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 Aug 2015 Blair
poet ninja
Haven't you heard.... love cures all things?
It seeps into your veins,
burning through each layer
like its a second skin?
Its a once in a lifetime connection....
even rarer should you be bestowed
and granted to meet your twin flame.
Silence is comfortable,
beauty peeking through ocular view.
A vision so refined, it caught me breathless
As I stare into her eyes, i see a soul...
*"Welcome Home" she whispered,
'Time stood still while i waited for you"
 Aug 2015 Blair
Silence Screamz
Feed the broken monster
with the strangled mind
Replace the rusted screws
and tighten from behind

**** the broken monster
deep inside of me
Twisted rotten moment
no longer can I see
The monster inside of me peeks its head out at times
 Aug 2015 Blair
Baby, I'm a thief.
I will steal your sleep
With a word,
Enticing you to shed your blankets
And walk the night with me
Like a demonic Sandman
And we'll do un-Hypnotic things
And un-Morpheus things.
Nyx would be proud.
So scurry away little boy
I will make you so sleep deprived,
You won't even remember your name
And I'll send you off in the morning
With dark circles,
Drooping eyelids,
And to accidents lying in wait for you
Beware of me, love.
I will ruin your life
As I steal your sleep.

Forgive me, and goodnight.
A tribute to a poem written by a dear friend of mine. We all have nasty perceptions of ourselves to some degree. He thinks he's a shark, and I'm a sleep thief.
 Aug 2015 Blair
«You always write the weirdest things»,
she says with a java jive smile.
The sun burns red among the living.

I lay down with my thoughts,
what a marvelous sight:
you and the river.

I guess you are unique
in a world of colors,
so paint at your will.

And if my colors should fail
and jeopardize the painting,
I'll know what to do.

I'll **** every morning,
waste every sun.

I'd rather stay on the shore
and watch you happen
than to live with half a smile.
 Aug 2015 Blair
Morgan Leigh
A shooting star just went whooshing by.
It was so amazingly beautiful across the darkness of the sky.
Floods of images of your handsome face came swarming around me taking me far away from this place.
It pains my soul to know that you are so far away and it kills me to know that's where you will always stay. You vanished from my life as quickly as you came, destroying the hopes that I will ever be the same.
You put all my insecurities to sleep but held on to your own and buried them deep.
Through the darkness we went hand in hand destroying the demons like leaves brushing across this land.
I wish I could hold your hand one last time, letting you know that everything would be fine.
You soon let the darkness overcome your charm causing you to do nothing but harm.
You made your choice when you took that rope, by putting it around your neck I knew you had lost hope. The room is filled with my lingering words, my last 'I love you' will never be heard.
I am surrounded by suns and stars
A measly old lamppost that can barely stay lit
In the shadows of their bright lights
I'm barely visible
Who wants to watch a flickering lamp
When there are beautiful suns and stars all around
My heart is breaking
But they don't mean anything
It's just what happens when your a broken lamppost
Surrounded by suns and stars
No one can help me
I can't find any beauty
All I can see are suns and stars
And I feel all alone
A broken lamppost
Old and forgotten
All but abandoned
I just want to feel loved
I want someone to show this broken light
That I can be star
Or maybe even
In my dreams
I can be the moon or sun
In someone's eyes
But  tonight I'm a broken lamppost
And they are more beautiful lights to watch
My friends and loved ones all shine so bright. I won't ever measure up.
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