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 Aug 2015 Blair
 Aug 2015 Blair
you were nowhere on the weather forecast
a sudden storm that left me soaked
i loved the chill you sent through my bones
and the water cleansing my sadness.
i asked you three months ago if i was worth it
and you told me i make you feel dizzy
you were high but i know you meant it
and i think you're crazy for loving me.
all i want is you in my bones
and to feel the warmth of every one of your kisses
every single day of my life
you've turned me into something better.
there are still days when i can't get out of bed
and the thin lines on my wrists are a little more prominent
but you have become my home
where everything is sunkissed and light.

can you tell i'm in love
 Aug 2015 Blair
And then she asked
with a profound curiosity
something so unraveling
if i ever wanted to get better
i mean
if i truly wanted to get out
of this hell i became
to myself
and others
she asked with a disguised will to
pull me back up
from the black hole i'm in
but i was and i am
so buried
deep into this hole
that all i could do
was say "yes"
and i know,
and god knows
and everyone knows
that in that very moment
i told the biggest lie
i could ever tell anyone.
 Aug 2015 Blair
You know that feeling
mind is reeling
you are everywhere but
faces, voices, eyes alluding
to the "one over there"
the one intruding
and you check your palms
sweaty lines
tell the signs
this is not your home
but you enter anyway
we all do

enter houses that feel like itchy wool sweaters
and it's uncomfortable and you're not even sure you like it
but you tell others you've never been better
i dunno i hadn't written in a while so heres a quick jot
 Aug 2015 Blair
The Old Man
 Aug 2015 Blair
An old man, at the corner of the street,
Gently, he grabbed a violin, then a seat.
He was so violent and missed the beat.

An old man had it wrong, all the notes,
Covered in old ***** rags, stinky clothes,
Beneath his worn pants, appeared bare toes.

An old man played voilin, amidst the sleet,
Of an excessive bold fraction came a heat,
Of a strong volition to make sense of a beat.

A broken man at the corner of the street,
Without any glance by anyone, or a greet,
lonesome loner life, filled of silent weep.

An old man amidst the crowd and sleet,
With a dreadful face and a noisious glee,
Which echoes in an empty cup for coins.

An old dreaded man with a dreaded seat,
Waiting for a handful, to a mouthful meal,
To survive another day, but never to heal.

A deaf man at the same corner for years,
Playing violin, on a cold dreaded seat,
A man with empty eyes and deaf, ears.

2015©copy right

— The End —