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Kerri May 2015
Always  in the spotlight,
but coddled by the darkness
A bright, colorful flower
that never wanted to bloom
She pulled the sheer, black curtains
over her eyes,
welcoming the night
An arrow shooting into the Midnight moon
swallowed whole by wicked sin
Flirting with the Devil
and soaking in the evil serum
She turned her face away from
the beacon in the night
never to return again
Leaving to the world
just a ghost of a little girl
Kerri May 2015
She emanated simplicity but in a most extravagant way
Her olive eyes and wild sunshine waves;
adorned with gold around her neck.
The world lay willingly at her glittery heels
She scooped it up in wonder;
curious of it's riches.
But her fingertips ached for something more
A love as deep as the ocean's darkest blue depth;
that even the admiration of multitudes couldn't reach.
Her dizzying dreams knocked her down;
As she fell through the clouds,
she reached for my hand
we were gliding.
Kindred souls lifting each other up
saving each other the way that only we can
Breathing in the sweet air;
succumbing to the possibilities of having the world
and each other too.
You are my world;
my simple, extravagant world.
A Love Story.
Kerri Apr 2015
We wander around this world
For years as
Strangers in our own bodies
Until we're blindsided
By that special soul we meet, an important essence in our life that
Shapes us, molds us, and helps us find ourself by unknowingly extracting the passion from our veins
And shooting it blindly towards the stars.
Just a short little poem with an important message of gratitude.
Kerri Mar 2015
You tell her you love her
she says "I know I can see it in your eyes"
you look into hers and beneath the aqua blue
you can see she loves you too.

But she won't say it. She just turns her head and bites her lip.
She's not supposed to say it.
Willpower is something I strip off nonchalantly baring my naked soul
she zips hers up and holds it tight, she's not ready to be free

You share a visible yet impassable love
a beautiful gift kept tied in a bow, never for the world to open
Two stars floating in the universe meant to collide
yet always passing each other by
Chemically balanced, but time is never on your side

The sparks fly spitting out flames
but never catching fire
All that remains is a shorted circuit
because she never could be free.
Kerri Mar 2015
I gave up everything just to be with you
and ended up losing it all.
You flung your narcissistic charm at me
and my heart caught every bit of it willingly
like a young girl hungry for the spotlight

Kisses, roses, and promises you handed me
The kisses were shared, the roses they died,
and the promises were lies.
You lured me in with your big brown eyes
leaving me breathless and wanting more
You gave me more and then you took it away
and I fell to my knees in anguish.

A love that was doomed from the beginning
but I took that blind leap anyways believing in magic and trust
You betrayed that naïve girl who wore her heart on her sleeve
and left her to rot in the dust

I sulked in my bed sheets, craving death
peeking over the covers awaiting the grim reaper
It was a tragic year.
But then I started to grow
and I started to heal.
The world suddenly seemed so clear.
I fell in love with another face...that face looking back in the mirror.

I gave everything up. I lost it all. But I finally gained me.
Kerri Mar 2015
Taking a drive on a Summer night
getting lost on country roads
Windows down, holding hands
the smell of fresh-cut grass
the harmonious sound of cicadas and tree frogs
while the wind blows through our hair.

It was perfect.

Parking the car beside the lake
Beneath the stars
on a cheap, cotton blanket
making love on the riverbank

We were perfect.

Breaking the rules
dancing on a bridge
You falling asleep on my shoulder
at midnight
as I drive us home.

Life was perfect.

These are memories I will never lose
from a Love that didn't last
Kerri Mar 2015
First I met your soul..
It was a thunder-filled vortex, ******* me inside
before I could defy the gravity of it's pull.
There was no time to look. I was there. Inside your soul.
Inhabiting it.
Feeling it billow all around me like a heavy smoke.
Swallowed up by your unmitigated love.
Then I met your eyes...
They matched the color of  perfect exhilaration of your soul.
They danced around inside me like a gust of flurries released in a January storm.
Covering me even deeper.
Then I met your skin...
1000 strikes of lightning burning inside.
Desperate bodies clinging to each other in a swirl of madness,
an undeniable spark that is too vast even for perpetuity.
I know your skin.
I know your eyes.
I know your soul.
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