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1.1k · Feb 16
Gary Feb 16
Did you ever
a dandelion pick,
blow each seed
and make a wish.

Was that wish,
a wish for wealth
or was that wish
a wish for health?

Or was that wish
a wish to see,
a field of gold
in front of thee.
677 · Feb 28
Another poem about love
Gary Feb 28
Love ties bows
around garbage bins.

Turns losses into wins.

Brightens a sky,
shortens a queue.

Changes one into two.
353 · 3d
The jigsaw of love
Gary 3d
Piece by piece
It slowly builds,
A Corner,
The sky.
The colour blue.
A cloud,
The edge,
The colour red.

At the start,
It grows clearer.
With time,
Breaks apart.
Gary Mar 1
If ratios strike fear—
into every one in two,
half the world will be—
in abject misery.
167 · Mar 10
Gary Mar 10
Loss of emotional control.
Over stimulation of the senses.
Vacant stares during mundane tasks.
Eventual break down in all rational thought.
Gary 1d
Chill of a northern town —
rows of orange streetlights pour,
light on red brick walls.
133 · Feb 19
Gary Feb 19

Easily measured,
On a balance sheet.

But harder to count
On a single hand.
121 · Feb 16
Gary Feb 16
let's cover heads with winter hats
and criss cross fields with winter tracks

be quick to  claim  this winter scape
the early bird new tracks will make

long before the last chimney smoke
The wind will craft a winter coat.

across this land a blanket bright.
concealing blemishes winter white.

as the sun appears to try its hand
at waking up this freezing land

the bitter chill will win this fight  
between bright  blue sky and coming night.
91 · Mar 9
Drab a eb ot drah sti
Gary Mar 9
It's hard to be a bard.
Gary Feb 16
A drainpipe, a drain, and an old sock.

3 things that may not mean a lot

to you.

To me they do.

When the latter is connected to the former.

Nothing gets through.

My dads idea.

What a man.
Gary Feb 16
Are you the one that plots and schemes?
knitting below the guillotine

Are you the one that hastens gloom?
by shielding sun and clouding moon

Are you the one that plots and schemes?
knitting below the guillotine.

Are you the siren with sleight of hand?
who wrecks young lives on rocky land.

Are you the one that plots and schemes?
knitting below the guillotine.

Are you the one with the underhand?
who  builds a promise on shifting sands.

Are you the one that plots and schemes?
knitting below the guillotine.

Are you the one on either side?
Devil's advocate, friend and guide.
69 · Mar 8
The transfer of pain
Gary Mar 8
I turned my back,
ignored its pleas,
but found it,
staring back at me.

I tried to hide it,
beneath my bed,
in a wooden box,
with a wooden lid.

But it shook the floor,
rattled the pipes,
knocked the door,
and flicked the lights.

I tried to paint it—
the colours ran.
I tried to shape it—
the best I can.

But it returned.
Caught unaware,
so I sat it in—
a doctor's chair.

"Doctor, please,
I have this pain,
something that
I can't explain."

"Listen, sir,
all tests are done.
Clinically speaking,
there's nothing wrong."

So I locked my pain
in the trunk of my car,
and drove it down
to the nearest bar.

The bar was full—
of people like me,
hiding their pain
for all to see.
63 · Feb 20
Puncher Marks
Gary Feb 20
Night falls, lines are drawn.

No time to take a breath.

Doors swing wide the length and breadth.

Slipping from bars and into cars;
new Geisha girls in search of pearls.

Inflated smiles, puncher marks, chiseled-chinned oligarchs.

Hypocrisy rains and soaks the sheets
Hypocrisy rains and soaks the streets.
59 · Feb 16
Gary Feb 16
Blackbird, blackbird are you sad?
Has Magpie taken all you have.

Is your song a song of sorrow,
or a tune for a new tomorrow?

What to do with your empty nest?
Should you weep or warn the rest?

I think I know what you should say.

Magpie, magpie keep away.
57 · Feb 14
A midlands town
Gary Feb 14
Perched on my windowsill,
I can remember it still.

Sounds of lawns being mowed
and the great north road.

I wandered back then;
Where were they bound?

Why would they pass—
such a wonderful town.

Still, I look back and smile,
from where I am now.

All we knew back then—
was this Midlands Town.

The friendships we made;
the bridge where we played.

We would boast of the dens;
we built with our friends.

The dens have all gone,
and friends have moved on

to where they reside,
in towns far and wide.

But one thing that we share,
that nothing compares.

The sights and the sound,
of this Midlands Town.
57 · Feb 14
Gary Feb 14
From the tallest mast to the tallest tree,
my words won't be seen from land or sea.

They won't strike fear into the bravest heart,
challenge the mind, or a discussion start.

But this ramshackle collection of word and rhyme,
has subtleties and candor within its design.

Its message is 3 fold, direct at your heart.
First, to the void that's left when we part.

Second, I dedicate to the tone of your skin.

Third to your returning hand and the feeling within.
55 · Feb 27
Last words
Gary Feb 27
I've come to that age,
when I'm starting to wonder—
about my last words,
before I'm no longer.

Will they be wise,
the words that I utter?
Or will they arrive,
direct from the gutter?

In the throes of passion,
if that's where it ends,
will my last words—
be words that offend?

Or will they be muffled—
by way of a pillow,
by a long-suffering wife;
my soon-to-be widow?
52 · Feb 12
The Washington mayor
Gary Feb 12
The Washington mayor
said there was nothing to do,
only thoughts and prayers
we can offer to you.

as lights flashed blue,
and lights flashed red,
their souls are sleeping
on the riverbed.

while the CEO announced
to family and friends,
that his only regret
were the downward trends.

Casually dressed
to allay their fears,
he hoped his words
would dry their tears.
46 · 20h
Dial L for love
Gary 20h
Can I stow away
in the depths of your heart?
Hidden in the shadows,
I'll stay out of sight;
then slip past the guards
in the dead of the night.
I'll be that stranger
stood at the bar—
pinstripe suit,
buttonhole, tie.

A knowing look,
our secret code.
The wink of an eye,
our signal to go.
Exit by a side door
into the night,
a shadowy figure
beneath a single street light.
A scribbled message,
in a telephone box—
L is for Love,
P is for Pay.
The babysitter, she's asking—
she’s done for the day.
45 · Feb 14
White flag
Gary Feb 14
let the covers,
hide my face.
an impostor,
take my place

to all parties involved
all maneuvers on hold
Raise the white flag
cease to resist.

draw down the blinds
wave away the masses.
stop the world for the day
let it slip from its axis.

on the street below
there'll be no show.
no masquerade
no ticker tape parade.

no background noise,
no constant hum
no hustle or  bustle,
no beating drum.
Gary Feb 18
Far from the land,
and seven seas.
The mountaintops,
the tallest trees.

Beyond the clouds
that wrap the Earth,
there came a star
that fell to Earth.

'Twas not by chance
she found her way,
from her home,
a world away.

I'm like you—
I wonder why
a wandering star
should wander by.

Her aim was not
to light the way,
to celebrate
a sacred day.

Nor was it
to grace a flag,
or wind up on
a sheriff's badge.

Her aim, in fact,
to make you think,
or your heart,
to make it sink.

For this is the star
that hears the words
from the voices
seldom heard.

Voices that wish
for one last page;
the ones that wish
for one more day.

So before
you close that book,
at your inbox—
one last look.

Bear in mind
that little star,
counting wishes
from afar.

— The End —