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  Jul 2016 Mona
Keith Wilson
I love my little garden, Lord
Which you have given to me
I thank you for this haven
Where you can set me free

I pray each night to give me strength
To sow more wondrous seed
And for you to bless the pretty birds
Who fly right in to feed

I bless you for my sight and smell
To enjoy the flowers so
And all the bees and butterflies
Who gently come and go

So bless my little garden Lord
It gives me peace and joy
For I have prayed each night to you
Since I was just a boy

Keith Wilson
Windermere, UK 2016
Mona Jun 2016
I have many
But my trust lies with none**.
  Jun 2016 Mona
God is very generous
He gives to those who seek
He resists the proud & arrogant
And undergirds the meek
He puts to shame the strong of mind
Gives wisdom to the weak

God is very merciful
He helps the poor & lowly
But He is not like Santa Claus
He will give, but slowly
He will not prosper greediness
For God is pure & holy

God is very fair & just
He protects downtrodden
He will not help the vengeful man
Who wants to **** and plots them
He will repay the evil one
For wickedness he's brought them!

God is of a lowly heart
He came to earth a slave
To His Father's every wish
To be murdered by the knave
Innocent of everything
They put Him in the grave

God is Truth & Righteousness
He won't bend to our whim
He won't wink his eyes for wickedness
Or rubber-stamp our sin
He helps those who want to change
And give them strength to win

For God is strong and mighty
He's not for the high-born
Three lepers ran off multitudes
He defeats who He has sworn
He gave David polished stones
To slay the Philistine

God  is patiently in love
With those of slower pace
He lets them fall, then picks them up
He does not turn His face
Does not regard color or creed
Adores the human race
He suffered the crown of THORNS
He came to share His Grace

God is the total Ruler
The holy angels sing
Around His throne and scepter
On their glorious wings
He's due praise & honor

For HE is our KING!

(C) 6/24/2016
I can't say enough about our God. Father El Elyon. Son Yeshua, Jesus Christ. The Water of Life, the Holy Spirit. The Three are One!

There are many great mysteries about God. His thoughts are not our thoughts. His ways are not our ways. DO NOT JUDGE GOD! You have no way to do so with a three and a half pound fallen brain! He is so far beyond anything we can possibly imagine. And for those who love Him He will give Destiny such as never before seen, heard, or conceived by anybody on this planet. We are in a testing ground. Sides are being taken and lines are being drawn. Which side will you be on?

  Jun 2016 Mona
Joseph J Breunig 3rd
O Lord, let them see You, in me.
With the Light of Your Presence,
the lost are unknowingly brought
closer to You and Your essence…

for the benefit of their souls.
With the divine manifestation,
of Your Spirit brightly shining,
allow Your message of Salvation

to flow effortlessly… out of me.
Let them see Your Goodness, Mercy,
Joy, Grace, Peace and Gentleness;
caress the souls who are thirsty

in tangible ways, so they may find
abundant Life and promised victory,
for which provision has been given.
Touch them Lord and let them see!
Author notes

Inspired by:
Eph 3:8-12; Gal 5:22-23; 2 Cor 13:3-5

Learn more about me and my poetry at:

By Joseph J. Breunig 3rd, © 2016, All rights reserved.
  Jun 2016 Mona
Jack Jenkins
If my God sacrificed
   His only Son for
   A manwhore like I,

Why should I be
   Unwilling to lay down
   My life for His glory?

I pray to die a death
   That will have His name
   Upon my lips when I
   Speak my last words.

I am but a lone man
   Rebellious in flesh
   Aloft in my desires.

Almighty I pray;
   Clean my heart
   With Your Spirit.
Mona Jun 2016
I have been a  traveler of many trades and stripes
I have been a  traveler who walks a journey only I know of

With my shoes worn ,torn and rejected
I kept traveling

I have been a traveler of many tongues and recipes
I have been a  traveler  who understands the  luxuries of  life

With my shoes flawless ,polished and accepted I travel well

I have been the traveler who sees and experienced all of this
I have been the traveler who felt ,pelt and lied

I am the traveler that knew
Torn shoes needed new soles and
Polished shoes made the  hands of others *****.

I am the traveler who stood idle and had nothing to do with actual travel!
A narrative poem about  Modern day experiences that  reject others and accept others
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