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1.1k · Dec 2018
Born Dec 2018
Today I've realized the weight of the word someday
It's empty
It has no hope
It's painful

It's the worse kind of torture
For an innocent soul.
It's not today
Or the next day
It's someday
1.1k · Aug 2014
Adore Me
Born Aug 2014
I often talk about love as an electric emotion
Good or bad fiction
That is still unknown to me
I've seen the worst of this illusion
As real as it is, it _is still a fiction

I often talk about pain
because am dying to open up  but i can't
so i to write my poems  
to be content, to be peaceful

I wanna feel you tonight,
don't want to be on my own
Just let me be your freak,
and spin the wheel tonight

We are,we are who we are
We are that who we are
We are just those crazy people

Don't worry about diamond
it left me in pieces
shining in blisters
that stranger with hiccups
in death you rest in pieces
A mixture of trance, truth, just a circulation of thoughts
1.1k · Oct 2014
Born Oct 2014
Am human who has fallen
This world is too big
my thoughts vanquished

Am too small
always deluded with it's little things
am chained as an admirer
forced to hang myself with it's excitements
and  enchanted into slavery

My heart 'spoke' it's truth
silently,but my actions remain dreadful
the deaf calls to my ancestors
bore no fruit.
Maybe I don't have a guardian angel.

I seek engagement in it's small
and i  pay with my sanity
Still choking on the weight of my
I woke up and swore never again
but am just a lung full of smoke gasping for more air
1.0k · Aug 2018
L i n d a
Born Aug 2018
Ring ring
Hello, Linda

Hello cate, you've hit my attention
I hope you got love and *****
Some pills for the oozing heart
Some illusion for the nostalgic memories

"Linda was diagnosed with broken heart syndrome
She rarely breathed
her heart was dragging her through most days
it was giving up
She  couldn't feel it at times"

Noo, today I've got cards
Maybe we can play tricks on your heart
Remind it how it feels to be alive  

What would you tell Linda

Write a poem

1.0k · Dec 2018
Blue III
Born Dec 2018
I've been contemplating about this life
Humanity and suffering
What we do
Why we do what we do
The rarest occasions that offer us peace
The happiness
The harmony
What gets us by
What breaks us

We live on a scope of dictated reality
Your life lightly making sense
Or does it
The struggles of getting by yourself
Pulling pushing and clinging
But clinging to what
Believing in what

What is happiness
Is happiness a matter of choice
Does that mean that we
Chose a scorching brutal life
In place of happiness
Was suffering forced on us

Beauty pageant
Whatever names we deem fit
Or intricately constructed
to award our highly dopamined life
Lies that  cushion us
A spongy dream that never ceased to amaze me
Or us

There's only an us if your willing to think
shun the ignorance
that strungles you
If that's even a probability
But i cannot blame us
On a reality that is shoved on us
A choice never made
But imposed
1.0k · Jan 2015
Born Jan 2015
Remember all the goose bumps inducing promises you made to me
well yes you do
you compelled this **** to love you forever

am that ****
the **** who lost'd his bullets
while trying to dive into solitude

Fiolina! Fiolina
the ache of my life
it hurts like nine hells
if you could see the burden behind these eyes
like how i felt when you left me behind!

you were my heart beat
being apart from you was more painful than my wounds

dear comrades
introduce me to whatever you've been smoking
i need to take a puff of this misery
and blow out all this sorrow
1.0k · Apr 2015
dusty coin
Born Apr 2015
My heart has grown more weak
my thoughts more sick
my existence  jinxed
my path darker and vague

Just let me speak
maybe I'll find some peace
in words that are meant to be phenomenon
and echoes the aches that are just too incredible

like a Cinderella story
once upon a time I went through nasty and fought it
optimistic, enthusiastic and more I was labelled

now I just crawl back to that hole
totally lost
succumbed to the darkness that feeds on me
my dismay on reply

*Will I ever find hope or just settle for a rope
Born Jul 2016
A heart clenched
Words stack on my throat
A mortal slowly fading into dust
An echoing dreaded thought "This is how you'll  be remembered"

day after wretched day I cling to existence
A glimpse of hope that darkens away
A fragile life filled with poignant thoughts

Tears  hidden in a smile
Reminiscing a day long dead
A speck of laughter
'That's a sound I've forgotten'

