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Cerasium Apr 2020
I’m sorry I’m such a burden to everyone
I wish it didn’t come to this but I feel like
I have no choice in the matter anymore
I have lost the one person who I loved with my entire being

I lost all of my stuff
I lost my sanity
I tried so hard to push myself past this pain
But it’s getting to the point where I can’t breath when I wake up

My heart is trashed
My mind has turned completely savage on itself
Everyday the voices in my head
Are screaming at me

About how stupid I am
How I’m worthless
How deserve all this pain I’m in
And I’m starting to believe it

I fall asleep crying my eyes out
Begging for it to stop
My night terrors don’t help either
I rarely sleep so sometimes I just cry all night

Waking up with tear stains on my cheeks
As I grasp for my inhaler
I don’t know how much more of this I can take
I’m trying to be happy for him

To show that I’m glad he’s happy
And don’t get me wrong because I am
But at the same time
I’m slowly killing myself

I don’t think I will ever
Be able to get out of this
The pain is getting too real
My only wish is that he remains happy

That he enjoys his life to the fullest
I will watch over him
Make sure nothing bad comes his way
He was given my soul years ago

And I refuse to take it back
I’m sorry I wasn’t strong enough
I’m sorry I might end up looking selfish
I’m sorry I will put so much suffering

Onto others for my choice
But I can’t do this any longer
Not by myself
Not without him
Cerasium Apr 2020
I’m so afraid right now
You come to be begging for help
But I can’t make out what you are saying
Your words are so cryptic I don’t understand

You say you are fine now
But why do I not believe it
I fear something happened to you
Something that you wish not to say

But how can I help you
If I don’t know what’s going on
I need to you speak to me
I need you to open your heart

Let me back in and voice your concerns
I’m only here to help
No ulterior motive
I just want to help ease your mind

You know I suffer from delusions
You know my mind creates horrific scenes
So please don’t hide what needs to be said
Or else my mind will imagine the worst

I understand I’m the last person
That you might want to speak to
But you came calling for help to me
And now I’m starting to fear the worst

Did she hurt you in some way?
Were you the one that hurt her?
So many things are rushing into my head
And with the way you came to me none are good

I’m so scared that something will happen
Something that will push you too far
If only you would share that burden
So I can help you the best I can

There is so much history
Between you and I
Some good and some bad
But I’m here to stay if you allow

You will always hold a special spot
Deep within my heart
And I’m sorry it took me
This long to get my head right

I’m back to my old self
The one you met so long ago
But my goals have changed
And I only want what’s best
Cerasium Apr 2020
I feel like I’m going crazy
My head is spiraling out of control
These thoughts that come flooding
Making me go insane

Pushing me to my limits
Causing me great pain
Pushing me so far
That I am unable to breath

Thoughts that push me so far
That my mind slowly cracks
And my demons threaten to escape
I’m so scared now

I feel like these thoughts
Are running out of control
Pushing me away from sanity
And closer to my doom

I’m so lost now
I wish things could get better
But I’m not sure if that’s possible
My heart and mind are no longer in sync

I just want this pain to end
I want to find the one I’m to be with
I want to stop the screaming voices
I need my life to turn around

I want to be free of the anguish
Free of this never ending battle
Between these vicious voices
And my ever breaking heart

So many issues
So little time
So much I need to get done
Yet there might not be any way to do it

So instead of doing the things I need to do
I’ve been battling with my thoughts
Pushing them away one by one
Until I am even able to move
Cerasium Apr 2020
You walk around
Like nothing is wrong
Hiding behind a chiselled mask
With crystal gems as eyes

Going through the motions
Like no one notices
But what you don't realize
There is me

I see the way your soul is damaged
I see the pain you wish to hide
So much pain it boils over
Threatening to burst from your mask

Though you are good at hiding
Though you are good at mending the cracks
I can see right through it
I just wish it would pass

But the more I see
The more pain you endure
I think it's time for me
To come out of hiding

