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 Jan 2016 Ezry D
I've got my own life to live,
I'm gonna be the one to die,
When its time to die,
So let me live my own life.
I stumbled across these lyrics in a song and it made me think that everyone  should make their own life and live it how they want to.
 Jan 2016 Ezry D
Do we dare
Say we care
And leave truth
To search for
what is
you and me
 Jan 2016 Ezry D
Zara Wolfe
I placed the roses you gave me
in a vase on my bedside
unaware of the pistol
you placed in my mouth
until I pricked my tongue
on a thorn.
Every hotel room
makes me remember you,  dear,
lonely paramour.
Hotel Tropical, Ermita, Manila
 Jan 2016 Ezry D
Shatter Me
 Jan 2016 Ezry D
Break my heart
Shatter my bones
And blow away the ashes
Then hug her
Smile with her
Laugh with her
Do you not remember?
Remember the promise you made me
Your promise to fix me
You've seen me at my best
At my worst
You know what this does to me
And yet you still do it.
I noticed your hugs getting shorter
The distance growing larger
We've grown apart
Do you no longer mean it?
Do your I love yous
And your I think you're beautifuls
Do they mean nothing to you?
Because I still mean it.
 Jan 2016 Ezry D
compilations of cold coffee cups,
dancing about in my candle-stained room
to French music from the 50's, today,
contrasting with the cacophony of construction
four stories beneath, below,
the day is blush.
rain as rosewater, fossilizes into flakes on the cheekbones, the lashes.
a quick reading of Kerouac reminds one to
believe in the 'holy contour of life,' whatever 'holy' means,
if it exists at all,
whether America is overrated,
whether i rather play in puddles of Scotland
or some foreign place,
how delightful it sounds, as Edith Piaf's
voice trances my loveless memory.
i'm cold. but we have to be.
 Jan 2016 Ezry D
The Colour Grimm
I have always dreamed of fire
Yet awake I dwell in dust
and the more I dream
the more it would seem
that Fear will light my pyre
 Jan 2016 Ezry D
Nick Feetchi
People enter our lives for two reasons,
Love or Lesson  
Anything positive is Love,
Everything negative is a Lesson,
Embrace the Love and learn from the Lesson.

-Nick Feetchi
 Jan 2016 Ezry D
In a world where it is so impossible to just be,
Can I trade places with you and you with me?

Could I live in your skin just to finally feel free?
To live a life under your warmth I would surely freeze.

Could I breathe with your lungs just to finally feel complete?
To breathe those breaths of atmosphere that never really belonged to me.

Could I look through your eyes just to finally spot the disease?
To observe through your eyes is the only true way to see.

Could I move your melodic mouth just to finally let my words leak?
To talk in your tongue was always the only right way to speak.

Could I borrow your bones just to finally walk with your feet?
To travel amidst your framework is the only way I may leave.

So in a world where it is so impossible to just be,
Trading places, it seems, may not be so sweet;
Because in this world where it is so impossible to just be,
You are just you and I am just me.
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