Enticed into slavery
a life I loathed, but longed for

Gasping for more air
at least I get to breathe before demise
a certain fate

Sometimes  dreams are better than  reality
In dreams I don't suffocate
On the weight of my actuality
I don't  experience a reciprocating sad story
I am the hero, not the villain

But, this heart has been diced
Tricked  into illusions
of a compliment and a potent smile

a deceptive story of a stitched heart
long forgotten
976 · Jul 2015
Born Jul 2015
You'll always be my heart beat
955 · Sep 2017
A robust rant >greed<
Born Sep 2017
Be prepared for anything

For loss of lives with no reason
an imposed treason
on your very existence

You'll feel like you are
the blackest or the whitest man on earth
racism shoved down your throat
and the hate keeps coming

Peoples morals will be axed
principles thrown out the window
we'll do anything
to get everything

Tyranny will have allies
Your complains will be put
"under advisement"
for you matter not

then you'll truly know
order, brotherhood and love
was nothing but a speech
and speeches are for campaigning

So I say
you quickly and quietly
Open that can of coke
and drown your emotions on a failing heart
like you've been taught

Or open your eyes
to the deep slumber of disillusionment
you've been subjected to.

And then you'll know
for the sake of peace
you gave up your freedom
953 · Oct 2015
Muse 'click of ~'
Born Oct 2015
Why must the truth
be turned upside down

Why is this a problem
a problem that will continue to be a problem

now is when you must hold your fate in your hands

now is when you must hold the bull by his horn and drag it to the ground
your fore father's
tried to be responsible
responsibility got them in the grave

You've been provoked
beyond endurance

You've been tortured and maimed
beyond pain

In his words bob Marley said
*don't give up the fight
Click of...., no words yet
946 · Jul 2017
A broken heart
Born Jul 2017
Walking slow
Cause am drunk

Singing songs
to forget your love

Buying duct
to tape my heart

Weeping for
my ailing heart.

You said
I'll never be alone

I know am far
from perfect

But you promised me
the stars

ever since
I've been singing
songs of a broken heart
944 · Apr 2015
147 am not just a number
Born Apr 2015
I only dreamt
but for a while

*I had hopes
for a better tomorrow

for you

for me

for us

I was young and still falling in love
I was young and still learning how to fly
I was young and still discovering nature and the wilds

I am still
and that
I fear most
dedicated to the 147garrisa students in kenya who were attacked and killed by terrorists
938 · Nov 2014
Life Goes On °•…
Born Nov 2014
Eventually the pain will go away

And you'll still have a shot at surviving
937 · Oct 2014
Thoughts of Fears
Born Oct 2014
I wish I could skip some pages of my memories
reminiscing most of unwanted thoughts
feels like all of my life
i have been waking up on the wrong side of bed

Life is full of commas,
at-least mine is.
am not complaining
i don't wanna question God
he wrote this one for me

I never told nobody
the things that go around me
i was afraid to be pushed
i was afraid to fall down

All alone with my worst fears
feeling the echoes of my thoughts
i need someone or something to hold on to
i needed to be told
everything is going to be okay

Lord make me a rainbow
ive suffered
and got myself addicted to things
the truth hurts
i have let my heart fall

My future is soo bright
but my past so ugly
i just want to correct it all
but it all still hunts me
am locked in this chambers

*secluded in my thoughts of fears
930 · Mar 2016
Moving forward
Born Mar 2016
I've learned from the mistakes I've made and I chose to leave my past behind. This is my next life
929 · Oct 2017
what do you see
Born Oct 2017
Close your eyes  
and take a look at your heart

What do you see

do you see it Stapled on the wall
unable to move

do you see it numbed to the pain that surrounds you
unable to care

do you see it suffocating and choking with ignorance
that it's been Coated with

do you see it fumbling on the floor
screaming for morphine

do you see it running, crawling
hoping for redemption

do you see the weight of the world crushing it
while you lose yourself

do you see it shackled, loveless
asking for help
928 · Sep 2014
Born Sep 2014
I still write about life's tragedy
and its circulations
the things that call for celebrations
and the ones that cause damnations

Am not good with goodbyes
i  never was
when things grew tough
i walked away

I've never felt a thing
i escaped attachments
i stayed away
and embraced solitude

