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 Nov 2016 Damaré M
bad dream
****** scene
counting down to
 Nov 2016 Damaré M
you pulled out your
jim beam in front of
a bunch of little girls
in their tight jeans
who smelled like
pencil shavings
and I could only
stare at the stars,
count, speak softly
count, speak softly
speak softly.
(c) Brooke Otto 2016
 Oct 2016 Damaré M
God please forgive me for my curious ways
From this disposition I can't be saved
I can't refrain
from the difference in my soul
I'm disconnected from the whole
Can't You see?
I try so much to fit in and conform
I cry out to you about this but You never seem to hear my pleas
I thought I'd make you happy if I was the same
If I dressed in starched linen and changed my name
I thought only then would I be able to see
You, God, clearly
Because that's my truest and sole desire
To know God for myself, to see God's eyes
Wide and on fire

But could it be
That I'll never see
You when I'm blinded by religion and
I'll never feel you, hear you or
touch you
When conformity is creeping up my skin
How could I see?
Maybe without words,
or reason
or logic
Maybe by forgetting it all
I'll remember
Who God is.
Maybe, who knows?
 Oct 2016 Damaré M
he hit me
ol' time religion.
i went in a sinner,
then he
showed me the light
baptized me
in a flood
of his kisses,
and i came out
a saint.
Lately I've been thinking
About all the hairpin
Turns I've gone around
Too quickly
And almost eaten
My own ***
Straight into
A tree

And mostly
I've been thinking
About all the
Ships I've sunk
With tiny
Needle.     point
Of perforated
Perfunctorily placed
Sailor sabotage

All of those ships
resting at the bottom
Of my halfway conscious
Because I'm afraid
Of being the barnacle
Brained woman
That I am
Clinging to the bellies
Of the sinking
Ships I've carefully
Cast into
The depths

And lately I've
Been wondering
Why I've never been so
Lucky as to
Hit one of
Those needle poked turns
As fast as I could
 Oct 2016 Damaré M
 Oct 2016 Damaré M
"You have always wanted to save the world. But Darling, the world does not need your help. You have carried the weight of the world on your own when it does not need to be carried. It's okay. It is okay if you can't save the world. It's okay even if you can't save half of it. Heck, it's okay if you can only save one person...and it's okay if that person is yourself."
 Oct 2016 Damaré M
You thought you could spread your legs
to the first stranger who spoke your name,
but even then you were so ashamed of your skin,
the marks and scars of the body you were born in
that you eloped.
You never came back.

You asked what you had to do to be loved.
To be wanted.
It was all you've wanted.

The first boy whom you confessed to smiled, amused,
and asked, so?

It's the question you've been trying to answer all your life.


Your first kiss was at eighteen, ugly and untouched.
He only wanted your body,
but you've forced yourself to think otherwise.

Oh, love.
It is so sad to live in your own body,
to watch him watch her,
watch her link her arm around you and starts
telling you about her problems

oh, you had them too.
but you were just a listener,
with ears always, always open.
you felt like a mute. your mouth filled with sand.

Do they know how much you love yourself?
You did.
You had to.
You were trying, but no. You were not enough.

At night he is always there, in your bed.
Your brother, i mean. Whispering how much he loves you.
But in the morning he is gone
and you have not seen him ever since.

This does not make sense.
No, no more questions.
Nothing will ever make sense.

Today, you texted a boy who used to love you,
and when he didn't text,
you nodded to yourself.
it's alright. you expected this. be calm. don't panic.

your friends call you the queen of sarcasm, of loudness.
Some asked why you were always so depressed.

Depressed. Empty. Sad. Vulnerable.
It's all you've ever been since the day
you saw the front door close behind your father.
Since the day you left your own country.

But your days no longer revolve around your mother's sadness, or your father's violence.

And you are too old now. No more lighting candles. No more days of fresh hotel sheets and smells of sunscreen.

In December, a boy confessed he liked you.
You didn't want to choose him because you were lonely.
And when you wanted to choose him
because you were lonely, he was not there.

You thought if he comes, you would give him all your love.
All the yellow light you've been hiding in your heart.

You wanted simplicity. Love and his eyes.
Stop, this is getting too long.
 Oct 2016 Damaré M
Devin Ortiz
Bleeding into the rain
Crimson ink rolls down
Worn fingertips
Onto soaked pages

Broken in time, this
Moment has yet to end

When all the words
Left to say, bleed through
Years of stories, scattered
In the puddles ahead.

Yellow streaks rip open
The violent violet night
Just waiting for the boom.

Thunder crashing
I'll follow suit.
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