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Adrian Aug 2018
didn't think you would leave me
alone in the rain
guess I was blind
let clouds
fog up my visionn
guess I was stupid
for placing you so high
you had to fall
anyone would fall
but I didn't think you would leave me
alone in the rain
god i feel so
Adrian Jun 2018
grass stains
cover young knees
a dewy taste in the air
highlights the emerald
a deep breath
stains fresh lungs with
rumpled fields
perfect for the imagination
to run wild
Adrian May 2018
mustard leer
and sickly yellow skin
dead daffodils in her hair
her teeth are broken and rotten
and golden hair's gone sour
honey long forgotten
as she has been
she grinds her crooked, flaxen teeth
yellow has gone out of style
Adrian May 2018
a smattering of silver freckles
cover her wide eyes
her teeth are made of tin
a tongue that tastes like copper,
razor sharp and thin
her skin is the color of slate
hard and cold and pure
a granite gargoyle skeleton
a dark and gray allure
Adrian May 2018
and alone he sat
sparkling eyes and dusty red knees
that robbed the sunset of it's color
alone he sat
rusty in the twilight,
scarlet with blush
alone evermore,
the crimson boy of dawn
Adrian Mar 2018
You're a real comet boy
aren't you
everyone wants to call you a
shooting star
but you know you're just a
falling rock​
glittery and pretty boy
all bright and cheery
we all want to know if you light up
the dark
eyelashes cluttered
with star dust
​do you wear a crown
of broken moonstones?
​cracked and gorgeous
your beauty is your pain
so sad yet so pretty
comet boy
we all want to heal you
won't you let us heal you?
Adrian Feb 2018
I'd like to stay in dreamtown for a day
you see, I think it would be better for my health
I'd like to take a visit there
a quick little vacation
because in my dreams
conversations always turn out better
and in my dreams
everyone is always happier
see, doctor
I don’t get nightmares
so there are no disadvantages
I’d just love to laze around
in dreamtown
where there are always
bees buzzing, making honey
it’s always better in my dreams
everyone always loves me in my dreams
in dreamtown
where there are always
birds chirping, flying slowly
that world is superior
I get to have adventures in my dreams
so doctor
If I could have your permission
I request a prescription
for a stay in dreamtown
ticket for one
and if I don’t come back
it’s because I’m happier there
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