tears frozen up inside?
 Sep 2015 HIding
Hey you,
Yes you!
Sad? Depressed? Suicidal?

Stop scrolling down.

Just listen to what I have to say to you.

You sit in your room hating yourself.
You believe no one understands you and no one ever will.
You take out the blade and add one more scarlet line to your collecting.
You think you're just a worthless space in life and wish you could just end it.

Just stop and think for a minute.
Imagine if you did.

Imagine your mom and dad walking into your room.
You lay in a pool of your own blood on your floor
Staining the white carpet.
Your mother shrieks and runs to your side, bawling.
Your father yells your name, hoping you'll just wake up.
But you don't.
You're precious heart has ceased to beat.
Your younger sister runs into your room wondering what all the commotion is about.
She explodes into tears and runs to her room and hides under her covers.
Your parents yell to her, but they don't want to leave you.
They call 911 hoping they can still save you,
But when the ambulance arrives, they say,
"It's too late."

News about your death spreads fast.
Your family shatters and your community crumbles.
Your best friend doesn't go to school anymore.
She's too busy crying beside your headstone.
Your ex blames himself for breaking up with you
And making you think the separation was your fault.
The boy who secretly loved you cries himself to sleep every night.
The bullies are silent now.
They get an awful stab in their chest.
They know they caused this.
Your principal blames himself.
He thinks that if he would have stopped the bullies,
You'd still be here.
But everyone knows you're gone.

Your little sister is haunted by the
Image of your dead body in your mother's arms.
You were her best friend.
She's so alone without you.
She starts cutting her own skin and starves herself.
She's only 13 and is lost without you.

Your little brother, who was in preschool when you died,
Is always asking,
"Where's *****?"
Your parents don't have the heart to tell him
You're gone. And never coming back.
They just cry.
Your little brother is only 4. He'll never know who his sister is.

As for your parents,
They're shaken by your loss.
They don't go out with friends anymore.
They don't eat the food your sympathetic neighbors brought over.
Oh, and their jobs? They're too busy staring into the abyss they see in plain white walls.
The bills start piling up and they're losing your little sister.

The world is so silent from your death.
The stars aren't as beautiful as they used to be.
The sun doesn't smile.
The moon offers no escape from the black of night.
Not even roses- your favorite flowers- smell good anymore.

Sometimes, everyone closes their eyes,
And imagines that you're still with them.
But when they open their eyes,
They just walk back into the same
Life without you.

Do you still want to make those ever lasting scars on your body?
Do you still want to ruin your flesh with burns?
Do you still want to end your life?

Please don't.
You are loved. You are wanted. And you are so special.
Don't do this to your loved ones. **They need you.
 Aug 2015 HIding
Got me
instantly hooked
As he looked up
straight into my eyes
I never knew
there were
eyes coloured electric blue
And I stood there
Being burned
by the icy fire
storming in his eyes
If exists
any magic
then that
In this moment I
was frightened
drawn in
As if I knew that these eyes
his eyes
could ****** me

and I wanted them to
 Aug 2015 HIding
And when you told me about all the things you love,
With mad passion in your eyes,
I fell in love with you

And when you shared your thoughts,
Too private for small talk,
I fell in love with you

And when you placed your responsibilities over your self,
Too demanding for anyone to fulfil,
I fell in love with you

And when you loved,
Loved a stray dog, affectionately working your fingers on his neck,
I fell in love with you

And when you hid your pain,
Masked brilliantly in your laugh, for no naked eye to suspect,
I fell in love with you

And when you sang Chasing Cars,
Humming, unconcerned with the passing traffic,
I fell in love with you

And when you told me about your day,
From the big accomplishments, to the tiny, gorgeous observations,
I fell in love with you

And when Ed Sheeran sang All of the Stars,
Thinking all I wanted was nothing more, than to see you walking in that door,
I fell in love with you

And when they told me how amazing you are,
People unexposed to even a fifth of your brilliance;
I fell in love with you

And a million other times,
In a thousand other moments,
Irrespective of intent,
Forever more,
I fell in love with you
 Jun 2015 HIding
David Hall
 Jun 2015 HIding
David Hall
sitting serenely under summer stars
while your fast asleep in bed
no one there to share the thoughts
that are racing through my head
all the things that make a life
are things that we no longer share
when I try to voice my passion
not sure if you even care
all the things inside my heart
I doubt you’ll ever know them
in fact I’m pretty sure
you’ll never even read this poem
 Jun 2015 HIding
David Hall
turn out the lights
and lock the door
my heart can’t live
here anymore

I beg don’t laugh
it’s not a joke
a heart won’t stay
where the heart was broke

my heart still beats
my heart moves on
but it’ll take some miles
til the cracks are gone
 Jun 2015 HIding
2 am and i can't sleep
wide awake too tired to weep
funny how feelings
can make you weak
it's a long road, rough and steep
just hope i find the peace i seek.

people are so sweet and kind
if only they could help unwind
the tortured ropes within my mind
could help me break
the chains that bind
only God can help me find
bless'd release from this
pain which grinds

carrying a sack of stones
is no weight to bear alone
it will break my very bones
i want to cry, but will not groan
what I must do is clearly shown
i must be humble and atone.

i've got a message to be spread
been writing vanity instead
when all is done, all is said
when pretense is finally shed
is it truth or lies i've fed
my fire, in truth, is almost dead.

try and understand, my friends
no matter what the current trends
this path we're on
has trech'rous bends
the broad way winds
the narrow wends
but all paths DO have their END.

though i have been torn apart
it is time for a new start
strength comes from
the peaceful heart...

(c) soulsurvivor
Haven't written about
The Lord Jesus Christ in
Some time... it's high time I did.

I'm only on site a short time
As I can only write late at night.
I want to thank you all for sharing
Your well wishes with me...
They are appreciated more than
You could know.

I'm going to be FINE.
Just experiencing a rough patch.
As are we all... I'll be back to
Read again soon!
 May 2015 HIding
Nicole Dawn
 May 2015 HIding
Nicole Dawn
I was feeling so trapped;
I wanted to die.
I locked all the doors,
Thought, "why even try?"

Yet soon I want out.
But I can't find the key.
So I break through the window,
I've escaped now you see?
I was feeling very down awhile ago, but things are looking a little better now :)
 May 2015 HIding
 May 2015 HIding
Is this how it's gonna be, jealousy?
Do you still think there is between us, chemistry?
Would you save me from this crazy, empathy?
Because my mind keeps haunting me, endlessly.

Why do I keep thinking about you, hopelessly?
Is it your bold brown eyes', specialty?
Or is it your lips taking me, breathlessly?
Because I keep falling for you so, carelessly.

Why do you hold such an, authority?
In my heart are you my death, penalty?
Why does your love holds so much, density?
Sometimes I wish for all, clarity.

Is my mind begging for, serenity?
Does your heart beat for me too, tremendously?
Can I wipe out our times and, memories?
Because darling I've loved you so, shamelessly.
One day I'll show you my scars.
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