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 Aug 2019 Starin
Have you ever felt
Something so very intense
You wanted to burst?
 Aug 2019 Starin
Love hurts
 Aug 2019 Starin
I tried to find you in everyone I meet
Your hair. You eyes your smile your personality
But no one will be what I want...
Because you're the one I want...
But I'm not good enough
I'm sorry I can't be good enough for you
That's why I need to go
Because. The pain of not being yours
Is opening up my sores
 Mar 2018 Starin
Frank DeRose
Black and White.
Dark and Light.
We are forever dividing ourselves.

I divide.
You divide.
He, she, we,

Divide between privilege and underprivilege.
Divide between have and have-not.
Divide between
And many other things beside.

We know that color is a spectrum of light,
But when it comes to race,
We don’t see it like a spectrum,
But rather as a hierarchy.
A hierarchy from black to white.
Lines clearly separating them and all the colors in between.

It is a hierarchical scale.
Each color weighs a certain amount,
And the lines are clearly drawn.

You are or you aren’t.
You are not both.
And white weighs more heavily on the scale.
More privilege.
More money.
More power.

And we weigh each other,
Never realizing that, aside from our different wrapping papers,
Beneath each skin lies the same gift.
Lies the same spectrum of emotion.

Different though we may be,
We are one species under God.

And yes,
We have different stories,
Different backgrounds,
Different cultures,
Different wrapping papers.

These are indeed differences to be acknowledged.
We are not identical.
But much like America,
Why do we not stand as United Races,
One people under God?

Why do we not respect our different cultures and stories,
And use them to learn and better each other?
As America plays the strengths of each state into one cohesive country?

Let us become equal,
 Mar 2018 Starin
 Mar 2018 Starin
sacrificed my own sanity
to live among humanity
expected humility
i guess that comes with reality
always ending in tragedy
resulting in insanity
forgetting my own identity
what happened to diversity
i guess that i will never see
the product of creativity
escape a safer fantasy
isolated in captivity
no remnants of community
where emotions become a disability
everyone losing touch eternally
only here temporarily
 Feb 2018 Starin
Jahanvi Goyal
The melodious voice, her silent voice.
Is nothing but a harsh reality of your choice.

Shutting her up and putting her down,
Doesn't give you a wise man's crown.
She who out of love performed every act of abnegation,
She is the one, the true sensation.

How could you be so insensitive to not hear?
So much she said through the eyes in tear.

For love and respect today she whines,
Despite your ruthless nature, with her love, you, she binds.

Maybe you don't know,
Even in dark she can glow.

She can extend the unforgiving minute,
Her strength and purity has no limit.
She standing on earth has reached the stars and sky,
Still in misconceptions you are high.

Open your eyes, your heart, your soul!
You're nobody to charge on her life any toll.

Do not underestimate this silent voice,
Her unsaid is heard even in the noise.

When this silent voice will come out of its shell,
Will that be the time when you'll ring a bell?

Today the voice is silent.
Tomorrow, my friend, it might be violent.

One who has brought you on this earth,
Don't dare to consider her as dirt.
Silently she can give you the pain of your life,
She is nobody but your mother, daughter or wife.

Her silent voice is loudest everywhere.
Her absence you won't be able to bear.
So from today, begin to care.
Wise man's crown then you'll wear.
 Feb 2018 Starin
your mom
I put my heart in your hands,
and for a while,
you kept it.
I put all of my love and trust
into you,
and you held it
for a very long time.

You held it safely in the grasp
of your fingertips.
Softly, in the palm
of you hands.

You kept me warm, and
you made me feel safe.
You loved with passion.
With strength, and tenderness, too.

You made me feel beautiful.
I liked feeling beautiful.

One day, your grasp on my heart
gave out,
and you stopped loving.

You let me fall,
and let me hit the floor,
without a single warning.
 Jan 2018 Starin
 Jan 2018 Starin
even my happiness is intoxicated with sadness
 Jan 2018 Starin
 Jan 2018 Starin
They say that you are your own worst enemy..
And I'm not sure who they are,
but whoever they are,
They're right.
Because not only do you have to wake up every morning and
hear your own voice,
touch your own skin,
see your own reflection..
But you have to wake up every morning
with every what if,
with every regret,
with every secret.
YOU really are your own worst enemy.
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