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 Oct 2016 Damaré M
but its a place
as dark and empty as
any other hole in the ground.
and when i'm
by myself
my thoughts escort me there
and wait for me to
peek over the edge
before shoving me in
and watching as i tumble
down into my own
*mental hell
 Oct 2016 Damaré M
Being the black sheep of the family
Is all well and good until winter comes.
The grass is frozen, food is scarce
And those stomachs don't stop rumbling,
Ever wailing to be appeased,
Unaware and uncaring to the icy conditions.
They're not monsters, no.
They huddle together for warmth;
Snow dusting their coarse wool
As they stand, determined to make it through the cold.
But their stomachs scream like dying beasts,
And the ache is so prevalent in their empty bellies.
No fat to chew on, time passes by so slowly,
And that black sheep is starting to look like the odd one out.
It doesn't look like food,
But it does seem just enough like an other
To smother any guilt that may linger
At the bottom of a recently-assuaged hunger.
They're not monsters, no,
Because the black sheep was never one of them.
Families stick together, folks.
You love my eyes so take my eyes
You love my lips so take my sighs
But don't destroy my eyes with cries

Because they they carry your image
And don't waste my lips on the ridge
They carry your fragrance as a bridge

Take all my passion from pole to pole
You can **** me but don't **** my soul
It carries you my love as a whole

Col Muhammad Khalid Khan
Copyright 2016 Golden Glow
He beheld an orphan as he rode by,
Not even her beauty could he bye.
A master of many slaves he was,
Who had just returned from the war.
Her chastity overwhelmed his senses,
That he was bound to keep her within his fences.

He tied with her the marital knot,
Showering his affection on her a lot.
Came night, he took her home in his carriage,
To consummate their blissful marriage.
In weeks there was a conception,
And he planned at the birth of his child a stupendous reception.

Come due time, the midwives held to him his new baby,
And when he laid eyes on it, his love died for his lady,
For the baby had the skin colour of a slave,
And he wondered if she had had an illicit affair behind him, slaked.

He was greatly in shame,
Not even her cries of innocence could redeem his fame.
He visited no more her bed,
For he would rather keep company with the birds.
He had broken her heart
And turned his attention to art.

Come one morning, he cast her out.
With her child, her fostal parents she sought.
All her belongings, he brought out to be burnt,
And there he discovered the letter of his brunt.
His slave mother writing to his white father,
That if his true identity was hidden, it wouldn't matter.

Now he knew, he was a mixed-race
Who had discriminately thrown out, his lovely wife who vanished had without a trace.
And his black baby he had scorned,
When his mixed blood had been the very thorn.
The poem is as a result of a short story I read concerning a man who stopped loving his wife who bore him a black baby when unknown to him it was from his gene. He was white just like his orphan wife but he had no idea he was mixed and so blamed it all on his innocent wife who he kicked out.

it's like finding an exciting new disease
that you never knew
you couldn't live without

it becomes your spirituality
after a "spiritual experience"
affecting everything you do

you're on the path to destruction
and you chase things that leave you empty
like impossibilities

you spiral down, down
until you reach the bottom
and there's no one to break your fall


after being down for long enough
your anxieties are replaced with apathy
to where up and down look the same

and if you're very lucky, someone may come along and make a huge impact
somewhat restoring your will to live

gratitude turns to love, love to obsession
as they become more valuable to you
than anything else in your existence


determined to be enslaved no longer
you cast aside your old, toxic friends
in favor of healthier choices

with a sizeable chunk of your life missing
you are left with a hungry void
that must be filled with something

so you take up a hobby, or several
and feel some contentment, but it don't last
you're trading one addiction for another


your demons haven't gone, but
you find you can keep them contained
if you can keep yourself busy

they're too weak to fight, but they will still
try to trick you into submission
by manipulating your dreams

and even with all the will you can muster
you find that you are basically powerless
and your higher power is tired of your ****

...and it will always be a part of you
 Oct 2016 Damaré M
Lora Lee
It is hard
to describe
how the rush of
          the drench
of a furious
     storm makes
my downpour
wet desert wind
that sparks me
sending currents
from the whorls of
                my scalp
down through the
rings of my spine
It trips over
like kimono silk
thick as the cream
of lapped-up
alighting my
senses in
rose quartz tints
igniting cells
to my surface
with earthed-up flint
The strike of rocks
echoes ancient
reverberating heat
throughout my scared
And I let the rain
pour directly in
to my soul's
humble vessel,
cleansing me,
from relentless
free of stains
from self-doubt,
to align my vision
with choice-infused fate
and I am the storm
that swirls through
the trees
I am the dream
whipped up thick
in the breeze
ready for surrender
as I pull the reigns
ready for the tender
         of the
"I am the storm/ and I am the wonder/when I have flashlights, nightmares/sudden explosions"
 Oct 2016 Damaré M
 Oct 2016 Damaré M
i think i am lost

because i've felt nothing
to be right, anger in every
drink of water, i used to be soft
and gentle,

but I am too calculated now
bleeding white lies and pretends
soup broth, brittle bones
snapping beneath a touch
or shaken by a lust
awaken by a kiss
put to sleep all the same

I have so little to give
I have been fronting with
what my mother wants to
hear, and I'm afraid it's all
a fib,

what if I am only a shell of
words my father has spoken
paper mache and tea leaves
a prophecy spoken too soon
what if I am to fail
swallowed up in
this bitterness

what if I
am to
(c) Brooke Otto 2016

checking in to say i'm not ok.
 Oct 2016 Damaré M
Robin Dunlop
Today you hung low in the sky,
And you reminded me of me.
With a thin, shadowy veil,
And only a sliver to be seen.

You seemed to reach for Jupiter,
The same way I reach for my dreams.
You stretched across the morning,
Hopelessly, it seemed.

Oh, last quarter crescent,
We are so very much the same.
We hide our many intricate details,
Revealing little more than our name.

You hung your head low in the sky,
With the sun glowing from your seams.
Today, you reminded me of me,
The morning of ten twenty-eight sixteen.
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