I know most of us don't
understand my poems
my character is not that out
i dodged bullets
and my heart grew solid
927 · Apr 2017
Those days (II)
Born Apr 2017
We were diamonds
Riding on a carriage of dreams
that kept us going

Courageous despite smoky years
eyes on the price
believing its what we wanted

But it ain't what most people think it is
You follow it and it becomes an obsession
and you stray further from reality

You keep wanting and not living
Life becomes a dream
all you had to be was happy

Don't chase a false reality
contentment is what matters

In a world filled with greed
and cynic beings
longing for What never was
924 · Oct 2017
This poem IV
Born Oct 2017
This poem is wounded
Written with bleeding trembling fingers,
creating Choking suffocating imagery
death has never been this painful

This poem is crying
tearing for what's lost never to return  

This poem is tragic
stitching Whatever's left of your heart

This poem is a movement
giving voice to the oppressed
fighting for equality and justice
in a very cold world

This poem is your future
Modeling you for success
reminding you
even if it's a world filled with malice
there's still beauty in it
921 · Jul 2014
Born Jul 2014
i never paid much attention
i practice things i'll never say
Still rewriting defination of audacity
Head on the pillow
in my dreams
i never spoke until you died
in my dreams
I feel the earth move beneath me.

I am calm, I am content.
914 · Jul 2014
Call me poetry
Born Jul 2014
Call me a smoker
If you can read my poetry and get high on it
Call me the messenger
If you believe my poetry is talking to you
Call me a rapper
if you can create lyrics out of me
Call me a preacher
If you believe my Scriptures made you believe in God once more
Call me a taker
if you read my poetry a thousand times from different beings

Call me a pretender
If my poetry is just one of those many fictions you've read
call me a killer
if my poetry made you lose hope in love
call me a stranger
if you don't know me but we can still cling
call me a liar
if you just hate me and my poetry
call me a sister
if my poetry lived in one of your moments

Call me an executioner
if I told you that "bitter" truth you always knew but escaped
Call me a brother
if you know deep inside we are one
call me ?
If I showed you who Romeo is
Call me diary
if you read my poetry and remembered that you were here once upon a time

Call me a stalker
if my poetry is always talking about your ex
call me a friend
If my poetry told you that you love him/her very much and that's the scary part
call me a believer
if my poetry said something about judgment day
Call me a poet
if you believe am getting better at expressing myself,your world and the moment

If your reading this right now and you believe poetry is what brought us together.*call me Carter
being real
914 · Apr 2016
She said II
Born Apr 2016
Cry my child, for one does not bury a child without burying a part of one's soul with it.
Cry, for one cannot comprehend the ways of God.
It is for us to wash away our painful confusion  with tears and then to carry on.
For yesterday is not today and today is not tomorrow
913 · Nov 2015
129 am not just a number
Born Nov 2015
As you grew older


You thought you was bolder


But the world threw so much

and you couldn't shoulder

But I am
we are
with you
Dedicated to the 129 victims of terrorism in Paris
913 · Apr 2017
Born Apr 2017
Your locked on denial
still loading on acceptance

Suffocating on  belief
of her remains
of her tethered soul

With clenched heart you bargained
bargained with dreaded hope
Placing your bet on a desperate scope
believing that she wasn't "something" you loathed
912 · Nov 2014
Love Manipulator
Born Nov 2014
I honestly hate this exaggerated  poems of love

Some people write about this persons in really crazy way.

It's as if they wouldn't have existed if it wasn't for them.

I don't know if they wanna worship them, I just don't get it.
910 · Apr 2014
armoured I
Born Apr 2014
my life has been scripted in weird  ways

Just woke up in the most magnificent of rooms.

barely feel alive

already reminded of my suffering ,the royal kind.

I didn't ask for any of this.

An  empire,gold,women,slaves—my demise

Life can change in a jiffy!!!

dreamers dream,but I don't

expressing my imaginations in an optical way

Acting out my frustrations

Trying to remove this monster in me

Gold never gave me a smile
wait for part2
895 · Jul 2017
Does it
Born Jul 2017
Does it hurt?

