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 Jan 2015 Michelle Bowman
If I ruled the world
Justice will make the wicked shake in the knees
If I ruled the world
Law will be obeyed

To every man who have  pillaged a woman
You will be enslaved
To anyone who has taken the innocence of a child
You will be slaughtered without trail

If I ruled the world
Safety will be a ensured
If I ruled the world
Your silent screams will be heard

When God isn't there Justice will be served
A hand will be there to help the weak
A soldier will be made of every theif
If I ruled the world
War will not be more important than those in need
There's no such thing as a perfect world...
 Jan 2015 Michelle Bowman
"you look happier lately"
i smile
i'm not

"are you doing okay?
yes, better
i'm dying inside

"i think the world of you"
you shouldn't
you don't

"and i worry"
there's no need anymore
please help me

"keep smiling"
thanks, i will
*you'll never know
your tongue down his throat stabbed my spine
and your fingers in his hair tore the veins in my wrist
you smell like his cologne and i want to stick ******* down my throat
when your hands intertwine like vines on a gravestone
remember me six feet under
to: my sister because i hate your selfish *** 13 yr old boyfriend !!! also could be interpreted as a lesbian poem!!!!!
pacify my mouth with a white-knuckled fist
and kiss my scars with a tongue void of emotion
squeeze my knees together with hands too bruised to hold
with my shaking fingers
will the knots around my neck
  squeeze me like you do
    and leave bruises like you do
the ends of your hairs tickle me
along the sides of my neck
and tell me to scream
tell me to scream
scream when you leave me alone after dark
scream when the burn of alcohol no longer stings my lips
scream when the bags under your eyes turn into luggage
    stationed next to the front door
your hands around my neck tightens like the knots never could
and the luggage looks like heaven
and somehow i find myself in the inside of your suitcase
yeah .
 Nov 2014 Michelle Bowman
Friend I'll never misrecollect
I wish I never met you

Now that it's just us two
Now that the good times have come to an end
I just want to say thanks
For being a good friend

I know that I'm a mess
I know at most times, I'm not at my best

You were my best companion
Now you're on your way to being a champion
You left me at the bottom where I've always been
Where I'll always stay
Now when we see each other, we just say "hey"

I can't forget the ******* memories
Then and now seems like two different realities
I know I've asked a million favors
Just don't forget about *me
 Nov 2014 Michelle Bowman
I'm in awe every moment
I admire her every word and movement
It's impossible for me to ignore her

I think about her every minute
I have to suppress the thought of her just to get things done
She is my fire in the sky when I can't see the sun

I'm just so hateful
I want to hate her
but I can't find a single reason

What will become of thoughts like this
I just want to grab her wrist and show her hands are meant to be held

How can a person be like a season?
Like the leaves in fall
I can make her face turn red
Autumn is only person that makes my anger and hate  *decimate
Autumn isn't even real, she's a generic(fictional) representation of everything perfect and every imperfection you can adore in a single human being.
his grip on my thighs become the reason
i lie about the boys of summertime
and their sweaty hands that trail my tan spine
which turn into sharp knives come wintertime
as snowflakes fall to the hardened ground
i remember my body against yours
and the burning embers of our red love
in fall it dims and dims and dims more
until its black against the white ground
black like the nights we snuck out our homes
and found each other with the white of flashlights
the sun rises before we're ready
winter comes before we're ready
our burning fire turns to cold cold ash
that **** is fire

first sonnet hell yeah
 Nov 2014 Michelle Bowman
When I was younger I've been on the receiving end
Always getting what others got for themselves
Now that I'm older I see myself giving in
I question why some people are kind to me
How could they when all I am is negative energy

I dreamed a world where I could wish on a shooting star
When I looked at the sky I wondered where the stars were
My demons held me down until I felt a pain that's sharp
I gasped for air woke up in the dark

I would rather live than be alive forever
Living for myself is my only desire
If Autumn ever comes around to change my mind
I know then I can happy and leave my past behind

Move like water around the rocks resting in a stream
Is how I live never overcoming anything
To move like birds in a forest that's so green
Is how I want to dwell before I am deceased

I dreamed I surpassed everyone's expectations by far
To imagine such a reality seemed too bizarre
Every time I want to move forward, all I can feel is the walls in the dark
 Nov 2014 Michelle Bowman
Was a word she was afraid to say
Every "how are you?" ends with "I'm ok"
Why doesn't she just run away
When he says he loves her he doesn't mean it

She walks with her shades on
For her eyes are of a burglar who has had their dignity stolen
People walk by oblivious to what's it like for her at "home"
She longs to be truly alone

She walks with her shades on
I wonder "do you hate making eye contact with people, do you?"
The weather is beautiful as her yet she always wears a sweater
She doesn't let anyone know her arms are violet

Why doesn't she run away?
Why can't he just die today
An angel's wings should never be led astray

If she could know the world outside of that cowards grasp
Maybe the world could still enjoy her laugh
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