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Shu hang Dec 2017
We were one, we were a team
Now you're gone, never to be seen
I see you every night in my dreams
I'm empty now, but you're happy, it seems.

I thought that I did everything right
Until I saw your message that night
Am I wrong or am I right?
Should I have put up more of a fight?

After all this time and now it's over
So hard to deal with all this when you're sober
Maybe I should go sit in the rain
With a pill and some ***** to numb my pain.

Don't want to talk, I just need time
To realise that you're no longer mine
Have to figure out what I do next
The next girl I find will just be for ***.

I feel emotional and physical strain
Losing myself, I'm going insane
See your face and I know that I'm dreaming
Wake in the night, can't breathe and I'm screaming.

If it's not my stomach, then it's my head
3am heart racing, that feeling of dread
Lately I just don't feel like me
Vision all cloudy, just wish I could see.

Each day I try so hard to pretend
My whole body feels broken, just wish it would mend
Right now it's difficult for me to carry on
I'm trying not to break, I'm trying to be strong.

Standing here shaking, on the grass
whispering to myself, 'this too shall pass'
Earphones in, drowning out the voices
that are in my head, along with other noises.

What I need is to forget about you
To change my scenery, to change my view

I can't give in to this depressing mood
I need meditation and solitude.
Shu hang Nov 2017
The light of few so brightly shone,
and there you left. Going, gone.
Away, away, still further you went
the love strings of my heart so bent
dead and gone, the flame put out
my mind no longer filled with doubt
'you're mine', I say and still you walk
my lips quiver, no way to talk
I cannot go on, not anymore
yet every day I'm at your door
there I stand, alone in the cold
every day until I'm old
come back to me I beg of you
still I wait through rain and dew
prepared to stay until my last day
my love for you shall never fade
Nov 2017 · 284
A moment in time
Shu hang Nov 2017
We saw nothing that was inside
your face everything so well did hide
he'll be okay - no use prying
but inside your heart was dying

A mask you wore to hide the pain
the sadness and sorrow, driving you insane
and still we saw nothing, not even a glimpse
not a shudder, a tear, not even a wince

As you stood there, feeling only dispaire
in the silence of 1000 stares
we ran to you, having finally caught on
but too late we came, into the woods you had gone.

Slowly you walked, under the light of the moon
your heart wretching from pain and gloom
and there you came to a solemn standing tree
from which nobody your act could see

Just one moment it took for thee
to set your mind, your soul a'free
at last your suffering put to ease
a lifeless body swaying in the breeze
Nov 2017 · 373
Shu hang Nov 2017
What he says may roar through the crowd
But on deaf ears it falls
after years of sunken silence
The profit becomes an equal
His thoughts remain untill
they don't
The rain falls a new
and out of the pool more musings rise
To which music is played
respect is shown and hands are thrown up
He too does revel
in his following, his pool of delight
it's turned to acid, by God
of course.
An image is shown
All who gaze upon it shall remember
untill no one does
and long after
one thousand cycles past
We are all shown as equal
as no one is left to remember
what is good or bad
the creator of words is gone
There is only what is
but meaning there is not
for we too
upon taking that first breath
we too were fooled
Nov 2017 · 435
Shu hang Nov 2017
I am the futile nightmare
I am the one you seek
Oh so long ago
I plunged my talons deep inside your flesh
And as the thick, dark blood oozed out of you
we watched together as your life diminished
Sharing in this agonizing torment
I held you in my embrace

I am the impervious manifestation of evil
As you begin to realise
You are going to die
Our bond strengthens. As you lay
In torturous suffering
I stretch out my tongue
And scrape it along your cold skin

I am that of which nobody dare to speak
Born from the putrid blackness
I surround you
My viscous texture engulfs you
You become me
I become you

I am the one true commonality
In every reality I exist
In your reality I dominate
Upon a towering mass of corpses
I look down into chaos
And from this throne of bodies
I do as I was made to

I am everything
never changing
And as a mother consuming her fetus
I consume that which lies inside of me
Through this sick game of time
from which my will is derived
I am left knowing only your fate
for none is mine.

— The End —