Does it hurt

Does it hurt

Does it hurt

Does it hurt

Does it hurt

Does it hurt

Does it hurt

Did it hurt
895 · Oct 2015
the urge
Born Oct 2015
Why do I have  a feeling
this is going to  be like those poems
like theirs and yours

maybe for sure
this.. a flop
flop poem
terrible flute

before all this
chandelier was a beauty
until it fell
and crushed into so many tiny pieces

I wrote tequila to get over it
hand me a glass
a bottle of scotch
a paper and pen
tears will be my ink

why this poem
why Why this poem

a string is missing from my guitar
something doesn't feel right
my vocal is gone
my notes and..... that poem

I meant this poem
this titanic piece
am about to write

it doesn't look great
the iceberg
the icicles on our heads
why am I seeing dolphins
I thought this was  that poem
894 · Feb 2016
It's all you
Born Feb 2016
We all walk the same path
How far we travel depends only on ourselves
© Ibrahim
870 · Jul 2014
In front of me
Born Jul 2014
I walk with death on my hands
Constantly thinking about grave as a dooms home or a fragrant palace

In front of me there is heaven and hell

Death my judge and juror
Oh death!  Why you?
The destroyer of illusions,don't be furious

In front of me there's heaven and hell.
I wonder if ive earned a place in paradise
863 · Jul 2017
Born Jul 2017
A list of my problems
Sung like an anthem
Your the least to my miseries
Like the fine black berries or red cherries
Succulent and mouth watering

The tales to my secret survivor
Your kind and good behavior
Outnumbered your hypocrisy
By all my strengths still would stretch
All you wanted was to fetch, and leave me for clutches
Those crocodile tears are the least, least to my problems
It’s too late for the reconciliation
Just like you left a ‘fool ‘for humiliation
I was the least to your excuses and my downfalls,
Overshadowing the good deeds, take heed
You're the least to my rise and anxieties, the least to my problems
the voyager
856 · Mar 2016
Born Mar 2016
When I tell my children
My love story

It should have
tension, drama and action

And my heart
should be filled with romance
Born Jun 2018
I don't want to be content with what I know
I don't want to wake up to that regular normal life
The predicatable pattern
The usual circle

I want to to challenge my reality
My ever constant changing perception
Expound on my imagination

I don't want to settle for that regular normal life
I don't want to live and not taste the waters
I don't want to be limited by "this is how it's always been"

I want to deeply and empathetically  analyze
Transform the meaning of reason
Offer a vacuum of doubt instead of acceptance
Be critical in our dawning reality

I want to listen, truly listen and observe
I want to know why you believe what you belive
I want to think
848 · Dec 2016
Born Dec 2016
She lives in a forgotten tone
thoughts of a fairy rhyme
Still taunting her fingertips

the world felt heavier
Her pale blue eyes
Always shining despite the craters

She traipsed all over the city
Searching for her lost kick
Stuck in time
with words stuck in her throat
839 · Aug 2015
tsunami tides
Born Aug 2015
Tell me something about hoes and prostitutes that I don't know

Something about shame
Lost dignity
tarnished pride
of lost innocence

The untold stories
still unfolding

Your drunk now
You puke then
You've passed out after

Seconds ago
You were "high" on everest
something that comes with youth
being zillious
or just  "swag" they insist
838 · Nov 2015
Born Nov 2015
Why should I cry
He did this to himself

Am not sad
why should I be

It's a beautiful night
the weather is nice
and am enjoying my cigarette
834 · Mar 2015
timeless poetry
Born Mar 2015
Am growing feeble and older
am history,a forgotten sentence
a word covered in dust
a prose stuck in the mud
a rhyme waiting to flow

I've had enough of your blows
"I was once a great writer" but you ain't anymore
I might spit words that will get you choked
the days of future past belongs to the old

You are a fool young linguist
you strive for dust,
believing it's gold
quench your thirst,
but don't live life fast
you might turn into rust

am still a toddler
who breaks hearts
and still fills much stronger

breaks hearts!
you've been waiting for months,
weeks and centuries
to be told I love you
but as for me
for every word i wrote
they fell in love
815 · Apr 2015
Stripper at dawn
Born Apr 2015
here your lives at risk
they call you a gold digger
but the bruising winds knows better
bitter cold nights knows better
but what do they know?

Hell always upon us
when will we be spared!
always pondering on the same questions
that brings endless tears and memories
but what do they know?

still doing your best working this **** pole
at dusk we enjoyed blankets
and uncertain meal we never had
but what do they know?