No longer can I watch
As you writhe in agony
I can't let you do this alone
And I am here to help

Although you may think
That I am not able to see
We shared the same pain
So it's clear to me

The pain of self loathing
Of heartache
Of the fear of being alone
Of never finding the one who cares

Yet every time I see your face
I can't help but put on a smile
Because no matter what you say
No matter what you do

To me you are perfect
With all your flaws
All your worries
All your weaknesses

My heart became yours
So many years ago
But now it begs to return
Back to where it belongs

It urns to be by your side
To help you through
All the bad times
And to smile with you during the good

I hope this message
Can get through to you
Cause even if it doesn't
I swear to you

I will not rest
Until I see your face
Beaming so bright
With an authentic smile
Cerasium Apr 2020
The sorrow
The tears
The constant cries for help
All ignored and brushed away

I’m broken
Beat down by my own mind
Been that way for years
And yet my cries are never heard

I’m pushed away
Tossed around like garbage
No one really wants me around
And who can blame them anyway

My heart aches badly
But I know I can’t fix it
My mind screams loudly
Though I can’t silence it

The end of days is soon upon me
With no help how can one be expected
To continue this miserable existence
When all they get is ignored

I’m a burden on everyone I meet
I don’t deserve to live
Though I try so hard to voice my needs
It always ends in a fight

I no longer have a reason
A reason to exist
My heart is failing fast
I don’t know how much longer I have left

The one person I wanted to help me
The one person I cared about the most
The one person in which I love
Shoved me away to die

With heart shattered
And mind destroyed
I no longer have a reason
To continue this fight

No matter how hard I beg
No matter how hard I try
I can never fix this
Heaven knows I want too

My love runs so deep
That it hurts inside
My heart starts to burn
As pain runs through my chest

I have lost everything
There is nothing left for me here
No joy, happiness or love
Only sorrow and pain

So I wish you the best
Though I always have
For you to live
For the both of us

Cause even though
You ripped out my heart
And stomped it into the ground
I still love you to death

My soul shall remain by your side
For all eternity my love
For you were the only happiness
That I ever had
Cerasium Apr 2020
My love burns bright
Like a neutron star
Raging in the darkness
Bursting with new hope

When old love dies
New love blossoms
Creating a beautiful scene
With a splendid of color

The pain I once felt
Is slowly receding
Bring forth new hope
That I will be loved again

Though the pain of betrayal
Is still fresh in my heart
This new found joy
Is stitching it up

For when I am with you
All I feel is comfort
I feel the compassion from your words
And the kindness in your heart

Though I dare not speak it
My heart is already growing fond
I miss you when you are away
I crave you when you are near

My heart jumps when you talk to me
Flipping with such joy and hope
That one day it will be joined
By the heart which is inside you

Though we’ve known each other so little
We have talked to each other so much
We know each other’s weaknesses
Now we just need to build on each other

I’m willing to give it a shot
If you are with me
I don’t know if you know this
But I’ve already fallen for you

All you need is but say the word
And I shall follow you
To the ends of the world
Or even hell itself
Cerasium Apr 2020
There's this feeling inside my heart
And it's telling me that you love me
But sometimes you seem so cruel
I look in your eyes
And wish you didn't have to go

Then it all came to an end
But it's not a matter of what you do
My heart will always be with you
And I'll remember the times we had

And when I call out your name
It brings me to tears
I want to know how I can stay with you
I want to know how I can stay with you
I'm begging you with all my soul
You already have my heart
So take me with you

I just wish you could feel this pain
Deep inside my chest
Oh how I want to stay with you
Yet you walk away
Leaving me this way
All broken inside

And when I call out your name
It brings me to tears
I want to know how I can stay with you
I want to know how I can stay with you
I'm begging you with all my soul
You already have my heart
So take me with you

I'm all alone
I need you to know I love you
Oh god take me with you
Don't leave me here like this
How am I to survive like this
Without you
Without you
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