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 May 2014 Aditi
Diana Mae
 May 2014 Aditi
Diana Mae
Remember the time, when we sat on a bench
and you spoke with such eloquence;
I got scared

Remember that time, when we danced in your basement
and you kept stepping on my feet;
there was no music

Remember the time, when I laid my head on your lap
and you were so tired that day;
you made me cry

Remember the time, when you kept punching the door of your room
I was just outside shouting;
we made love that day

Remember the time, when I threw things at you
I slapped and clawed you;
you said "I love you"

Remember the day, when you said you were tired
I begged you to take me back;
you didn't

Remember all those times, because I never will
I may not deserve you, you may not deserve me
but those memories are worth remembering
 May 2014 Aditi
Jesse Belcher
So this is it
I said "goodbye"
To this ever changing
chapter of my life

You never knew all of me
You never took time.
Too busy with your facebook status
Never seeing the signs.

I moved on and
it feels so right.
But fear grips me
and squeezes, "Oh so tight!

Afraid of love
and all it's about.
Wanting to open up,
but so full of doubt.

Free fall down into the unknown
give you my heart and relinquish my soul
it's best for what life shall bestow
so do I take a big step in the unknown?

Never look back, for this is the choice
don't question myself, and keep my mind poised
take a look up, thank God and rejoice
because the truth is, I know I made the right choice

So I follow the path and forget the past
this devotion and emotion, I'll make sure it lasts
with passion so wide and a love so vast
pain and sadness will be things of the past.

I fear to fall, yet I wish for love...
Nay, I desire love.
A love that will have the arms crafted of the strongest stone,
A love that shall have both of us in a deep utter fall.
A love that requires both of us to make it true,
A love for the ages, a love meant for me and you.

So don't give up on me because of my fear,
One day I'll be open and everything will be so clear.
I'll open my heart and let her in,
and give her my love... Again and again.
 May 2014 Aditi
Sam Edwards
 May 2014 Aditi
Sam Edwards
I am alone.
I am the one and only.
Me and my enemy, myself.

I cast my heart out too easily, afraid I'll never find the missing half.
When in my heart I know that if I never accept my own love, how can I expect another to do the same.

Thinking alone is a dangerous game.

My mind loves to think of strategies, little ways to cope. My mind also loves to trick itself, whispering of hope.

Am I meant to stand as one? Alone with my shadow, who is forced to stay connected? Meant to follow my heart's compass, which is always misdirected?

You can only walk a path alone so many times till the beauty starts to seem fake. You can only sing the melody so many times until you think that the harmonies you imagined were just unreachable dreams.

Dreams that once they pop, come unraveled at the seams.

I crave for touch. I long for comfort. I wish for understanding.
I want to fly and touch the sun, and never think of landing.

For once, though, I know my problem. I don't let people in, and if I can't heal myself, the problems come again.

I become so obsessed with fashion, wearing a mask that from the exterior, doesn't look forced or odd, but if they saw me for who I am, they would be quick to call facade.

I put up barriers: confidence and wit, but soon realize that not even the highest walls could protect me from the raging inferno known as my inner thoughts.  

I obsess, I manipulate, and I belittle myself in to thinking I know best, I write symphonies in schedules so I don't have time to think or rest.

But time does come, where the mirror will rise, and you can see straight through your smile, and all the other lies.

Most do not notice, perhaps they just don't care, few can truly detect the dullness of my stare.

That is not their fault, for I'm a learned man, I learned my part too well, for most people see my heaven, while I myself hide the hell.

I'll compress my feelings to lock them up, to protect myself, and to protect others. For I fear if I show others who I am, I will truly be alone.

I don't let people see, for my emotions are my demise, I'd much rather have my friends who love me for a happy half, then let them see my self despise.

It is a viscous way to live, I know. My worst fears are my own thoughts, fabricated by me, prepared for the drastic, so I can handle them if they come, like a flood that I know will never happen, but yet I still build an ark.

Prepared to walk alone, before the conflict even starts.

Alone is not my name.
But alone is how I feel.
The more I think alone,
the more that reality becomes real.

I cast my heart out too quickly, praying for a bite,
but not a soul comes biting leaving another lonely night.

I am lonely, I am broken, as my poem has shown,
Until I learn to trust and let others in,
I will always be alone.
 May 2014 Aditi
Forgotten Dreams
We could just be friends,
But that would be too easy.
For you to turn and run...
For you to go and leave me...

We could just be friends,
But then we'd have no excuse.
For the conversation that last for hours...
For feelings they induce...

We could just be friends,
But these feelings would last forever...
That moment when you get friend-zoned and you just don't understand why...
 May 2014 Aditi
There are a lot of things wrong..
With the way you make me feel
You make me feel like I'm taking acid
I start to feel dizzy and like I'm shooting over the clouds
Because you called me cute...

But then you take 96 hours, 27 minutes and 34 seconds to reply to a text message or phone call I left to you

I worry. And that acid trip starts to plummet and I feel like I am falling

Extremely fast. And the second I'm about to hit the ground. You're suddenly back.

And I am planted softly on the ground

In a daze. But then you're gone again.

Then. 5 months, 2 weeks, 7 hours, 52 minutes, and 8 seconds later. You finally start talking to me again.

Apologizing for breaking my heart.
For literally taking my heart and squeezing it. With the blood oozing out and my heart deflating and it literally feels like my heart has been seized out of my chest into the palm of your hand but some how I can literally feel you hurt my heart

And that very pain sends electric shocks to my brain. And I'm blacked out mentally until you "apologize"

And the dopamine in my body starts to spike and I trick myself into thinking. "Yes. It's all going back to normal, we aren't crazy" "we aren't crazy"

Yes we are

You make me feel like I will die without you. If I can't have your existence present to me. I am literally a bomb full of depression. Ready to implode into myself at any given moment.

You crush my desires into fine dust and set them in a line and snort them so you can watch me crumble to nothingness. You take my happiness with a needle and shoot it through your own veins. You take my love and put it in empty pill capsules and pop them whenever you're lonely. And you literally leave me with nothing but sadness.    

You literally abuse me like I'm some sort of drug machine. Whenever you need it. I've seem to always have it.

There are a lot of things wrong with the way you make me feel.

But what is really wrong, and disturbing..

I still love every. Single. Piece of you.
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