It didn't matter if you ever fell in love with the moon
safe heaven was all you cared about
so you clouded the light that  illuminates you
and buried the once beautiful tales
but what do they know?

today I wrote you the stories of dusk
don't be quick to judge
but read and listen  
**and you will know
808 · Jul 2018
Born Jul 2018
The elite English language
Written or spoken
Sometimes imagined or painted
Cannot fully explain the depth
of a broken heart
806 · Sep 2014
Born Sep 2014
Wait first
please don't judge me
am just a human

Right this instant
i have fallen for this girl
i don't know what to do!
am only human

Call it a crush
or maybe am just a stalker
am only being real

I have this great fear
like literally am slave to this fear
i can't make a move on a female
my insecurity is just too much
793 · Jul 2017
poetic flavor
Born Jul 2017
I'll be writing poems all day thinking
that am creating rhymes

I'll be writing nostalgic screams in every stanza
that faded  into dust

I'll be writing poignant poems
that devour me of existence

I'll be writing smoked poems
that left me gasping for more air

I'll be writing lustful poems
that aroused my stitched shells

I'll be writing illusive poems
that I wept as my reality

I'll be writing shelved poems
that collected dust of your frightful memories

I'll be writing a potent poem
that echoes the dreads of this planet

I'll be writing you a poem
that bleeds Born's unquenched thirst for words
785 · Mar 2015
Born Mar 2015
I stopped writing like I used to
and I tried writing like your used to
but the syllables and hard words am not used to

am dry with words that can intoxicate you
but I know if I write my truth
the stars will glow as the wind brings you

so am gonna write to unfreeze my heart
am gonna write the unspoken words
am gonna write to free me from the chains that strangle me
783 · Oct 2015
Born Oct 2015
Past sins
Catching up
still trying to rid them off
but the temptation

But the temptations are just
too greedy
too much
too overwhelming

to be controlled
to be understood
to be unchained
783 · Jan 2016
Broken wings
Born Jan 2016
Seeing how all things die
Foster's compassion
© Ibrahim
772 · Mar 2015
Here We Are
Born Mar 2015
Here we are
where we were
we talked
we fantasied
we had illusions about us

Here we are
where we were
we whined
we fought
we scared each other

Here we are
where we were
we kissed
we caressed
we made love

Here we are
where we were
we toyed with our hearts
we,us,our kisses were full of lies
we,us,our love perished
we drowned
770 · May 2014
'click' okey pause
Born May 2014

Beats and weather,

flying from my haters like feathers

The music is so loud

I can't hear you beggers


Why hate fears,am with all my peers

Worst worst worst. Flagitious

Always under me you can never understand me

Up in tha sky,shining like never

My future so bright,"nightmares" a reality

                   Click... uhuh

Imma knock your head off 'huh' am I a sadist??

Remember me on the stairs

With my eleven tears

Praying wishing hoping for your extinction

If you can't relate,i will finish you with spears


Listen up clickers

Am a winner with no wings

A kisser with no lips

a Knight with no armour

When I slice you wide open;I'll leave you for the cheetahs"
this is me trying something close to multisyllabic rhythm

this should be a poem full of anger, tired of entertaining nonsense,insignificant friendships n crushed memories
766 · Dec 2014
Born Dec 2014
Things that I do for satisfaction  of thoughts
a fruit for my hollow nature

Things that I do for greed
a love that I can't exist without

Things that I do out of sorrow
a limping heart that seeks to be mended

Things that I do for solidarity with my demons
cling to the forgotten wounds that ******* me

Things I do when broken
die, death, put a black rose on my grave
761 · Jun 2015
Born Jun 2015
I've wondered in darkness
for so long
and forgot
how beautiful dawn is
758 · Dec 2014
You Don't Know Anything
Born Dec 2014
Your soo lucky you look beautiful
and I bet you didn't know am your favorite cloud, yeah, favourite cloud

                    Me running towards the sun to shade you is just a normal thing.
               The heat, my face falling
scorched skin , this is me preparing for the theaters
             You see, am a good actor, the one who just likes to cry at night and eat ice cream in the morning

             Ice cream in the morning! I know that's strange, but I have to freeze my heart so that I can run to  the sun
          when poets melt then romance fades
inspired by wicked hope
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