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 Feb 11 DKN
I’d like to talk about spring,
About nature’s breathe with fresh
And breezy mornings, sunny days,
About feelings in spring plesh.

I’d like to talk about love,
The one that takes you all, in whole!
It’s in your heart! It is inside!
It makes a magic just for all!

I’d like to talk about myself,
The one that I don’t even know,
About myself with different fate…
But truly, I guess I’d better go.
 Feb 11 DKN
I hate Greece
 Feb 11 DKN
The sun is drowning
And the day finally cease
And as the light falls
The night takes from me another piece
But it's ok
What's better than getting close
To the end I always chose
and it's not... getting to Greece
It's ok
the day goes
And i don't care if i overdose
At least i enjoyed it
At least I'm at peace
lol I'm so funny.. sigh...
 Feb 9 DKN
Marigolds tremble,
burnt orange flames in the breeze,
sun sheds golden strands.
Ladybird on fragile wings,
rides waves of autumn's sorrow.

Leaves curl, whispering,
the earth sighs with each ripple.
Daylight wanes, fades slow.
Contraction of waves unseen,
a soft grief hums through the air.
 Feb 9 DKN
What am I
 Feb 9 DKN
What am I,
if I can’t let her go?
If others move on,
find new faces,
new lives,
but I stay here,
chained to a ghost
I don’t want to forget?

Do they love less?
Or do I love too much?
Did I lose myself
in her laugh, her touch,
the way she existed
so effortlessly near me?

I don’t want to move on.
I don’t want a new story.
I’d rather love her
with all the weight of this ache.
for years, for decades,
for the rest of my life.

If that’s wrong,
then what am I?
 Feb 9 DKN
Carlo C Gomez
She smiles only in pictures
Her hair is growing long

With eyes closed
Au coucher du soleil
Her voice is dulcet
Her laugh is nexus

"Take me with you," she says.
"We'll make kites, we'll steal land."

The gentle arrival of rain
In the blue hour of
The portrait gallery
Makes her qualified to dream
About a serenade of water
And the blueberry boat

 Nov 2024 DKN
When all is done and I become with the stars,
Will you remember me?
For I have accomplished nothing,
Can you remember me?
I hurt you and you hurt me,
After all that, will you still remember me?
If I can't even remember myself,
Will you still remember me?
 Sep 2024 DKN
I am Lost
 Sep 2024 DKN
I am Lost

My soul resonates
with the prettiest and darkest things.
I feel and hurt
and live and rejoice
and die and hate
and forgive.
I do it all
in a whirlwind of emotions so no wonder.
No wonder
I don’t know what’s forward or backwards or even what to say
Or do next.
I am so lost.
 Sep 2024 DKN
Too far to see the death of dusk.
Too close
To feel the birth of dawn.
My heavier self knows itself
Far better
Than my lighter self.

Weight, in its multitudes,
Is one way of recognizing one's existence
Yet, in that burden,
So does the sorrow of its influence.
The weight of being,
The weight of loving,
Of regret,

Is both a realization and
A defining characteristic
Of one's self (if one is interested in such things)
Showing how true our wings,
Or lack thereof, are eternally clipped until
God decides whether we deserve them
                                                                     or not.
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