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 Jun 2018 Dannab
I Hate School
 Jun 2018 Dannab
I am 14
I go to school
I do my times tables
I write my essays
I do my homework
I get shot

I am 14
I’m stressed about school
I’m worried about my grades slipping
I’m nervous when talking to my crush
I’m anxious when speaking in front of the class
I’m scared that the sound I heard was a madman with a gun

I am 14
I am confused
I am frustrated
I am enraged
I am scared
I am hiding under my desk trying not to scream

I am 14
I hate school
But for the wrong reasons
I hate it because people have died in my halls
I hate it because every sound I hear is a gun being shot
I hate it because I’m scared I’m going to die
 Jun 2018 Dannab
you've done nothing.
you write.
you draw.
you waste time.


I craft emotions into words others can experience
I move feelings into visuals brought to life through my own hands
I create.

...but where does any of that get me?
You've accomplished nothing.

"That's a great side hobby"
"As long as you aren't thinking about doing that for a living"
"Don't compare yourself to others"
"She's sooo talented"
SO to a certain professor for that lovely quote that messed me up for months
 Jun 2018 Dannab
Sometimes you have no reason to stay,
and realize that's a perfect argument to go.
And that taking an entirely new way,
is the sore but single method to grow.

If you're washed-on abeyance's bight,
and you feel decision's heavy heft:
To choose the left where nothing's right,
or go to the right where nothing's left.

Remember it matters not where you proceed,
or which mountain you want to ascend.
It does not matter whether you succeed,
it is the journey that matters in the end.
 Jun 2018 Dannab
Emma K
 Jun 2018 Dannab
Emma K
dark midnights
beautiful yet
this dark night is a
nightmare in the making
 Jun 2018 Dannab
Emma K
 Jun 2018 Dannab
Emma K
is just life
in person
#brokenlife #stitches
your body is an instrument I mastered eons ago, when the stars were young.
it is you I have, and shall always yearn to play.

at my touch, you open up to me; lines of familiar notes upon my fingertips.

together, we harmoniously orchestrate the ethereal music of our souls: a sonata of infinite synchronicity.
the symphonies we conduct originate from the stardust of our souls.

© kalica calliope
 Jun 2018 Dannab
 Jun 2018 Dannab
We are beings of light you see

Collected together in unity

We are brilliant and strong

Yet, if we focus too hard

On one single photon

You're surrounded by darkness.

As we disapate and divide

To fixed on individual lives

Death, will always bring us

To an ending.
#Collectivesoul #light #lessons
 Jun 2018 Dannab
~ ♡ ~
God has blessed many with
the gift of sight in this
path we call life,
a gift that we
take for

~ ♡ ~
Along the way, I've been
blessed to meet the
special few who
truly have

~ ♡ ~
I did not have the pleasure
to meet her in person
But I can feel her
gaze in all that
she's written

~ ♡ ~
There never goes a day
when her page
is unwritten

~ ♡ ~
As she waves her hand
and thoughtfully
sews her

~ ♡ ~
For I feel that she adds
a piece of her

~ ♡ ~
There is a kindness in her
that all can detect,
a trait that this
world sorely

~ ♡ ~
And for that, she will always
have my respect

~ ♡ ~
This one for you, Kim.
I thank you for sharing your pages,
yours dreams
and your dreams within your dreams
This one is long overdue and dedicated to Kim Johanna Baker,
an eloquent poet who bears her soul on

I know it isn't much, but I'm wishing happiness, blessings
and love your way.
I will keep you in my prayers.

(For those who don't already, do look her up and follow her page.
You'll see what I mean!)

Be back soon,
Lyn x
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