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here is my heart,
here it is.
you are reading it.

"why do poets
have this courage?"

"what courage?"

"to be open."

"we were the caged.
we were the voiceless.
but now,
we are not.
don't let our courage make you believe
we have always been brave."
i love you all just wanna say this
Here’s to the feelings that flow
through my veins,

here’s to the love whose trip
was a lot of pain,

here’s to the days
where I am in vain,

and here’s to your heart
that I cant seem to obtain.
your smile able to cure
all of my sadness.
your laughter able to make me
forget the fact that
i suffer from anxiety.
Greet your mother
mother of lies
ruler of the world

I the evil one
deceive me
there's no noise
I'm wearing white
I camouflage myself
among saints

I've fed myself poison  
my sisters and brothers
don't follow me

I've been distant
I'm the cause
the problem
I'm the wicked one

like a star
full of sin

my blood reeks
of lies

love me
my angel of light
 Oct 2018 Eddie The Cool Ed
Poets don't have many
They are loners by heart and nature  
Every now and then a surprise finds you
My poetry has always listened  
Always been my friend
When you reach out
Read our words  
Pass a genuine  heart felt comment
Then you have the makings of a new friend  

Dedicated to Bracelet
 Oct 2018 Eddie The Cool Ed
My love for you has no beginning or end
It is pure and genuine  
Still surprising and precious
After all these years filled with laughter and tears
It is
still you and always will be
Still lose control
Love you with a full heart and star gazing soul  
There is no other

 Oct 2018 Eddie The Cool Ed
I'm running out
in this point in time
Being walked over
Talked over
I am not a mime
Lady luck, make me a route
Out of this pit, help me climb
 Oct 2018 Eddie The Cool Ed
Do you ever think
of a poem
that's amazing

and you're sure you'll remember
to write it down

but you won't
This is kind of my mood right now.
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