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Jeremy Betts
41/M/Washington State   
22/M/kenya    better guy blacker guy lover boy
Heavy Hearted
27/M/Toronto    every night fades to light
Caleb Kyme
25/M/Kenya    Music, poetry, songwriting, drugs
Thomas P Owens Sr
M/New Market, Va    Lover of poetry, film, comedy, the paranormal, OBX, Rush and women named Eve
Melancholy of Innocence
Planet Earth    Philo-poetic fable of love. Its our journey into self-discovery about true meaning of love. Poems of LOVE for Z Facebook: melancholy.innocence Twitter: melanofinnocent Instagram: melanofinnocent
29/M/Missouri Joplin   
Mark Nyangacha
21/M/Kisii    Trust the whole process
Farah Taskin
F    A thinker. A person who enjoys writing.
Wandering and wondering, around and about.
David P Carroll
M/Ireland    David P Carroll Poems All Poetry is copyrighted to David P Carroll under a Dublin and European Union court of law. Was on TV ...
Imran Islam
31/M/πŸβœ“Lure Pot βœ“πŸ    MY BooKs [] and I develop websites, design and format Amazon Kindle books
Opilo Enock
18/M/Nairobi    A poet by blood,a writer by passion.Poetry in the winds.Lives to whirl though dull like
26    I write to ease my anguished heart, and put out the fire of my mind.
Max Neumann
M/Inner Shelter    Writing poetry since 2002
30/F    on a journey
Thomas Bron Mukama
28/M/kampala    #herdsmanofprogress Am expediently Savvy, reloquished and distant from Ferocity. ..A Defined Son Of Justice..
Keiya Tasire
F/Canada    The tapestry of life keeps me in awe of it's wonders. Why do I write? Because something deep inside moves me to wonder, to understand ...
Hey guys! I'm just someone that likes poetry. I'm pretty chill and I like all genres of poetry. btw, if you follow me, I'll follow ...

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