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 May 2018 Elizabethanne
he said
you are so gorgeous in the way
you write yourself on paper,
i've never met anyone
to paint with words.
he said
the birds sing your praises
in the early morning sun,
the dew still heavy on blades of grass.
he said
i have never seen such beauty
grace my irises of green,
never known the word perfect
until i told him my name.
he said
 May 2018 Elizabethanne
 May 2018 Elizabethanne
I’m sorry mom,
I’m really sorry.

I’m sorry for locking myself in my room.
I’m sorry for hiding.

I’m sorry for being a hassle.
I’m sorry for my pain.

I’m sorry for the money spent on me.
I’m sorry for wasting your time.

I’m sorry that I’m needy.
I’m sorry I get out-of-line.

I’m sorry I disappoint you.
I’m sorry I try too hard.

I’m sorry Mom,
I truly am.

© Regan
 May 2018 Elizabethanne
falling apart was never simple
always in the back of my mind
an impulsive reaction
to the love wasted on you

falling apart was never simple
i always had to pull back when the fire burned too quickly
sizzling away at my unsteady heartbeat

i am not angry with what we went through
i am not angry at what i've felt all these years
i am hopeless

falling apart was never simple
you pulled me like strings in the middle of winter's bitter evening
the crescendo of my screams mixing with the wind

falling apart was never simple
we all make mistakes
but this is the one i can never forgive
I wrote this back in July 2017.
 May 2018 Elizabethanne
i hate
 May 2018 Elizabethanne
so it was true
i wasted my time
and you told me from the start
don’t you feel bad for me?
i cried and cried
i was patient for the longest
thats just down right selfish
and the thing is
you don’t even realize that
I am as predictable
as the wind
with its current
drifting me alongside its
great passage

I am in no hurry
I just got here
and plan to stay  
for awhile

listening to the music
of the wind
sing so soft and sweet
as though the pain
of being unheard
was just too much

I exist here
loved and lonely
like the wind
but embodied
until it decides
to capture me again
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