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 Dec 2015 Ayeshah
Jacob Cuadro
Peace or dark words that pollute the air,

Observe the Knowledge of creativity and the imaginations for the world to share.

Evolve with the meditation of words to strengthen your mind,

Tome a secret place where you can hide and have your adventure of words to build that you can’t find.

Rejuvenate the art that you create in your mind to paint the world of new life and energy that you bring,

Yoke words that brings people in this world together to reunite peace and love because poetry is everything.

By Jacob Cuadro
Poetry  is everything
By: Cedric McClester

A Muslim goes to pray
At any mosque on any day
Which is not meant to convey
The things their critics have to say
I don’t know if you’re aware
Despite the way it may appear
A mosque is just a house of prayer
You’re not indoctrinated there

So wasted time is being spent
Looking at which mosque a terrorist went
That don’t give you the slightest hint
As to why he became so bent
You are more likely to find
The source that captured his warped mind
Somewhere down the dial on line
That’s how he became so blind

Nowhere in Qu’ranic teaching
Will you find what they are preaching
It’s a matter of them reaching
Their own ends while they are breeching
Everything that Islam stands for
Which put simply they ignore
Though that’s the badge they wore
While acting in ways Muslims abhor

They can bastardize the text
And baffle some folk’s intellects
By ignoring the balances and checks
That the Islamic religion projects
And it’s easy enough to fall
If there’s no foundation at all
You might answer anyone’s call
Who can reinterpret and enthrall

Cedric McClester, Copyright © 2015. All rights reserved.
 Dec 2015 Ayeshah
Jordan Rowan
Last time I was here I was waiting
For the perfect storm to come
I saw it from the cafe
And under lightning, I had to run
As the porcelain lay broken
Under the feet of weary eyes
Last time I was here I was waiting
For somebody to make me cry

Last time I was here I was burning
Under strangely colored lights
If only I did some learning
From all the previous wasted nights
And as I tried to forget the voices
That never seem to go away
Last time I was here I was burning
But I tell everyone I'm okay

Last time I was here I was broken
Like I've never been before
I can still smell the smoke and,
I can still hear the door
But as I still remember
All the things from before
Last time I was here I was broken
I'm not broken anymore
 Dec 2015 Ayeshah
Christina Cox
My parents ask me questions,
“How was therapy?”
“Are you using your skills?”
“How are you doing?”

My parents want the answers,
“It was good, I learned a lot.”
“Yes I am, my urge to cut is going down.”
“I’m doing great, feeling great.”

But the answers I give are silent,
Fine, please don’t ask about it.
No, I feel like a failure when you know I am.
I’m terrible, I hate myself, I want to die.

My parent’s desire is for me to get better.
While I scream inside because face it,
**I’m not.
 Dec 2015 Ayeshah
I’m tired of love poems
Of sonnets that lie
Waiting to capture
That sweet kiss
That deep seated wish
Of eternal love
But the truth is
Even love is impermanent
Under this firmament
Above the ground
Love can be found
Love may be sound
But people change
And promises exchanged
Can’t always be maintained
So give me a love poem
That licks its’ lips
At an angel’s hips
That shakes with fevered desire
Run its’ flaming course till it expires
Then finds it end peacefully
Buried beneath memory’s tree
Till then it’s me loving you
Loving me
 Dec 2015 Ayeshah
The Dedpoet
Do you know what awaits beyond
Your dreams and hopes?
Do you suddenly in the later years
start to think about regrets?
     Before losing oneself in the tide
Of timeless past amidst a dense thought
Of who we ought to be,
     There in the afterthoughts stirring
In the depths of your gut,
A great extension of yourself comes about,
That which blindly guides us through
The dust of days.
    And the rust of yesterday's patterns glues
Itself to your brain which racks itself
And inhabits  the heart which weighs
Itself heavy.
    Do you remember when she first kissed
You suddenly and intently?
    Do you remember when she walked away
In tears and you furiously said nothing?
    And she became a regret
Waiting in ambush,
And the thought of her becomes like
A deep well in a vast desert,
The water inside holds a bittersweet charm,
She still awes you,
Against all the time,
Afainst the whole of the Earth,
And still a hope erupts from somewhere
Deeper like the rope that pulls you
Out of yourself.
     Such a familiar sadness.
Who are you compared to then?
And the hope wells against the tide,
Another part of you is born,
This one can see a distant light
From a certain view.
      And the rage is a hope,
      The regret a sad song,
      we remain more
      When time is least,
      And the least becomes
      A joyous misery.
 Dec 2015 Ayeshah
I'm just a girl who refuses to be forgotten.
I refuse to allow y'all to edit my story.
I must speak my truth,
And I must write my story.
Because being forgotten,
Is an untold story I refuse to allow happen.
This is one of my best poems I believe I've written .:) Enjoy
 Dec 2015 Ayeshah
Made For
 Dec 2015 Ayeshah
I was made for rivers of pain
Not plain crab but red grass
Smoked inside an appled colored flame
Dazzling while I dapple in the rain
Stained like church windows
Ready to crack before I crumble
Ready to rock before I rumble
Ready to bleed before I am humbled
Loneliness and uncertainty
Are spooks that keep ******* me
Ghosts that keep haunting me
Camouflaged and hunting me
Longing for the curves of her spine
To touch that thin line
That creases her smile
But I watch from a distance
Keep the memory of a dream
Keep the lie of what might have been
Add it to my repertoire
Stirring it in sweet saccharin  
But bitter as black coffee
The same color of her luscious flesh
Another heaven that I haven’t touch yet
Another sorrow for the lack of
That makes pain in to artistic stuff
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